I'm Getting a Divorce

*Happily Me*

Well-Known Member
I had another talk with my estranged husband and it looks like it's really going to happen. He has made up his mind and doesn't even want to talk about reconciliation. I'm going to the courthouse this week to get the paperwork, etc.

It will be a clean divorce, meaning, we have no kids or property therfore, there's nothing to argue about.

He's still in my life as a "friend". He helps me out. We're still civil.

Bummer. I my heart breaks because I was the cause of this heartache.

But... I am grateful that I had the opportunity to learn about myself while being with my husband. That relationship forced me to look at the ugly things about myself i needed to change. But i must confess, i'm not perfect, in fact, i'm a little immature and I have a whole lot more to work on. But, i've come a loooongggg way and i am thankful for that.

I could have been in the dark wallowing and feeling angry, rejected, pitiful and holding someone emotionally hostage. That's what I did... That was the old me. I have broke away from this.

Now, if I can only learn to allow myself to be totally happy. I have to get it in my head that it's ok and believe that i DESERVE to be happy. that happiness isn't just for other people - that it's for me too.

a day at a time...

I do feel hopeful though.

Positive news:

I'm 40 years old and I FINALLY rented a car this weeked :-) It was soo much fun driving. ah man! i really want to buy one now.

I did have a few "mishaps" lol

1.) drove down the wrong street

2.) got cocky and was listening to music pretty loud. in fact, it was a rap song and i heard sirens, but i thought the sirens was apart of the song so i kept driving along. hahaha. i looked in the rearview mirrow and this cop was RIGHT behind me. then he pulled up right beside me as we were both driving! He looked like he was cursing me out telling me to move out the way. lol. He then drove past me onto wherever he was going.

3.) i almost ran a red light, realized it but i stopped right in the intersection. I looked behind me and began backing up but there were people already crossing behind me. OOOPPS!! I could have hit someone.

I have the bug now. I must get a car

Sorry for the rambling but i had to lighten the mood.

this is me navigating my way through the mean, dangerous, crazy yellow cab driving streets of NYC :lol:

All man D. I know how you feel about him so my heart goes out to you. Try to look at it as a new beginning. You have grown so much from that experience. Call or email if you need to talk chica. I miss talking to ya since you changed jobs:) You will find another awesome love just watch. :)

Oh sukey sukey now you were rolling this weekend? Girl go buy yourself a whip. You deserve it. You betta get that whip before you have to buy a Hoveround. You know what a Hoveround is young lady?
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Hugs to you, Dsylla. I know this is hard but I so admire your outlook, how you have learned from the whole experience. You are a strong woman and you do deserve happiness! My thoughts are with you. Closure is difficult but sometimes the best for us.

I love the pic. Yeah, that's my NYC. Be careful out there, especially with the taxis. :)
Sorry to hear about your divorce mines was final on April 23,2007 after 21 years of marriage anywho, just to let you know better days are ahead of you.

I'm sorry to hear that, but although it seems dark at the moment. You will have a bright future. God Bless you!

You deserve happiness and it will come...

On another note, Miss lady, do you need driving lessons? Get a refresher course. I want you up in her repping when you 50 because you darn sho don't look like you 40. You look good girl!
D, You should be proud of your accomplishment. You have come a long way. It will take time to heal completely. I know you didn't want it to come to this. But you are handling it pretty well.

Hey Dsylla.
I just wanted to let you know I'm saying a prayer for you during this time. It's good that you have such a positive outlook and that you're willing to change. That's definitely a step in the right direction.

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. (((Hugs)))
You seem like such a strong woman. I am sure you will make it though but I imagine it will be tough. Keep your head up. Also, please do be careful while driving! Reading that part made me nervous for you...
Sorry to hear this....I think you will make it through. You seem to to be a strong person. Try and maintain positive about the situation and look at it as new and improved chapter of your life that is about to begin:)
So sorry to hear that ... I am also going through some mess too, so i know how u feel ... Hang in there though and God bless you!!

I wish you the best in this new chapter of your life. Your outlook appears great. Keep it up Chica!!!
DSylla, I wish you well. :kiss: I sincerely do. It's a new change and direction in your life and all I can do is wish all of God's blessings which He has in store for you.

