Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

thks:)and welcome to the board
well for me...i never really need to since the styles i wear hardly ever show my edges. i wear my hair out 95% of the time. center part hanging down straight or braidout. edges never shown. all i need to worry about is the part at the top which i keep smooth and flat with the scarf and moisturizer. even the few times i do wear a bun or ponytail the hair is still in a center part covering my edges.
the few times i wear a side part then those edges are showing but again kept flat and smooth with lots of moisturizer and satin scarf.

Thanks! I guess I need to do a much better job at getting my scarf wrapped tight around my edges. I usually part my hair down the middle too, and then tuck both sides of hair behind my ears. So it's the little part of my edges right above both ears that just puffs right out. lol Well, again, I guess I just need to practice more. But I ain't giving up! :nono: Not as long as my NG is thick & growing like crazy. :lick:

I had my hair relaxed by another stylist and I felt as though she over/under processed it. So, I was going for a 15 week stretch. Now I am considering a touch up on 1-1-2010 that will put me at 29 weeks post. I really only would like to relax twice a year. I will have help from my SIL to relax. My thing will be lots of protien/moisture-.
24 weeks post as of yesterday and still going strong. My braids are looking kinda crappy now though:grin: I need to refresh my hairline. I really need to keep these in for at least another 2 weeks:yep:.
Not sure what's going on with my ticker *sucks teeth*
...but definitely I'm definitely 14 wks post as of good..
Not sure what's going on with my ticker *sucks teeth*
...but definitely I'm definitely 14 wks post as of good..

I was having the same issues with my ticker too so I don't even use it anymore out of sheer frustration:wallbash:.
24 weeks post as of yesterday and still going strong. My braids are looking kinda crappy now though:grin: I need to refresh my hairline. I really need to keep these in for at least another 2 weeks:yep:.
Okay Aggie, I need some tips on stretching any and all welcome. And also I am tender headed...I miss my braids. I usually wear about 13 french braids or corn rolls to the back, but I have detangling issues also yet I have to wash them a couple times week if I decide to get them back, I sweat in my head. Any tips on detangling after I wash my braids, in the past my almost mats :wallbash: but i'm getting a little tired of bunning. Thanks in advance Anna
Okay Aggie, I need some tips on stretching any and all welcome. And also I am tender headed...I miss my braids. I usually wear about 13 french braids or corn rolls to the back, but I have detangling issues also yet I have to wash them a couple times week if I decide to get them back, I sweat in my head. Any tips on detangling after I wash my braids, in the past my almost mats :wallbash: but i'm getting a little tired of bunning. Thanks in advance Anna

Well, I don't wash them too often, maybe once every 7-10 days at best. I also find that you should refresh the vulnerable hairline every 3-4 weeks and uninstall the whole thing at 6-8 weeks then redo them or they WILL mat and you could risk losing your wonderful progress.

When it's time for me to take down my braids, I saturate them at the roots with a natural oil first, then slowly unravel them. If they get a little matted I find it is best to take them apart very slowly, little by little. Have you been on and watch the tutorial they have there on unravelling matted hair after a braid take down? If you haven't, then I would recommend that you do. Very helpful.

I run my fingers through my braids everyday to keep them from matting to each other and also to keep the individual braided hairs from sticking - that's the only way I know how to describe it, I'm sorry. Good luck.
Hi Honey. Nice to see another curly perm wearer in this thread.

My last touch-up was on June 3rd. If I can successfully hide my hair this winter, I will not touch up again until May of next year, probably right before Memorial Day weekend.

My intentions are to wear a sew-in like Ediese from Oct - Dec & take it out for a 2 week break during the Christmas holidays.

Right after the New Year, I will reuse the hair & wear a sew-in from Jan until the end of March.

Since I will have less than 2 months left before touch-up time, my plan is to wear wigs for the remaining time.

