The Waiting Game

Yeah, I never get a name in my text messages, and I very rarely use anyones name sending - So don't worry yourself over that, guys don't text just because they feel obligated. :-) Good luck!
Dont ruin the budding relationship with crazy stuff. Play it cool.

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I told him what I did all day :look: (yes, I suck at flirting, even in cyberspace :lol:)

You know what, though? I'm pretty sure he's mass texting multiple girls at the same time since he isn't using my name . . . if the next date goes well, I'mma have to tell him to "say my name, say my name" . . . . even if he's talking to other ladies, which, hey, he will be if we ain't exclusive, I at least want to know that my text is for ME :lol:

Just tell him you prefer talking on the phone over text.
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no one uses names in text. but i understand. i did the whole "yeah, he's probably talking to another girl right now"thing before we were exclusive. it's a defense mechanism. as long as you're not stand offish, which you don't appear to be, little defense mechanisms really don't matter in the long run. it's not like a guy can read you're mind.
Aawww! This is sooo cute! I'm all excited over here like it's me. KeeKeeKeeKee!!! :grin:
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Glib, I'm learning right along with you. This is exciting!:yep:

Yeah. And it's fun. I didn't hear back from him last night but I am feeling saucy, so today I took y'alls advice and just texted him "too bad you didn't invite to lunch . . . I am looking cute today" :lachen: Multiple texts ensured.

Yeah. And it's fun. I didn't hear back from him last night but I am feeling saucy, so today I took y'alls advice and just texted him "too bad you didn't invite to lunch . . . I am looking cute today" :lachen: Multiple texts ensured.


alright Miss Saucy Pants!!! weee :lol:
^^^Wow. I'm so giddy I can't even write. I should have said "invite me" and "ensued." Y'all get the point. Let me stop. LOL!
Yeah. And it's fun. I didn't hear back from him last night but I am feeling saucy, so today I took y'alls advice and just texted him "too bad you didn't invite to lunch . . . I am looking cute today" :lachen: Multiple texts ensured.


:gorgeous: Go Glib!!! :reddancer:
get it girlllllll!!!! you are really feeli yo'self!!!!

i love when we have the power.....or at least when we feel like we do....:look: