In Praise of Single & Divorced Mothers


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to send a shout out to all of you. I admire all of you so much. I am married but I was raised by a single mother who divorced her husband/my father for very good reason. I love her so much. She worked so hard to take care of me and my brother. After she got divorced she always chose my brother and me over any man. We lived in peace, always had food, warmth, shelter, clothes. She never remarried. I know she was often very lonely and overwhelmed. But she did it. If she had not been a strong, independent woman she may have not gotten a divorce and if she hadn't I feel confident I would not have survived. I am grateful for her strength and independence. As a young child I would thank her for divorcing because that opened up a path for my brother and I to have a safe and happy life.

God bless all of you for getting up and going to work, for figuring out a way to pay all of the bills and still having something extra for you child(ren). God bless you for being strong and smart. God bless all of you for creating a safe, happy place for your child(ren). I believe there is a special place in heaven for you.

Happy Thanksgiving :kiss:!
How come all the positive threads get pushed back around here?Thank you for your kind words,I'm sure that your Mom is happy that she raised such a positive young lady.
Thank you sooooooooooooo much. It's so nice to hear something nice about us single moms. We do what has to be done. Thanks.
I like this thread! I totally agree with everything Hopeful has posted. *kisses* to all of you!
I thought this thread was going to disappear, never to be seen again :lol:, I almost bumped it but thought naw I said what I wanted to say, you know? Thanks for the replies ladies and for keeping the thread alive.
God bless all of you for getting up and going to work, for figuring out a way to pay all of the bills and still having something extra for you child(ren). God bless you for being strong and smart. God bless all of you for creating a safe, happy place for your child(ren). I believe there is a special place in heaven for you.

Happy Thanksgiving :kiss:!

Thank you so much!!!!!! God bless you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:bighug: Hopeful! Thank you so much for sharing that story. I'm a divorced mother of a son and daughter and your story sounded so much like my own situation. I am happy to hear that you appreciate what your mom did for you and your brother. That makes me feel great about my own decisions concerning my situation. :luv2:
Thanks for this thread OP! I think single mothers get a bad rap around here, which is silly since alot of us were raised by them! My mother was divorced as well, but she worked her butt off to make sure we had everything. They deserve much more respect than they get! :yep:
:yep: CRLSweetie comes to mind. I love to see women making it happen regardless of their circumstances...and she manages to stay fly too! :eek: :yep:

WHAT? ME.. :nono:
But thank you so much for the very kind words. I love my boys so much. I would do ANYTHING for them. :bighug:

I just wanted to send a shout out to all of you. I admire all of you so much. I am married but I was raised by a single mother who divorced her husband/my father for very good reason. I love her so much. She worked so hard to take care of me and my brother. After she got divorced she always chose my brother and me over any man. We lived in peace, always had food, warmth, shelter, clothes. She never remarried. I know she was often very lonely and overwhelmed. But she did it. If she had not been a strong, independent woman she may have not gotten a divorce and if she hadn't I feel confident I would not have survived. I am grateful for her strength and independence. As a young child I would thank her for divorcing because that opened up a path for my brother and I to have a safe and happy life.

God bless all of you for getting up and going to work, for figuring out a way to pay all of the bills and still having something extra for you child(ren). God bless you for being strong and smart. God bless all of you for creating a safe, happy place for your child(ren). I believe there is a special place in heaven for you.

Happy Thanksgiving :kiss:!
Thank you so much hopeful! This really is a beautiful thread! Happy Thanksgiving to all the hardworking, loving, FLY, single MOMMA's on LHCF. Yall truly inspire me.

Thank you sooooooooooooo much. It's so nice to hear something nice about us single moms. We do what has to be done. Thanks.

I can't believe you have a quote from me in your siggy....:lachen:
:crying3: Thank you so much, now call my kids and tell them to say "mom, thanks." I get so tired sometimes, even when I was sick I couldn't rest because I was thinking about them and me not done talking to them and letting them know what I want for their lives, even the big crazy one.
Gd bless all of you! As a married mother who struggles, I can honestly say, I don't know how you all do it!
I just wanted to send a shout out to all of you. I admire all of you so much. I am married but I was raised by a single mother who divorced her husband/my father for very good reason. I love her so much. She worked so hard to take care of me and my brother. After she got divorced she always chose my brother and me over any man. We lived in peace, always had food, warmth, shelter, clothes. She never remarried. I know she was often very lonely and overwhelmed. But she did it. If she had not been a strong, independent woman she may have not gotten a divorce and if she hadn't I feel confident I would not have survived. I am grateful for her strength and independence. As a young child I would thank her for divorcing because that opened up a path for my brother and I to have a safe and happy life.

