I'm Talking To Myself


Well-Known Member
Actually, I'm trying not to talk to myself.

I introduced a friend of mine to my husband's friend. They exchanged numbers, but now they keep asking me what to say to the other one. They're both getting out of pretty bad long term relationships, so I get that they're nervous and sensitive, but damn. They're grown.

Her last relationship started when she was about 18 and his last relationship laste 5 years.

I'm trying to help them out because I want them to be happy and I know they both have the tendency to throw in the towel if they start to feel uncomfortable, but I'm getting tired of her "What should I say to him?" texts and his "What does this mean" texts. Talk to each other! :lol: I didn't even introduce them as a set up. :lol:

I guess I'm just venting. I needed to get it out. :lol:
Tell them to talk to each other. Tell them, you introduced them. You're not going to walk them through the relationship too. Your job is done. Now, they have to do their part.
Tell them to talk to each other. Tell them, you introduced them. You're not going to walk them through the relationship too. Your job is done. Now, they have to do their part.
Pretty much this...

Cus if you get involved like that...the next thing they'll be asking is what did he/she say about me. Then it will be them telling you their problems or concerns with the other....then again maybe not. But it's best to stay out of it.

My ex friend (ex for other reasons) introduced my dh and I. She was a (so called) good friend to both of us. Once he and I got serious, he was no longer a subject for any type of discussion in our friendship. I am glad I did it that way because she showed her true colors shortly after--Another thread entirely.