Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

Wow Shay - Great job!! I would love to relax 2-3x/year. How did it hold up?

My hair held up well that's why I have no worries about doing another stretch. My hair is quite strong because it loves protein & the ayurvedic regimine helps too.
I'm now 5 weeks post and so far so good. My new growth is really soft i'm keeping up with moisture and doing protein every week. No breakage just a lot of shedding and I know it has to happen but it still freaks me out.

I'm going to see how i'm doing by week 8 as that was when i used to relax back in the day.

I really want to do 6 months - whew that is a long way a way!

Happy stretching ladies!
SmartyPants I see where you had to stop the long stretch. The important thing is to preserve your hair and if you noticed breakage, then you did the right thing by relaxing your hair. I am now 39 weeks post and want to go for the touchdown which will be on October 5th (1 year). I have my hair in braids and I want to leave them in until September 20th and after that I will be getting my sister to put in my relaxer. I hope, hope, hope I have some decent growth. Before my braids I had 4 inches of newgrowth and I'm hoping to get at least 2-3 inches by September 20th. I have not been posting pictures of my hair, but I think at that time I will. I hope also that I will not have to cut my ends too much. Just wanted to share an update.
I can't believe that next week will make 6 months. I never thought I could do it. I still don't know if I want to transition.
:lachen:yall im ready to touch up..i swear since i started taking all these vitamins/supplements my hair has growin like crazy. im only 3 months but it feels like im 6 months and its never been like that. I got 2 BIG events this weekend and next weekend. Im thinking about a blowout instead though.
:lachen:yall im ready to touch up..i swear since i started taking all these vitamins/supplements my hair has growin like crazy. im only 3 months but it feels like im 6 months and its never been like that. I got 2 BIG events this weekend and next weekend. Im thinking about a blowout instead though.

NOOooooooooooooo - you can NOT give in. What will the rest of us do if the Queen of Stretch succumbs to the relaxer? :lachen: but really though . . . what vitamins you using? :shhh: We won't tell.


Going away on Thursday - refusing to buy relaxer but I have hair. So Wed is braid day for me. Surely I can make it till August 1st. If I can just keep this jungle moisturized I can do it.
My stretch is over. I retouched at 22 weeks post. My hair feels fuller as it usually does after long stretches. I'll probably begin another 20 week stretch later in the year but the ideal time for me to retouch is between 14 and 16 weeks I think. To those of you still stretching, good luck!

Hi Honey. Nice to see another curly perm wearer in this thread.

My last touch-up was on June 3rd. If I can successfully hide my hair this winter, I will not touch up again until May of next year, probably right before Memorial Day weekend.

My intentions are to wear a sew-in like Ediese from Oct - Dec & take it out for a 2 week break during the Christmas holidays.

Right after the New Year, I will reuse the hair & wear a sew-in from Jan until the end of March.

Since I will have less than 2 months left before touch-up time, my plan is to wear wigs for the remaining time.

In a nutshell, count me in this challenge! :grin:
Please add me to the list I will be trying to stretch for 6 months! I have never stretched longer that my most recent stretch which was 12 weeks so here we go! I just relaxed yesterday7/6/09 wow! that would put me at relaxing in 2010! that sounds so far away!!
I think I'm going to get a touch-up this weekend instead of waiting until the end of the month. The new growth is becoming difficult. I'm certainly not interested in transitioning any time soon.
i guess i only felt like tht for a few it happens all the time. im not touching up yet. its summer and hot anyway..sooo messy braidout.
I'm in! I was so inspired by Sylver2 that I had decided to try to stretch for a year. I am currently at 17 weeks. Thus far it hasn't been a probalem (I previously stretched for 26 weeks).

Can I be in?

Im not going to relax until the weekend before Labor day- so August 30th. My last perm was June 5th. It`ll be 12 weeks :perplexed
I'm on week 48 of my 52 week stretch.
August 10th will make it a full year.
I'm not sure what I'll have done to it at that point, maybe just a relaxer and trim....
I am 15 weeks post and stretching is like a game for me, I just want to know how far I can take it! As of today, my new goal is to stretch to 41 weeks (9 months!!!). No sweat though, only 26 weeks left :)

I will be using Kinky twists and wigs to help me with this.
any tips for managing new growth?

