I'm finally divorced - shoutout to LHCF.


New Member
I never thought this thread would come, but it's finally here. I am officially, legally divorced. It was a long, tumultuous road. For safety reasons, the thread(s) I started about my situation last year were deleted. I was in an abusive relationship and I have to tell you all, that some of you ladies here contributed to my strength, my will, my desire, and my ability to get out of my marriage. Some of you guided me, pm'd me and shared your stories with me. Some of you reached out to me and I even made a new friend or two and for that I am eternally grateful.

I would like to especially thank:

@~Charlotte*York~-your encouragement & your story helped me tremendously.
@ThatJerseyGirl - even though that thread was deleted, the advice & wisdome you gave me helped me to not only get out, but stay out. I remember asking you, "how do I know he won't change" and your response was something like "cuz still water run deep chile". And I tell you, that helped me to focus on reality instead of the fantasy I had about making my marriage work.
@BullGirl2010- you and I were >>>here<<<. You will never know how much you helped me through.
@Spring you listened to me, you heard me, you helped me and you were just a source Christian inspiration.
@MyAngelEyez~C~U - You were the first person to reach out to me and give me advice, a few years ago when I wrote the first thread about my situation and said it was "my friend." :nono: You saw through that and reached out to me.
@MissMasala5,@serenitypeace,@ambergirl, you ladies reached out to me despite our political beliefs, despite some conflict that had occurred in the political forum (thanks to my exdh) and I just really appreciate you all being able to see past all of that and reach out to me.
@justicefighter1913- you pm'd me and showed genuine empathy & concern - so I thank you.
@Guitarhero - you were so real and genuine in your advice to me and I needed the confidence you had, it helped me tremendously
@Supergirl, you just sent me a pm, and an e-hug as several other ladies did, but you don't know how the little things like that can make a world of difference to someone who is going through something, so thank you so much.

There are several others who contributed to the thread, but I can't remember your names. To each and every one of you - I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I made it through just fine. And, I'm so glad I got out. My kids and I are doing sooooooo much better and things keep getting better.

Just in the short time since I left my husband (September 23rd, 2010)

-i have gotten a new car
-fixed my credit
-got pre-approval on a new home
-got a job promotion & a raise
-will be relocating to another state via this promotion & raise
-I have gotten my inner peace back & that in itself is worth more than anything else in my life. It's so good to come home & not have to walk on eggshells.

So, I know I can do this. It hasn't been easy, but it has been worth every single tear, hurt & dollar.

Again - thank you all. And a million hugs to you all. (((((Hugs))))) :grouphug::bighug::bighug::hug3::hug2::hugxplode::runninghug:

As for the divorce details:

-I got sole custody of the kids, my exdh didn't try to fight me in court because he has to protect his precious political reputation.
-I got all the other basic stuff a married woman with kids get: child support, life insurance, college tuition, etc.
-We were only married for 4 years, so in my state no alimony.
-he kept the house, he had it before we got married & I didn't want it.I could have gotten it though. That house to me is like a constant reminder of the pain me & my kids endured there. I wanted nothing to do with it, I'm moving anyway.

Oh, and maybe some of you don't remember who I am, my old username was asuperwoman- if that helps jog your memories.
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Oh wow, I totally didn't realize you used to be asuperwoman!

I am so happy to hear that everything worked out for you. Too many abusive relationships end a totally different way.

Best of luck to you in all your new endeavors. :bighug:
To other ladies who might be contemplating getting out of a abusive marriage, you can do it and I promise you, you will not regret it. These are the following things that helped to me finally get out & stay out:

1. I kept a journal. I started this journal about a year prior to finally leaving. Writing things out, documenting the events helped me to see they were real and I wasn't crazy. My ex-dh convinced me that HIS reality was THE reality and made me think what I experiencing wasn't abuse. Seeing my own writing and re-reading the hurt helped me a lot. I kept my journal in a place where my ex couldn't find it and even now when I go back and read some of the entries, it makes me cry. I should have never married him, I should have left a long time ago.

2.Why does he do That? Inside the minds of abusive & controlling men, By Lundy Bancroft, this book can be found in your local bookstore, and at amazon.com. I read it - twice. It fit my marriage to a tee.

