I'm Tired


kinks n curls girl
Yes, another "woe is me i'm single" thread. just had to vent...:ohwell:

Tired of meeting losers

Tired of having great first dates with men that seem really into me, then never hearing from them again

Tired of men thinking they're entitled to sex with no commitment

Tired of men lying about their true intentions

Tired of men saying they'll do something but don't

Tired of being asked why I don't have a man

Tired of explaining why I don't have a man

Tired of people acting like its so easy to get a man

Tired of people thinking there's something wrong with me because I don't have a man

Tired of feeling like there's something wrong with me because I don't have a man...lol :spinning:

Tired of the "getting to know you" process

Tired of having the desire of wanting to be with someone and it not being fulfilled

Tired of being single but beyond tired of trying/waiting/hoping to meet that special someone

Feel free to add :rolleyes:
Tired of people saying that my standards are too high (honesty, ambition, trustworthiness, secure, thoughtful???)

Tired of people (family) asking about my ex-finance and looking at me crazy as if I messed up! (We were together for 10 yrs (I'm only 30) and he is the only guy my family has met- Believe me I found out that he wasn't the person I thought he was! They should be happy that I didn't make a mistake, but they keep asking about him!)

Tired of people asking me if I want a child (yes, but clearly I can't (will not) have one without a husband)

Tired of men being so insecure (actually had a guy tell me that he was intimidated just because I told him my profession, crazy!!! He wasn't joking)

Tired of seeing all my friends getting married (I am happy for them but it's hard- 3 weddings this year alone)

Tired of my friends trying to pick men for me (I allowed you to set me up once, it was a total failure, you don't get the chance to pick again, stop trying)

Tired of my friends saying that it will happen when I have not mentioned one word of my feelings (They say it as if I am withering away, I'm like I know, I would much rather wait and be with the right person)

WOW!! Thanks OP.
I totally understand all of you in this thread. This is exactly how I feel.

I'm just tired of meeting jerks. Where are all the “good, marriage minded” men?

I don't get it. Some women can easily attract good men that want to settle down and marry. Then, you have others like myself that are literally jerk magnets. Luckily I’ve never been with any of these jerks. I’m 24 and have never even had a boyfriend, because all I attract are thugs and losers that aren’t serious. I’d rather be single forever than settle for a guy that’s just going to use me.
Yes, another "woe is me i'm single" thread. just had to vent...:ohwell:

Tired of people acting like its so easy to get a man

Tired of people thinking there's something wrong with me because I don't have a man

Tired of feeling like there's something wrong with me because I don't have a man...lol :spinning:

Tired of having the desire of wanting to be with someone and it not being fulfilled

Tired of being single but beyond tired of trying/waiting/hoping to meet that special someone

Feel free to add :rolleyes:

Perhaps it is easy for some women to attract good men? Unfortunately I wasn't "blessed" with this ability.

I've been single all of my life and I'm just sick of it. I wish to be in a loving commited relationship one day.

I hate when people ask me why I'm single too and I hate explaining. I wish people wound stop asking. It's so depressing.

I definitely understand the part about feeling that something is wrong with you because you're single. I've never been in a relationship in my life and I'm 24. I do feel "different" from other women my age and not in a good way. :lachen: <----Let me just laught to keep from crying, lol!
I am just tired of it all.

I think I am giving a pretty good package here... why can't an equally good package come along? Or if he is already known to me can he kindly identify himself in a clear and unmistakable manner so we can move on together in bliss???!!!!

Oh boy....I know how you women feel. :(

I'm going through the same thing myself. :nono:

It's a week before "that time", so YES I'm PMSing! :lol:

I'm sick and tired of it all too. I'm starting to wonder..."is it ME??"

How come it is that my girlfriend who is moody as anything, NEVER wears makeup, has a CHILD already, and used to suffer from depression can find a NICE, handsome man who treats her right, AND is serious about her and their relationship and even wants to get married in the future, and yet here I am I can't even snag ONE guy that I'm attracted to that wants something serious with me. :cry3:

It's getting to be pretty discouraging.