  • Co washing; Softens your NG
  • Make sure really moisturizing your NG too. As I go deeper into my stretch, I moisturize more and more often during the day
  • Make sure you are wearing your hair in styles that require little manipuation: buns, braid/twist outs, braids, etc. It is best to leave your NG alone to avoid breakage during a stretch
  • It's hard, I know, but try to avoid putting a comb through your NG dry. Same as above, we are working so hard to retain length, make sure you aren't breaking your hair as fast as you are growing it
Hope this helps :)
I would love to join..currently i am 35w post. my last perm was nov 6..going for the full 52w.. I have done this by braiding my hair.. So i haven't seen my hair since last year.. Only time i see it is when its time to rebraid!! I must admit I do miss my hair, but the end results will be worth it!!
Hmm...I've stalked Sylver2's fotki album many times before and I have already been inspired to stretch a little bit longer...If it's not to late. I would also like to join the challenge! My last relaxer was May 2. i've done a six month and 2 day stretch before. But that was because I was planning on transitioning...but I failed and relaxed. However, I do not regret my decision. I just want long, happy, healthy, hair!
Sign me up too please! I am 14 weeks post, and going for a 6 month stretch. I'm somewhat of a newbie here and it's my 1st time stretching.

But what I really want to know is how do you ladies maintain your edges!! Please tell! No one can see this jungle inside my NG, but I can't stand the way my edges look. And I'm concerned about over manipulating them.

Sylver2, it would be great if you chimed in too (love your fotki). How do you, and the other ladies here, keep your edges looking so smooth?
I'm in and excited becuase i'll be 12 weeks officially tomorrow and want to go 6 months. It's gone well so far not as bad as I thought since I began with the Honey, Coconut oil, EVOO and conditioning. I suck at posting pics, but will for sure post them once I hit 6 months!! Wish me luck!
I can't believe that next week will make 6 months. I never thought I could do it. I still don't know if I want to transition.

That's awesome! I can't wait until I can say that :grin: This is my first time stretching and im glad that there is a place I can go for inspiration and support :yep:
:lachen:yall im ready to touch up..i swear since i started taking all these vitamins/supplements my hair has growin like crazy. im only 3 months but it feels like im 6 months and its never been like that. I got 2 BIG events this weekend and next weekend. Im thinking about a blowout instead though.

Yeah, that's our girl. You know we look to you for ultimate inspiration on stretching as long as possible and it ain't 3 months for me, so I need you to hang in there a lil longer than 3 months:yep:. Thank you for not giving in so early:grin:.
I'm on week 48 of my 52 week stretch.
August 10th will make it a full year.
I'm not sure what I'll have done to it at that point, maybe just a relaxer and trim....

Ooooh, 48 weeks is phenominal MQ. I can't wait to get there.
any tips for managing new growth?


At 5 and a half months, I don't manage them anymore - I simply keep them braided up. What I would suggest though is take a look at Sylver2's youtube videos on how she stretches and handles her new growth and I'm sure you'll find something in there you can use. HTH
I am 15 weeks post and stretching is like a game for me, I just want to know how far I can take it! As of today, my new goal is to stretch to 41 weeks (9 months!!!). No sweat though, only 26 weeks left :)

I will be using Kinky twists and wigs to help me with this.

This is how I'm looking at it beans. Easy does it! With braids of course:grin:!
Right now I am still rocking the twists..3 more weeks to go before I get them redone, get on my 2 week break from them and then get extensions again with twists. I plan on keeping this going till dec. I hope I can do this 52 year stretch thing soooo bad.
Sign me up too please! I am 14 weeks post, and going for a 6 month stretch. I'm somewhat of a newbie here and it's my 1st time stretching.

But what I really want to know is how do you ladies maintain your edges!! Please tell! No one can see this jungle inside my NG, but I can't stand the way my edges look. And I'm concerned about over manipulating them.

Sylver2, it would be great if you chimed in too (love your fotki). How do you, and the other ladies here, keep your edges looking so smooth?

thks:)and welcome to the board
well for me...i never really need to since the styles i wear hardly ever show my edges. i wear my hair out 95% of the time. center part hanging down straight or braidout. edges never shown. all i need to worry about is the part at the top which i keep smooth and flat with the scarf and moisturizer. even the few times i do wear a bun or ponytail the hair is still in a center part covering my edges.
the few times i wear a side part then those edges are showing but again kept flat and smooth with lots of moisturizer and satin scarf.
Right now I am still rocking the twists..3 more weeks to go before I get them redone, get on my 2 week break from them and then get extensions again with twists. I plan on keeping this going till dec. I hope I can do this 52 year stretch thing soooo bad.

Whoa, 52 year stretch? Now that's what I call a loooooooong stretch, lol!