3. I finally told someone.I told LHCF first, to some you wonder why would she tell a group of strangers first? Because I was scared & nervous about what my inner circle would think about me. I had failed. Then I finally told my parents, my sister and other people in my life who I knew would support me & see me through this decision. I had a network in place and this support network helped me execute my decision to leave. I had been trying to save up money to leave, but another event popped off before I could, but since I had already created a safety net, my sister was ready to let me & my kids stay with her until we could get our own place.

4.I prayed and I prayed. Some may not believe this, but I did not want to leave my marriage. I had three kids, I had wanted to make it work. So I prayed to God, if it's okay for me to get out you are going to have to move me because I just can't give up and leave my husband.. Lo & behold, my company announces that they are relocating my entire department to another State. I saw that as God's okay to keep it moving. So I did and I am.

5. I stopped giving a dayum about what anyone else thought: you know I was so concerned about how people would see me, a divorced woman with three kids. I didn't want to join single motherhood, I didn't want to stop wearing my ring. But, this is my life and I choose to be at peace in it. All the hype isn't always what it's cracked up to be and living my life based on what other people may think is just foolish.

6.Lastly- I chose me. I had to love me more than he did, and love me more than I loved him. It hurt, it was hard. But, if I didn't respect myself enough to not deal with abuse, I was setting a terrible example for my children and creating a life that would inevitably kill me: either physically or emotionally. I am too young too die and I don't like walking around like a zombie, it doesn't suit me. Loving yourself feels so good and it's a decision you won't regret.
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I vaguely remember the backstory BUT I am so VERY happy to hear your testimony. Thank God you and your children will have the opportunity to live a happy life. Congratulations on EVERYTHING. Continued blessings to you and your children.
Ladybelle - *walks over and gives you a BIG OLE HUG*

OMG!!! I remember. I am SO GLAD you got out. OMG....I am so happy for you and your children. I'm so touched....I really am. Almost to the point of tears.

When I post in certain threads, I always wondered what was the outcome, how did that person handle the situation, are they OK, so many questions run ramped through my mind.

As I stated in one thread, no matter how many times you paint a Black wall White, you will still see remnants of Black. I am so glad you made the best decision for you and your children.

A new chapter in your life. Congrats!!
@Ladybelle - *walks over and gives you a BIG OLE HUG*

OMG!!! I remember. I am SO GLAD you got out. OMG....I am so happy for you and your children. I'm so touched....I really am. Almost to the point of tears.

When I post in certain threads, I always wondered what was the outcome, how did that person handle the situation, are they OK, so many questions run ramped through my mind.

As I stated in one thread, no matter how many times you paint a Black wall White, you will still see remnants of Black. I am so glad you made the best decision for you and your children.

A new chapter in your life. Congrats!!

Yep.:yep::grin: I figured, if I could tell you all the bad news and post that thread, the least I could do is come back and tell you how the story ended. No divorce is a happy ending, but it's a better ending than staying married to that fool.

*** hugs you back *** And, thank you so much!!! I really mean that.

You don't have to wonder anymore if your words & advice affect people because they do and it affected me in a very positive way.:yep: I know at times when I considered going back cuz he was crying those crocodile tears,your words made me think "this ***** is lying." And I stayed focused on my decision to bounce. Time sure did prove, he wasn't sincere. He just wanted to keep control over me.
G-d bless you and I pray you find true love!!!!!! Hip hip...hooray!!!!!!!! You cleaned up well!!!!!!!! There will be days of anger and sadness, but you'll get through them. :yep:
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I'm really happy for you. Thanks for updating us. You didn't help yourself, but your kids and other women in a similar position.
I remember you Ladybelle:yep:. I am so glad that you are finally free (feels so good, doesn't it?) and are on your way back into the world. You have already overcomed more than most women ever will have to (thankfully), so you know you can do anything you put your heart and mind to. Remember that you are the captain of your vessel in this life, but God is the breeze in your sails (hard to move without His help).

May you continue to prosper and be blessed!

MyAngelEyez~C~U (they do, too, :grin:)
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I am so happy for you and so glad that everything turned out EVEN better for you I am so happy that you and your children are going to be okay
Oh wow, I totally didn't realize you used to be asuperwoman!

I am so happy to hear that everything worked out for you. Too many abusive relationships end a totally different way.