I'm glad you and your 'husband' are still friends. You both sound like wonderful people. So don't be so hard on yourself; it takes two to make a marriage and divorce is still shared by two. Don't take all of the blame. Sometimes, things just 'happen.'

Take care precious one. God bless you. ;)

You do have a positive outlook. I love that! I'm only 29 and I'm still trying to accept the fact that I too am immature at times and I still have some growing to do. I wish you the best and yes, you are entitled to happiness. We all are. Good luck!
Divorce is not easy especially when you are not ready to end it. You will weather through this storm. Stay positive and keep busy. Try not to be so hard on yourself like other have said. ((( ))))
Aww D. I know how you must feel because I know all the discussion we had about this. I KNOW you are gonna be okay. We are here for you. And if you ever need someone to take your hair for you just give me a call.:grin: j/k. I had to throw some humor in there since you did. But I know you will be good, so I won't even say "take care of yourself" or nothing like that. You are a strong lady. All I will say is look forward to what GOD has in store for you in the future.

Ps: Man those traffic stories are HILARIOUS!:lol:
sholly6 said:
Sorry to hear about your divorce mines was final on April 23,2007 after 21 years of marriage anywho, just to let you know better days are ahead of you.


Man.:( My condolencenses (sp?) to you too. I know that has to be ruff. I am so sorry.

I'm sorry to hear about your divorce... Keep your head up ma!!


Your driving experience was too funny!! :lol:
Im sorry you are going thru this rough patch as I can see you are starting to bounce back. Enjoy the time you have with yourself and focus on making you happy. Oh yeah those damn yellow cabs.. lol
DSylla said:
I had another talk with my estranged husband and it looks like it's really going to happen. He has made up his mind and doesn't even want to talk about reconciliation. I'm going to the courthouse this week to get the paperwork, etc.

It will be a clean divorce, meaning, we have no kids or property therfore, there's nothing to argue about.

He's still in my life as a "friend". He helps me out. We're still civil.

Bummer. I my heart breaks because I was the cause of this heartache.

But... I am grateful that I had the opportunity to learn about myself while being with my husband. That relationship forced me to look at the ugly things about myself i needed to change. But i must confess, i'm not perfect, in fact, i'm a little immature and I have a whole lot more to work on. But, i've come a loooongggg way and i am thankful for that.

I could have been in the dark wallowing and feeling angry, rejected, pitiful and holding someone emotionally hostage. That's what I did... That was the old me. I have broke away from this.

Now, if I can only learn to allow myself to be totally happy. I have to get it in my head that it's ok and believe that i DESERVE to be happy. that happiness isn't just for other people - that it's for me too.

a day at a time...

I do feel hopeful though.

Positive news:

I'm 40 years old and I FINALLY rented a car this weeked :-) It was soo much fun driving. ah man! i really want to buy one now.

I did have a few "mishaps" lol

1.) drove down the wrong street

2.) got cocky and was listening to music pretty loud. in fact, it was a rap song and i heard sirens, but i thought the sirens was apart of the song so i kept driving along. hahaha. i looked in the rearview mirrow and this cop was RIGHT behind me. then he pulled up right beside me as we were both driving! He looked like he was cursing me out telling me to move out the way. lol. He then drove past me onto wherever he was going.

3.) i almost ran a red light, realized it but i stopped right in the intersection. I looked behind me and began backing up but there were people already crossing behind me. OOOPPS!! I could have hit someone.

I have the bug now. I must get a car

Sorry for the rambling but i had to lighten the mood.

this is me navigating my way through the mean, dangerous, crazy yellow cab driving streets of NYC :lol:


on the lighter note- it doesnt sound like you need to be driving....:lachen:
those were alot of mishaps in an hour of driving...just kidding, in a couple of days:lol:
I'm sorry you're going through this. :( You're definitely in my prayers! (((((HUG))))) I'm still around if you want to talk. I miss chatting with you too.

You're brave to navigate through all those cabs!! I drive for miles and miles everyday and I'd be nervous as heck if I was driving in NYC!

There's definitely brighter days ahead! :)
Oh yeah D. You gotta get your hands on a car. There's nothing like knowing you can jump behind the wheel with a duffel bag and some cash and just GO!

I really appreciate this post. It's a challenge to feel good (blessed, positive, etc.) in the midst of a trial but when you can it's beautiful.

Take care Sweetie. Wishing you joy!
