Incredibly Fast Milemarkers?


Active Member
I went from well below APL last year to shaving my head recently. I am going all natural now but I miss my hair. I wanted to know if you knew of any ladies who have gone from BC to shoulder length or any other milemarkers in a very short length of time? My hair is filling in FAST but I want to know how fast I can expect to go from an inch or hair to neck length then shoulder length etc?
Well the average person grows hair at about 1/2" a month. So based on that average, you will get an inch every TWO months. However, your personal growth may be more or less than 1/2", so you will need keep track of it yourself.
Yes when my hair is being cared for as I am caring for it now it grows pretty quickly but there is no set rate for me it seems. It just seems like I just look up and my hair is a certain length the times I have cut it. I guess I am moreso looking for inspiration for quick growing. Other women who have gone from very short hair to shoulder length and beyond very quickly.
Yes when my hair is being cared for as I am caring for it now it grows pretty quickly but there is no set rate for me it seems. It just seems like I just look up and my hair is a certain length the times I have cut it. I guess I am moreso looking for inspiration for quick growing. Other women who have gone from very short hair to shoulder length and beyond very quickly.

Everyone has an average, like someone else noted you have to find yours. The average person will have 6 inches a year

It seemed like you looked up and it was a certain length because you were not watching the watched pot.

You cant really go by someones goals met because that is unique to that individual.
A couple of years ago I had to cut my hair very short (the longest part of my hair was like 3 inches and that was my bangs, the rest was about an inch long). Within 6 months I was back to shoulder length.
Idk dear. I went from a baldy to full shoulder length in abt a year. It depends on your growth rate. Mine is average. I expect to reach all my goals at or around the year marker (APL by January, BSL by the following December/January). At least if I make my goals sooner I won't be that disappointed. But I'm pretty sure I'll make BSL in the next 18 months based solely on my avg growth rate. That's the only advice I have

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