
New Member
Im a single mother of one , who got a full time job and never enough money to go out. My family lives in another country. The people i know are mates but not really friends. Im so tired phisically and emotionally. i had tried really hard to makes friend and to have a good actitud but it hard to keep that way. People( not me) think im ugly cuz i have pxe wich is a condition of the skin that look like burned skin and i got it in my neck. So ,not friends and not a chance to have a boyfriend again what can i do?i dont want to feel this way but sometimes i dont see when im gonna have a life. Im happy cuz my boy is the greatest child ever but i want to be more than a mother. Sorry to vent.
Aww... sorry about that Latinapower! :(

You should take a look at my thread...I seem to be having a "down" moment too. Misery loves company! :giggle:

I can't even begin to imagine all that you're going through, but I can say that it's perfectly okay to feel the way that you feel. You seem like you've been trhough a lot! That's a lot to deal with all at one time.

But please...(don't follow my example), don't get down and discouraged! People always say that positivity will ATTRACT more positivity in your life, and I firmly believe this. It may be hard (I know it can be for me at times) to see the sun beyond the storm, but it helps to think positively! Afterall, happiness is just a state of mind!

So many times I see TV programs showing poor children in Africa. Some may be dying, some may be very poor, or even ill, yet when they are given something to help them out, they always seem so HAPPY! They are always smiling and in good spirits. :D Yet, so many of us in this country (US) have SOO much, yet some of us are down or depressed and don't smile half as much.

So really, happiness has very little to do with how much you have, or even what you DO have. Happiness comes from within. :)

Just remember that.

I only wish I could take my own advice! :wallbash: :look:
Maybe you should start by looking for another job if you need more money...Financial problems leads to all kinds of problems. Keep your head up.
I would advice you google "the law of attraction" or the secret and start concentrating on things you want in your life and start being grateful....your life will start turing around. If you feel bad about yourself you will attract more people who feel that way about you.

this is my life........and yes I am still a work in progress and I slip but I get right back up and keep it moving!

My daily words are"
I have.........

I am .....
I also say all day long
"Thank you I am happy and grateful NOW THAT....(fill in the blank)
I am happy and grateful NOW THAT>>>>>>
"Money comes to me on a continous basis from multiple sources all the time" (say it til you believe it and watch it start happening!
I could go on and on!
I'm sorry you feel this way Latina power :sad:. Here :Rose:

About money, perhaps make an action plan and figure how you can cut down on ur costs so have more spending money or start lookinig for a new job with more pay.

Friends - try looking for people that share the same values as yourself. That's always a good start. Join clubs that allow you to socialize with people; tennis, knitting, book club, gardening, anything that tickle your fancy.

PXE - is it just on your neck? If it is, you could get nice fancy scarves to cover it up if you feel self conscious about it. I'm sure you're not ugly, please don't get thinking that.

Boyfriend - Have you tried online dating? Don't feel shy about telling family and friends you're looking, 'cos they just can know someone they could introduce you to. Try to go out more.

Miscalleneous advice - 1st, learn to appreciate and fall in love with yourself :). Make a list of things you like about yourself, and then think of ways you can make the most of them. Make another list of things you don't like about yourself/wish you could change ... think about why you don't like them and if justifiable, ways you can turn them into likes. Try and do things u've always wanted to do. Invest time in self development. If you're unhappy about an area of your life, physical appearance, what can you do to make it better?, career, housekeeping, anything. work at making yourself better. This always makes one happier.

Take your focus off things you don't have and instead appreciate things you do have.

I hope u feel much better and ur spirit is lifted soon :kissing4:
Saying a prayer for you. at least you have your son and we thank God for that.
But I understand fully that you need friends and love in your life.

I hope you find it soon. Have you joined any groups eg church (if you go) or other community groups? try it.

Im a single mother of one , who got a full time job and never enough money to go out. My family lives in another country. The people i know are mates but not really friends. Im so tired phisically and emotionally. i had tried really hard to makes friend and to have a good actitud but it hard to keep that way. People( not me) think im ugly cuz i have pxe wich is a condition of the skin that look like burned skin and i got it in my neck. So ,not friends and not a chance to have a boyfriend again what can i do?i dont want to feel this way but sometimes i dont see when im gonna have a life. Im happy cuz my boy is the greatest child ever but i want to be more than a mother. Sorry to vent.

don't be sorry for expressing yourself. HOWEVER, you need to get the lie bolded above out of your head. having a skin condition WILL NOT in itself stop you from finding a man that loves you