Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

I gave in and relaxed yesterday. I...just...couldn'! I did make it to 8 weeks (I know, lightweight) but I usually relax around 6 weeks.

I think that I will buy a wig or phony pony in order to make it 10 weeks this time.

A good half wig will surely carry you through a stretch. You've gained a lot of thickness. Good Job!
I gave in and relaxed yesterday. I...just...couldn'! I did make it to 8 weeks (I know, lightweight) but I usually relax around 6 weeks.

I think that I will buy a wig or phony pony in order to make it 10 weeks this time.

Your progress is great . what is your regimen
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A good half wig will surely carry you through a stretch. You've gained a lot of thickness. Good Job!

I have no idea what a "half wig" is. Would you please point me to a website that has some of these that I may look at?

Thanks :grin:!
I have no idea what a "half wig" is. Would you please point me to a website that has some of these that I may look at?

Thanks :grin:!

This is my go to when I'm deep into a stretch. I promise it is not really that greasy looking as it is in the pic. It looks like a braidout. I can even brush it out a tad bit and put serum on it for a coarser look. My BSS sells it for like 35bucks.
Your progress is great . what is your regimen
Aww, thanks Kerryann!

I am trying to simplify my regime but here it is:

JOICO! (jk, sort of)

Every Monday I use Joico chelating shampoo, Joico Cuticle sealer, Joico K-Pak and Joico Intense hydrator (in that order)

Every Wed and Fri I use Joico Moisture Recovery

Before every wash I do a Vatika pre-poo with steam for 30 minutes

I henna/indigo once a month now (I used to do it every too weeks, too much work)

I use direct heat about twice a month (I don't think heat is an issue)

Phyto II relaxer every 6-8 weeks

The main things that I think turned my hair around ('cause my hair was jacked! I still have some more trimming to do) are:

  1. During my self-relax I apply vaseline mixed with the neutralizing shampoo and apply these to my pre-relaxed ends. (key)
  2. Pre-part my hair before relaxing so that the application only takes 5 minutes. I relax my hair in two sections. (key)
  3. I mix one cap of SAA and one cap of EVOO into the relaxer
  4. I do a post rinsing, pre-neutralizing K-pak protein.
  5. I neutralize and ACV 3 times
  6. I then apply the neutralizer and let it sit for 1 hour (key)
I just tried the Mizani intense night time last night and I am in LOVE. That was the final part of my regime.

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This is my go to when I'm deep into a stretch. I promise it is not really that greasy looking as it is in the pic. It looks like a braidout. I can even brush it out a tad bit and put serum on it for a coarser look. My BSS sells it for like 35bucks.

Thank you so much!!! One more question. How do you put it in? Is there some kind of comb attachment? (As you can see, I am not very imaginative!)
Some wigs have combs attachments at the front and back, others have combs and a drawstring. If you choose to use the combs, make sure to rub a little oil on them first. I have a small head so I usually just stretch the wig and put in on without using the combs. If there is a drawstring, I'll just use a seam ripper and remove those combs all together.

Definetly check out this thread
Hey ladies, I relaxed last weekend to end a 18 week stretch!! My longest stretch ever!! :grin: I am soo proud of myself because I know it is possible.

Keep up the good work ladies.
I have to tell you watching that turtle on my siggle making his way to the end make me feel so good. I refuse to give up and I won't. I've come a long way and I'm almost there. Only 2 months and 4 wks left. I AM NOT GIVING UP. Plus after washing my hair with acv it's behaving now. Yes I'm going all the way to the end.
Hey ladies, I relaxed last weekend to end a 18 week stretch!! My longest stretch ever!! :grin: I am soo proud of myself because I know it is possible.

Keep up the good work ladies.

Good job making a new stretch record!:yep: I bet your hair came out great.
In the immortal words of L.T.D. and Jefferey Osborne, I'm "holding on, is hard to do, when (perm is gone), and thats no lie"....ok told my age on that one...Love that song its a classic and perfect for how I'm feeling these days. A little under 4 more months to go....
I'll be 12 weeks post on Wednesday. Last Friday, I washed, DC'd and flat ironed my hair. It turned out nice. I think I'm going to bun for the next 2 weeks. 12 more weeks to go!
i guess i should be in this....i'm about 21 weeks post right now...i dont know what im doing with hair lol
my last relaxer was in december and i said id wait til graduation in may but i changed my mind and had the doms blow it out...then i said six months but thats in a few weeks and i still don't see the point lol. right now i'm saying end of the use sweating out my perm in all this summer weather, right? ugh decisions decisions
I am 13 weeks into my 26 weeks stretch!!! half way there! I am going to get some box braids or twist in a couple weeks to get me to August!
Re: Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

I know I'm late, but I'd like to join as well! Hopefully I can make it because my thyroid doesn't like for me to go longer than 12 weeks :perplexed I've lost a lot of hair, including a good portion of my edges, so I'd like to give them a break

I'm going for 6 months, so that'll put my next relaxer on November 2 :D
only 31 weeks to go! (jeez...)

i just did a egg & mayo treatment to keep the line of demarcation strong. my hair felt good afterwards :)
That BKT high is gone after only one month, HUH :perplexed. I'm 20 weeks baby and doing the 4 week countdown.
I'm ready to relax but of course I will wait until July 1st for my 6 month stretch.

Congrats Shay, you're almost there girl. Just cheering you on girl. I am 7.5 weeks shy of my six month mark myself - I always count 26 weeks as 6 months instead of 24. If I did count 24 then I'd only be 5.5 weeks shy of 6 months. Either way, I'm close too. Right behind ya sis.
Re: Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

I know I'm late, but I'd like to join as well! Hopefully I can make it because my thyroid doesn't like for me to go longer than 12 weeks :perplexed I've lost a lot of hair, including a good portion of my edges, so I'd like to give them a break

I'm going for 6 months, so that'll put my next relaxer on November 2 :D

Yay! Good to have you join us tiffers, welcome honey:yep:.
Congrats Shay, you're almost there girl. Just cheering you on girl. I am 7.5 weeks shy of my six month mark myself - I always count 26 weeks as 6 months instead of 24. If I did count 24 then I'd only be 5.5 weeks shy of 6 months. Either way, I'm close too. Right behind ya sis.

Mine is 26 weeks also because I count from date to date. I relaxed on Jan 1st so 6 months is July 1st.
im 3 months post today. im going to blow dry and flat iron on friday. bought a chi turbo, can't wait to try it.
I'm ready to relax but of course I will wait until July 1st for my 6 month stretch.

I washed my hair with CON shampoo and conditioner, then rinse with ACV... after my hair was dry I moisturize with MIZAMI H2O intense nightime treatment, and braided my hair into 12 plaits... and i am telling you... not one single shed hair..before than i thought i would have to cave and relax..but no sirreee.... i'm going all the way to the end. 14 weeks down, 12 to go... whooo hoooo
July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1

Is it here yet??????