God bless all of you for getting up and going to work, for figuring out a way to pay all of the bills and still having something extra for you child(ren). God bless you for being strong and smart. God bless all of you for creating a safe, happy place for your child(ren). I believe there is a special place in heaven for you.

Happy Thanksgiving :kiss:!

Very nice, Hopeful. do you let your mom know how much you appreciate her? It would be nice if you could hand write your post into a letter so she can read it over and over again. It is something powerful about reading than hearing it. As a mom, I would love to have my son say the same exact words to me when he becomes a man.
My dad passed when I was six and my mom raised four girls by herself. She is really a strong woman and she made such a positive impact on my life. I wouldn't even know where to begin to thank her.

Single moms everywhere get a bad rap because of a few who don't do a good job. Keep on keeping on, God is blessing each and everyone of you.
Thanks ladies for all of the wonderful replies. I wish I had time to reply to each and everyone but I gotta put up my Thanksgiving groceries, get the oven fixed, pick the kids up from school, and spend time with my mom who is here visiting :yay:.

Gd bless all of you! As a married mother who struggles, I can honestly say, I don't know how you all do it!

That's what I'm talking about! Shoot I am married and I don't work outside the home, and sometimes it is still so hard! I don't know how they do it either.

Very nice, Hopeful. do you let your mom know how much you appreciate her? It would be nice if you could hand write your post into a letter so she can read it over and over again. It is something powerful about reading than hearing it. As a mom, I would love to have my son say the same exact words to me when he becomes a man.

I let my mom know how much I appreciate her all of the time verbally as well as through gifts and being helpful to her. My dh and I are about to move her out here so she can be closer to us. But the idea about putting this in letter form is a great idea, thank you, I think she would really appreciate that.

My dad passed when I was six and my mom raised four girls by herself. She is really a strong woman and she made such a positive impact on my life. I wouldn't even know where to begin to thank her.

Single moms everywhere get a bad rap because of a few who don't do a good job. Keep on keeping on, God is blessing each and everyone of you.

:huggle: God bless you and your mother.

I love all of you guys. You have rekindled my faith in female friendships.
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:bighug: Hopeful! Thank you so much for sharing that story. I'm a divorced mother of a son and daughter and your story sounded so much like my own situation. I am happy to hear that you appreciate what your mom did for you and your brother. That makes me feel great about my own decisions concerning my situation. :luv2:

My sentiments exactly (except I am the mother of one).

Bless you Hopeful! :kiss:

I felt a "knot" loosen in my belly, tears creeping down my face, as I read your post.
The 2nd Sunday in May never any felt better!

Your mom did well. Please wish her Happy "November" Mother's Day for me!

Thank you for hope!
VERY good thread! Thank you! My mom divorced my dad when I was 7. 3 of my older brothers were grown and out of the house, but she still had me and the youngest of my brother (I have 4 older bros) to take care of. She did a helluva job too :yep:

Single moms are pros at making a way outta no way :yep:
My sentiments exactly (except I am the mother of one).

Bless you Hopeful! :kiss:

I felt a "knot" loosen in my belly, tears creeping down my face, as I read your post.
The 2nd Sunday in May never any felt better!

Your mom did well. Please wish her Happy "November" Mother's Day for me!

Thank you for hope!

Thank you for this beautiful post, you made my day!

VERY good thread! Thank you! My mom divorced my dad when I was 7. 3 of my older brothers were grown and out of the house, but she still had me and the youngest of my brother (I have 4 older bros) to take care of. She did a helluva job too :yep:

Single moms are pros at making a way outta no way :yep:

I was 7 too, almost 8, it's funny how much so many of us have in common. Our moms were/are really amazing:yep:.
As a single mom to a little boy, I was touched by this thread. I can only hope that when he grows up he will appreciate the things that I am doing for him. You sound like you had a really great mother.
God Bless her:fairy:
Thank you for those kind words....I hope my daughter appreciates what I did when she grows up and realize it was in her best interests....
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