I'M SORRY but did you pass gas (vent) ???

I pinned it down to one of four reasons

1) They think you have a weave.
2) You are a bw and not suppose to have all that hair (Insert rolling eyes smiley).
3) The texture of your hair might be turning them off.
4) they are haters (can include all of the above)
I can't explain it but I can wait for the day I get the stank face for having too much hair !!!!!

No you don't! You will get all kinds of doubtful comments and weave checks! Even if it's in a bun, people will still question you about your hair. I've experienced this for a long time, but I have to try to be understanding and put myself in their shoes.

Having long hair is a mystery to some people. It really attracts attention from all sorts of races, especially if they can see "the texture is thorough from the front to the back," as one Asian woman said to me. She could tell that it wasn't fake. Then she and others including Whites wanted me to take it down, and I was on a new job the first or second day. It happens enough to be distracting, even though I wear it up 99 percent of the time.

Sometimes I'll refer them to the website where my hair is displayed to avoid taking it down, then they will call others to their workstation to come to their desk to check out the website and later say: "There she is!" As if I'm a celebrity; but then sometimes I reluctantly take it down just so that they can see. I try to be positive, though, even though they just can't seem to "get over it."

My coworker caught me off guard in the ladies' room, and yanked my hair hard and every inch of my scalp was checked as if she was turning pages in a book, because she still couldn't believe it--even though I took my hair down and parted it with my fingers two months earlier to show her that there was nothing attached and this was after six inches was cut off by my stylist. She probably wondered if my hair was fake too. My Asian coworker saw the whole thing. Well, my hair didn't fall on the floor like she thought it would. Since then, I keep her at a distance, since she likes to play games with me. I'm wondering how she would have felt if I flushed her wig down the toilet.

Months after this incidence, she still can't get over it. She'll walk by and make comments about how the cut is growing out (from bra clasp length). I told her: "It will be back to waist length in December." I can only imagine what she was thinking.

She's much older than me, 65 years old, and looks better than me. Her body is similar to a teenager's body except she doesn't have any curves whatsoever. People think she has cancer or AIDS because she's so "rail thin," just bones. She must be a size 2, and she always tells me how shapely and curvy I am and how colorful and coordinated my outfits are. Then she makes negative comments about herself as if she has low self-esteem. I guess she does.

I've never felt obsessed about hair, nor have I ever questioned anyone about their regimen even if their hair looks fabulous. I'm just not one of those type of persons.
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Until I read the part where you said your hair was in a bun I was gonna say maybe they thought that long hair worn down was unprofessional or high maintenance or something but it sounds like they're just a bunch of negative nellys.
Some may think it's a weave, but also I think there are a lot of people that just don't think really long hair is attractive.

I've had a few people tell me that my hair is too long and that I need to cut it and put highlights in it. Also, I've been told that I should get layers. I've been told that I need to "upgrade" myself. So in other words, really long hair isn't in style. Cuts, layers, and highlights with straight hair included are in. There are posts over at the Long Hair Community about this.

I'm a fan of long hair and your hair is beautiful. Do you.

Seriously? Because most people I see doing that stuff to their hair have ugly hair, no matter what their race (to me anyway). Talk about herd mentality. Anyway OP, there is no way that looks like a weave to me. If that jackass thought it was a weave he needs eye surgery. And perhaps his tongue should be removed from his mouth so he can be pimp-slapped with it. Your hair is beautiful.

People giving you the stink eye over your hair for ANY reason ain't worth stank on a biscuit.
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Guys are just mad cuz the girls they chose are bald-headed chicks....that wasn't nice but could be tru.
I don't really think preference for long v.s. short hair matters. Those people were just down right rude to approach a stranger (MoMo) with that type of commentary. Personally, I'm not a fan of really short hair but I would never say to someone "Wow you barely have any hair."