In a nutshell, count me in this challenge! :grin:

Enjoy your stretch! Good luck!
I am 5 weeks post as of yesturday. I dont plan to perm again until the last week of August or first week of September. I will then be 14 weeks post.. eeek!! I may just start my kinky twist winter regimen until atleast April- I will see A LOT of growth!
I'm in kinky twists now....this will make the next couple of months easy as far as stretching goes. That is until I start to miss seeing my hair! :)
I washed this morning and DC, quick question

To detangle i comb in the shower with my seamless wide toothed comb with conditioner on my hair.

I know shedding is normal but sometimes it seems as if i have just combed clumps of hair out, does this happen to anybody else? I look at the ends after freaking out and see bulbs on them, but still...

I didn't notice this so much when i was freshly relaxed and naturally it was easy to comb through in the shower, should i ease up and just use my fingers?

I washed this morning and DC, quick question

To detangle i comb in the shower with my seamless wide toothed comb with conditioner on my hair.

I know shedding is normal but sometimes it seems as if i have just combed clumps of hair out, does this happen to anybody else? I look at the ends after freaking out and see bulbs on them, but still...

I didn't notice this so much when i was freshly relaxed and naturally it was easy to comb through in the shower, should i ease up and just use my fingers?


You may use your fingers to detangle but it may not detangle well. I would recommend using a garlic treatment on your scalp to slow it down a bit though. My garlic recipe is in my fotki and you are welcomed to check it out if you like. No pw needed.
You may use your fingers to detangle but it may not detangle well. I would recommend using a garlic treatment on your scalp to slow it down a bit though. My garlic recipe is in my fotki and you are welcomed to check it out if you like. No pw needed.

Thanks for that Aggie,

i'm taking holland & barratt garlic tabs but maybe i should up the dosage.


I washed this morning and DC, quick question

To detangle i comb in the shower with my seamless wide toothed comb with conditioner on my hair.

I know shedding is normal but sometimes it seems as if i have just combed clumps of hair out, does this happen to anybody else? I look at the ends after freaking out and see bulbs on them, but still...

I didn't notice this so much when i was freshly relaxed and naturally it was easy to comb through in the shower, should i ease up and just use my fingers?

I just purchased some Aloe Vera Gel and have noticed a lot less hair shedding since using it. I have a mixture of aloe vera gel, coconut oil, veg. glycerine and water that I spray on my hair and have noticed that i'm loosing a lot less hair. I read today that one of the benefits of aloe vera is hair loss reduction. The brand I have is Lily of the Earth. :)
Ten weeks today and going strong. I've tried NOT to use heat but I've been blow drying once a week. I'm experiencing much less breakage than usual because I'm cowashing (using up what I have) and using my staples (HE LTR condish/leave-in, castor oil, rosewater/glycerin mix, and CHI leave-in.)

My hair is thickening up and I'm pretty satisfied. I'm using Mizani BB regular and my fine hair is getting there. Slowly but surely. Yay.
I'd like to join the challenge. I'm twelve weeks post, which is the longest I've ever gone in the past and I'm trying to make it to 16 weeks.

I think I might have been ok if I was going to my stylist weekly or biweekly during this stretch, but I started trying to do my hair myself a few weks ago after discovering LHCF and don't want to go to the stylist until it's relaxer time. I'm fairly new to washing/styling my own hair, and trying to do it 12+ weeks post is even tougher for me. So, I could use all the support I can get.

I'm also used to wearing my hair out/down ALL the time so I think I need to learn to perfect a braidout. And when my Hairveda almond glaze comes, I should try a bun (I tried one today and it was hideous-can't believe I went outside like that).

Also, I never thought I would ever wear a wig, ever in my life, but the half wigs people have talked about on here seem appealing. Can anyone tell me the best site to order one in case I decide to try that route?

Thanks for all the wisdom you ladies provide on a daily basis.
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Thanks for that Aggie,

i'm taking holland & barratt garlic tabs but maybe i should up the dosage.


Don't overdo it with the garlic pills becausethey are bllod thinners and you could end up with easy body bruises. Stay within 200-400mg twice a day. Try not to go over 1000mg a day for your safety. This is one of the main reasons why I still do my topical garlic treatment. I don't want to overdo it internally.
24 weeks post as of yesterday and still going strong. My braids are looking kinda crappy now though:grin: I need to refresh my hairline. I really need to keep these in for at least another 2 weeks:yep:.

