I'm just like his mother!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been spending quite some time with an old friend... His mom loves me and she basically thinks we have something going on (well, she wishes). lol
He's always telling me "you know my mom loves you right?" and she's always pushing us together and just yesterday, she was telling him how she wants a big ol photo of us two in her living room. Eesh!
I love her and everything but I don't know if it's too much of a good thing.

I don't want to be the girl who makes her dislike his future wife.... Because this is why it happens in some cases.
I don't think you are ruining it for a future wife. I hate to say it but me thinks you have an over inflated ego. If mom loves her baby boy she will be accepting of any woman he brings to her even if she don't particularly care for her. That is what mother's do and have done for millions of years.