Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

Still hanging in there. I haven't relaxed since March 2009; I probably wont relax again until December of this year.

Hi Ladies- I finally relaxed at 73 weeks post!!

Stretching isn't for everyone; but it is for me. My next stretch has already started. I intend on going for another year. I figure, three more yearly stretches and my hair will be right about where I want it (MBL or over). I am a junkie for stretching and I am darn proud of it. :grin:

Just to put things into perspective, this is where I was before my long stretch:



This is me, last Satruday, fresh out of the salon:


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OMG beans4breezy your hair looks so lush and vibrant! Definitely motivation for me :yep: 5 months to go I can make it.
Hi Ladies- I finally relaxed at 73 weeks post!!

Stretching isn't for everyone; but it is for me. My next stretch has already started. I intend on going at least another 20 weeks, but knowing me, I will go longer. I am a junkie for stretching and I am darn proud of it. :grin:

Just to put things into perspective, this is where I was before my long stretch:



This is me, last Satruday, fresh out of the salon:



WoW!!! awesome. u should make a brand new thread with these comparisons. Love it!!!!!
Hi Ladies- I finally relaxed at 73 weeks post!!

Stretching isn't for everyone; but it is for me. My next stretch has already started. I intend on going at least another 20 weeks, but knowing me, I will go longer. I am a junkie for stretching and I am darn proud of it. :grin:

Just to put things into perspective, this is where I was before my long stretch:



This is me, last Satruday, fresh out of the salon:


your hair is beautiful. congrats on the great progress. Keep it up!!:dance7:
Your hair looks great beans! Please share your techniques for stretching without going nuts!

From weeks 1 to 16 (when it is easier to manipulate my hair)
CoWash/DC weekly (I mix a protien conditioner with a moisturizing one)
Moisturize/Oil daily
Roller Set pin ups or buns during the week

From Weeks 16 and Beyond (when new growth starts to get bucky)
This is when I use no manipulation hair styles. Braids, Twists, Wigs..etc
Moisturize daily with a braid spray
Wash/Condition Bi-Weekly

OMG beans4breezy your hair looks so lush and vibrant! Definitely motivation for me :yep: 5 months to go I can make it.
You can! The pay off will be huge!

WoW!!! awesome. u should make a brand new thread with these comparisons. Love it!!!!!
Thank you Sylver2! I know you hear this a trillion times a day, but you really are my inspiration:notworthy, so to get this post from you means the world to me! Thanx!

I'm shy though- so I wont be making my own thread.

oh my @ Beans! what beautiful progress!!

Thank you ladies for the great comments!!
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ladies what are you doing w/ ur ends after a co-wash...i normally put them in rollers but sometimes they aren't dry in the morning...then my ends in my banana clip look all fuzzy and ugly.
Hi Ladies- I finally relaxed at 73 weeks post!!

Stretching isn't for everyone; but it is for me. My next stretch has already started. I intend on going for another year. I figure, three more yearly stretches and my hair will be right about where I want it (MBL or over). I am a junkie for stretching and I am darn proud of it. :grin:

Just to put things into perspective, this is where I was before my long stretch:



This is me, last Satruday, fresh out of the salon:



OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh:shocked:! I am in awe beans. You have made stunning progress and I am so proud of you nad can't wait to see where you'll be in another year or two.
I am only over 80 weeks post my last relaxer. I am intending to relax/texlax again in 2011 or 2012. I am not entirely sure which yet.
I just wanted to congratulate the success stretchers! If your hair cooperates, the payoff is huge! My longest stretch was 40 weeks, and I know it's something I can do again - I just get that itch to relax when a trip or special event comes up!
sm... please come back and post how you are stretching for that long. I was planning a 26 week stretch. but after looking at beans results after 73 weeks... I am going to keep on trucking.
From weeks 1 to 16 (when it is easier to manipulate my hair)
CoWash/DC weekly (I mix a protien conditioner with a moisturizing one)
Moisturize/Oil daily
Roller Set pin ups or buns during the week

which protein and moisturizing conditioners did you mix?
I'm in! I plan to stretch until Christmas. Not sure how long that will be but I am keeping count with the ticker in my siggy. Wish me luck!
OMGoodness!!! My expression is the same as the girl's sitting in the back! :lachen:

It's funny you should mention her Taz. That's my little cousin. When she saw my hair, she says to me, "Sabine, didn't your hair used to be short?" I almost picked her up and kissed her!

I was planning a 26 week stretch. but after looking at beans results after 73 weeks... I am going to keep on trucking.

You can do it!! :yep:

which protein and moisturizing conditioners did you mix?

WEN Conditioner OR WEN Moisture Intense Masque (fig/sweet almond) with either ORS Hair Mayonaise or Aphogee 2 Min Keratin Recon.
OMG Beans - I nearly just spit my coffee out, lol. Amazing girl- that stretch PAID off. Your hair looks so swangalicious. Go head girl.
Beans4reezy, I had to come back and take another peek at your beautiful hair! Just gorgeous!

ETA: You need to post this and your reggie in the main section. It will help a lot of people.
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Im only 9 weeks post but I did a 22 weeks stretch with weaves from Feb - June. I'm really thinking about going until April 2011 with braids/weaves as my ps.

How is everyone holding out with there long stretches?

I can use some pointers.

Thank in advance ya'll
Yeah beans, I want my hair to be just like yours when I grow up:yep:.

Updating: I am exactly 84 weeks post today which means I have 20 more weeks to go to get me to 2 years post. I am slowly getting there.
Aww you guys are such inspirations. I'm currently 6 weeks post. I plan on relaxing at 21 weeks post the earliest. I even want to keep stretching well into next year. We will see.