Sorry but I just had to take those braids down. Even with the hairline redone, I realized that it they would still look crappy so I took them out last night, henna'ed my hair and slept with it in my hair all night. I cowashed the henna out this morning with Suave Humectant and Porosity Control Conditioner. I then deep conditioned with Joico Color Endure and Jason Naturals Jojoba Conditioner to protect my henna color. I will keep the DC in all day so I can get the suppleness back in my hair. My stretch is 24.5 weeks long as of today.
I am seriously considering relaxing. My last relaxer was very underprocessed, so it looks like I'm 4 months post rather than 2 months post. I probably won't do it, but it has crossed my mind several times the past few weeks.
Aggie, I have been following your stretch. I can't believe you are really doing it. Way to go girl! I have been thinking of trying a personal stretch longer than the 16wks that I've done it the past. I would definitely be Sylver2 twin because I don't do the braid thing.
Aggie, I have been following your stretch. I can't believe you are really doing it. Way to go girl! I have been thinking of trying a personal stretch longer than the 16wks that I've done it the past. I would definitely be Sylver2 twin because I don't do the braid thing.

Thank you janeemat. Believe me, I am able to really stretch this time because I am transitioning to texlaxed hair and one decision I made is to grow it out as long as I can but cut the straight hair as I go before relaxing again. Truth be told, I want to have at least 8 inches of new growth before I do relax and right now I only have 3 inches, so I have quite a ways to go. Braids, cornrows and wigs are really helping me a lot too.
I am seriously considering relaxing. My last relaxer was very underprocessed, so it looks like I'm 4 months post rather than 2 months post. I probably won't do it, but it has crossed my mind several times the past few weeks.

Hang in there Nightingale, you can do it honey. Just try your best not to manipulate it so much and give it some protein treatments for strength.
I like your approach to your stretch - A goal of how many inches of new growth you want to have before you cut off your relaxed ends. That's an interesting thin for me to think about...

Thank you janeemat. Believe me, I am able to really stretch this time because I am transitioning to texlaxed hair and one decision I made is to grow it out as long as I can but cut the straight hair as I go before relaxing again. Truth be told, I want to have at least 8 inches of new growth before I do relax and right now I only have 3 inches, so I have quite a ways to go. Braids, cornrows and wigs are really helping me a lot too.
I like your approach to your stretch - A goal of how many inches of new growth you want to have before you cut off your relaxed ends. That's an interesting thin for me to think about...

Thanks MG. I never succeed at much without goals and my hair is no different. When I wanted to accomplish APL and BSL, I set my goals and achieved them last year. Now I want a full head of texlaxed hair and so my goals have changed to accommodate that effort.

It takes a whole lot of discipline though. I realize that I cannot be jumping from one band wagon to another. I know now that I have to stay focused and I only join challenges that support my current hair endeavors:yep:. I am also not manipulating my hair as much anymore no matter how much I am tempted to.
I'm using this stretch to learn how treat my hair with TLC. Doing daily scalp massages is also helping me to pamper my scalp as well. I am wondering if I can do this with daily co washes and wet buns until it gets cold. By then I hope to be able to hold a protective style in my own hair. Next Saturday will be 3 months post and relaxing my hair is the last ting on my mind. I will BC in a year anyway, even if I decide to keep relaxing my hair. I will texlax it so I can do natural styles, too. Right now, I am learning a ton of things on you tube. Right now, daily buns are saving my hair. On a positive note, my hair has returned to its thick state and people at work are giving me compliments.
I am trying to stretch till December and I am about 13 weeks post. My main reason for stretching is because I overprocessed my hair last time and I also have a bald spot that I am trying to nurse back to health. There is hair coming in now but I need to baby it until its strong enough.
I am using braids and half wigs to stretch. I have sworn off sew-ins for now. I had a bad experience.
I am 6 months and 3 days post today. I am so excited about getting this far:yep: and I can't wait to see what the next 6 months are going to be like. This hair journey is so fun for me.