Has texting replaced actual talking?

Not for me it hasn't. I use texting for quick things that don't really require a phone call but not for actual conversations.

With men that I have just met and am dating, I don't even let them get started with that mess. I let them know upfront that I don't do electronic relationships and if they can't call and have proper conversations then to just lose my number. I don't play texting games.
Well went on a blind date last evening with someone new. He did text me a note as I was driving home to say thanks for meeting up with him for dinner etc. Also emailed me early this a.m to say he really enjoyed my company. Not only did he text and email he picked up the phone this evening to talk to me and find out where I think I may want to go for our second date. I think this guy gets it. I could care less how much someone emails me or texts me but if you are not using the phone portion of your phone to try to get to know me and ask me out if means nothing at all.
That's what the guy I met up w/ on Monday night did too. Text to say he reached home. Text to say I was interesting and he liked my company. Text the next morning to say good morning. (All fine.). Then later that morning he called.
Im so glad you posted this. I met a guy over 3 years ago and he would always text me. when I would call him he rarely answered the phone. so irritating. Needless to say I quit talking to him, or should I say "texting" to him. I figured he is either 1. married, 2. living with someone,3 . or just plain ()*&&& crazy. Then after I quit responding to texts he started calling me, LOL too late. Then he semi stalked me..... so crazy
Someone had the nerve to ask me out on a date via text recently. AND NO … I did not go. If you can’t call me to ask me, don’t bother. What happened to having a conversation :nono:

I had this happen to me.

When I was in FL and this guy was talking with me and my friends. He was very interested and told me I was hot, how much he liked my lips, etc.

So we exchange numbers and he asks me out VIA text! :nono: I mean, I'm 26, and he's 37!