And don't get me started on the guy friend that I was "in love" with for 3 years. Even HE has a girlfriend now, and it's bugging the heck out of me. I mean, I'm happy if he's happy, but really...he went and wasted 2 good years of my life with his games/mixed signals/in-directness, and now he's skipping off into the sunset with his new girlfriend. And on top of that, I STILL have to see him at church every week! :cry4:

It's just soooo not fair! :wallbash: :wallbash:

I'm sick and tired of people wondering why I'm not married or even DATING someone right now, and I'm 28 years old. I'm sure people are probably looking at me saying: "awww...poor thing". :nono:

I mean, I'm a nice person, I'm spiritual, I'm attractive, I have a job, I'm educated, and I pretty much have my act together, so what's up with the guys out here that I can't attract just ONE that I want?? I mean...really! I'm not asking for mounds of guys to be knocking down my door. I'm just asking for ONE guy that I'm interested in to be interested in me as well! Is that too much to ask? :confused:

BUT....I'm trying VERY very hard not to get bitter, think negatively all the time, or project a "woe is me" attitude. I'm trying VERY hard because sometimes I think that you can attract what you think about. And if you feel like you'll never meet someone, then guess what?? You probably won't!

So...I'm trying extra hard to stay positive...but honestly, some days it's just hard. The week right before my period is the hardest time, because that's when I feel the worst. I see all my friends dating someone, my younger sister is married before me, etc....It just gets to be too much sometimes. :ohwell:

OP....great thread. Sometimes you just need to vent.
Yes, another "woe is me i'm single" thread. just had to vent...:ohwell:

Tired of meeting losers

Tired of having great first dates with men that seem really into me, then never hearing from them again

Tired of men thinking they're entitled to sex with no commitment

Tired of men lying about their true intentions

Tired of men saying they'll do something but don't

Tired of being asked why I don't have a man

Tired of explaining why I don't have a man

Tired of people acting like its so easy to get a man

Tired of people thinking there's something wrong with me because I don't have a man

Tired of feeling like there's something wrong with me because I don't have a man...lol :spinning:

Tired of the "getting to know you" process

Tired of having the desire of wanting to be with someone and it not being fulfilled

Tired of being single but beyond tired of trying/waiting/hoping to meet that special someone

Feel free to add :rolleyes:

THis the time when you usually meet the one, when you are tired of all the mess.:look: Im witcha on this
THis the time when you usually meet the one, when you are tired of all the mess.:look: Im witcha on this

Yes, I am working on me. Not that it wasn't good before, but I just refuse to allow any of these things to bother me (at least not for too long :)!!

It took a while, since I had been with someone for so long that you don't see yourself without them, but I am glad that breakup happened.

However, God, I am ready now!!It's time !!!!!!
Have any of you wonderful ladies tried looking into Laws of Attraction? There are a few threads on here about this. I highly suggest it. :yep:

What steps have you all taken to meet guys?
I've felt as all of you have expressed. I've decided that this is the year I'm going to do something about it. I don't think attracting jerks can be prevented. Jerks holla at any and everything and it's our fault if we give them a chance. This is the year that I'm going to attract the type of man that I want. They're out and now I'm going to go where they are.
I definitely understand the part about feeling that something is wrong with you because you're single. I've never been in a relationship in my life and I'm 24. I do feel "different" from other women my age and not in a good way. :lachen: <----Let me just laught to keep from crying, lol!

I'm 31 and going through the same thing. I'm tired of giving my love whole hearted and getting hurt everytime. :wallbash: My foolish heart can't take another one. I give up.
wow, this is exactly how i feel. and i definently feel like i'm a jerk magnet. was just talking to a good friend of mine about this. but, apart of my problem has been acknowledging the nonsense. this was a good read to see that i'm not the only one feeling this way.
Tired of people (family) asking about my ex-finance and looking at me crazy as if I messed up! (We were together for 10 yrs (I'm only 30) and he is the only guy my family has met- Believe me I found out that he wasn't the person I thought he was! They should be happy that I didn't make a mistake, but they keep asking about him!)

