spinoff: from there to hair!


Well-Known Member
im just curious to know what lengths everyone has come from.
id like to know your average length while growing up ( or before you knew much about hair care) and your current length.

ill go first

before: just below neck - almost shoulder
after: brastrap
I started at about armpit length and now I am almost at waist length stretched:D

All thanks to this here site:clapping:

ETA: I read it a little wrong, when i was growing up I had hair that did reach APL at one point but then stayed at shoulder length for the longest.
i am starting at a few inches below shoulder/halfway to apl. i have 2 more ins to apl..... I have never been longer than this......so this is my truning point to getting to my goal length
My hair was about midway between SL and APL as a child, young adult, and teenager. In college it broke off to about SL and stayed there until I started getting braids. About five years ago my hair was between APL and BSL. But I didn't know how to take care of it (the braids or my hair) and I broke off back to SL. :(
In middle school, it was probably APL relaxed. In high school, it was a little above shoulder length. Now I'm an 1.5 inches past APL.
Little Girl - Ridiculously Long & Thick = hours in the salon to wash and tame it
Junior High School Mid-Back Length
High School - Bra Strap Length
College - Shoulder Blade Length to Halle Berry Style Cut
Right after College - Armpit Length
Prior to LHCF and hairboards 2 + years ago --- A hot Mess of broken off ear and necklength
Current - Bra Strap Length Baby !!! Yeah ! :)
As a child -shoulder
Teen - young adult - Neck
Mid 20' to late 30’s ' between ear and neck
Up to May 2006 - Neck -ear -cheek

By God's grace &
Since this board
I also started to love my natural hair on the way:lol:
Even as a little girl, my hair was a decent length. It was always between SL and APL. I had a couple of setbacks over the years due to extension braids, but currently my hair is the longest it has ever been. I think I'm at APL now. I won't know for sure until I get my next texlaxer touch up in about a week and a half. That's when my hair will be straightened for the first time in about 3 months.
My hair never grew below ear length I had extremely fine hair that would just break. My poor mother really didn't know how to handle it, neither did my father. They did what they could though and they tried. My hair wasn't something my mother was accustomed to dealing with though, no hard feelings on my part.

There's been twice where I went bald because of chemotherapy. The hair grew back but never past ear length. I just figured I couldn't have longer hair because nothing I tried seemed to work.

I started reading here about a year before I joined, just more or less taking in everything and stalking a few folki's:lol: . Once I joined, seemed like I started to really retain the hair that was growing, which is fantastic! Have to thank lots in this community for the knowledge they bring to the table.

I'm now at full shoulder length. Have to say I'm overjoyed and amazed I made it this far. Who knows where I'll get to (I'm just enjoying the journey y'all:lol: )

Before: Relaxed BSL and then Relaxed, colored SL

Now: Umm this freaking site made me lose all my hair!!! Just playing!!! Well actually it did make me lose all my hair because I just did a BC not too long ago. I have maybe 6.5 inches of healthy and natural hair, but hopefully I'll be back at BSL in no time :)