GIRL!!! Me and you must be twins! I went through the same thing.

Thank GOD for DELIVERANCE!!!!!
Tired of ppl trying to force a relationship
Tired of ppl sugar coating what the want/ what they are after
Tired of lies
Tired guys doing the bare minimum
Tired of guys not respecting boundaries

like someone sad I'm really tired of the nonsense now a days.. I need a vacation from dating losers
I hear each and every one of you loud and clear. I too and tired of the BS. I am also tired of men trying to change me as an individual. I am tired of getting flak about the things I enjoy during my own free time like logging in here to read the latest posts. My ex gave me much grief over this because he felt it was a time waster. I am not sure who gave him the authority to monitor what I do on my own time.

I am tired of feeling like my own feelings don't matter in a relationship.
Equally tired of folks who are not considerate of my time.
So I have closed shop to each and every loser and focusing on enjoying my life where I am at presently.
Thanks for sharing everyone. So glad I'm not the only one!

I'm just at a point where I don't know what to do anymore, and that's frustrating. I've made an effort this year to really put myself out there and have been successful with meeting guys/going on dates. I've been on more dates this year then I have in the last 2-3 years but have yet to find someone that wants a commitment. I'm just tired!
I definitely agree with you guys. :yep: This dating thing is TOUGH! I have been dating a great guy for a few months, only for a major issue to suddenly pop up now. :ohwell: So, I'm thinking that if it can't be resolved i may be back on the dating scene soon, and I'm not looking forward to it AT ALL. :nono: On one hand, I don't want to have to go through all of the crap that comes with dating, but on the other hand I'm just sick and tired of sitting at home bored and lonely.

I recently broke up with my ex and all of this crap has seriously got me thinking about trying to make it work with him. But I don't know if I can trust him enough to go back there again.

It is annoying to see women that appear to not have it together getting married. I firmly believe that marriage is about 95% luck and being in the right place at the right time. :yep:

I just wish we could know who we are supposed to be with. That would make things so much more easier. :perplexed
I definitely agree with you guys. :yep: This dating thing is TOUGH! I have been dating a great guy for a few months, only for a major issue to suddenly pop up now. :ohwell: So, I'm thinking that if it can't be resolved i may be back on the dating scene soon, and I'm not looking forward to it AT ALL. :nono: On one hand, I don't want to have to go through all of the crap that comes with dating, but on the other hand I'm just sick and tired of sitting at home bored and lonely.

I recently broke up with my ex and all of this crap has seriously got me thinking about trying to make it work with him. But I don't know if I can trust him enough to go back there again.

It is annoying to see women that appear to not have it together getting married. I firmly believe that marriage is about 95% luck and being in the right place at the right time. :yep:

I just wish we could know who we are supposed to be with. That would make things so much more easier. :perplexed


I lurk all the time, but I follow your posts. Please do not not go back to an ex that you cannot trust, Believe me, I know.

It is hard when you feel that this person knows you so well and that there will not be another person to fill your ex shoes, but it is a mirage!

Seriously, I was in a relationship for 10 yrs with a person who I never thought would cheat or lie, but he did. Looking back on it, there were signs that I saw but I refused to accept that those things could happen to me. After one questionable event, I took him back. I thought he had changed and for a while everything was great, but a dog cannot change is spots (unless he wants too). If you cannot trust him, then there is a reason why.

No, it doesn't feel good to be lonely, but it sures beats the hell out of the kind of heartache that comes from when someone who you trusted completely, breaks that trust and acts as if they didn't owe you anything.

Now, anyone I date must meet my standards (I'm not talking about superficial things). I am a pretty, well-educated, loving person and I deserve someone who will cherish me just the same way that I will cherish. I am not accepting anything less. To all the ladies, I pray that you don't accept anything less either.