Best of luck to you in all your new endeavors. :bighug:

@ the bolded, that's so true. I think I went to see For Colored Girls right after I had left my ex and that scene where that man dropped those kids off the balcony was another wake up call for me. Now, I don't think my ex would ever kill our children,but in abusive relationships you never know what could happen during the heat of an argument.

I'm so happy for you girl :) :) :)

:yep: Yep, joy does come in the morning!

G-d bless you and I pray you find true love!!!!!! Hip hip...hooray!!!!!!!! You cleaned up well!!!!!!!! There will be days of anger and sadness, but you'll get through them. :yep:

I believe in true love and if it's meant for me it shall be. You are so prophetic at times! :)

I'm really happy for you. Thanks for updating us. You didn't help yourself, but your kids and other women in a similar position.

I hope that I can help someone else, it would be a pleasure.

Congratulations! I can feel your strength through your post. Best wishes!

I tell ya, you find out just how strong you are during times of weakness. I didn't do it alone though, so I'm grateful for the support I had.

I remember you @Ladybelle:yep:. I am so glad that you are finally free (feels so good, doesn't it?) and are on your way back into the world. You have already overcomed more than most women ever will have to (thankfully), so you know you can do anything you put your heart and mind to. Remember that you are the captain of your vessel in this life, but God is the breeze in your sails (hard to move without His help).

May you continue to prosper and be blessed!

MyAngelEyez~C~U (they do, too, :grin:)

:grin: Freedom does feel good, it feels awesome! Thank you again for helping me through,God bless you abundantly for being a blessing to me! :yep:

LHCF is more than just haircare, I will tell anybody that.
May God bless you and yours as you embark on this new chapter in your life.

Also, let me give you a :bighug:.....you are a phenomenal woman for doing what you did....to walk away from that situation took real courage and strength.....I am very proud of you and I know your kids will be one day, too.

Take care of yourself!
Reading this bought tears to my eyes--tears of sadness for what you went through, and tears of happiness for where you are now :hug3:
I remembered that you were asuperwoman, and I remember your threads. I'm so happy for you that you got out safely and your life has improved dramatically :yay: Good for you :up:

eta: Repeating for emphasis: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft and also When Dad Hits Mom by the same author should be ~required reading~ for every girl, teen, and adult woman. Yes it should! My daughters will read it cover to cover, and make sure they convince me that they understand it before they go on a single date. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
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I didnt see the initial threads but I wanted to say that I am very happy for you! And your kids!

A happy home and a piece of mind is a beautiful thing!!

Thanks for sharing your story!
I remembered that you were asuperwoman, and I remember your threads. I'm so happy for you that you got out safely and your life has improved dramatically :yay: Good for you :up:

eta: Repeating for emphasis: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft and also When Dad Hits Mom by the same author should be ~required reading~ for every girl, teen, and adult woman. Yes it should! My daughters will read it cover to cover, and make sure they convince me that they understand it before they go on a single date. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Im going to check out these books as well and see what its about! Will probably give them to my daughter and my teenage cousins.
Thanks for the update. I do remember some of the old thread. How are your children doing? I'm glad everything is going well for you all now!! Congratulations on a life of peace. Many continued blessings to your family.
I remembered that you were asuperwoman, and I remember your threads. I'm so happy for you that you got out safely and your life has improved dramatically :yay: Good for you :up:

eta: Repeating for emphasis: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft and also When Dad Hits Mom by the same author should be ~required reading~ for every girl, teen, and adult woman. Yes it should! My daughters will read it cover to cover, and make sure they convince me that they understand it before they go on a single date. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

I need to check out this book for my dd.

Reading this bought tears to my eyes--tears of sadness for what you went through, and tears of happiness for where you are now :hug3:

Your words sum up my life story the past year or so. From tears of sorrow to tears of joy - God is good! :)
Thanks for the update. I do remember some of the old thread. How are your children doing? I'm glad everything is going well for you all now!! Congratulations on a life of peace. Many continued blessings to your family.

They are doing just fine, they are excited about moving into our new home, picking out room colors & such. The divorce hasn't impacted them as much as I thought it would, the most negative impact on them was being in that situation and I praise God that they are recovering from it.
I am so happy that you moved on, I know how hard it was. I have never been in an abusive rlp luckily but I have witnessed many women close to me in that situation including my own mother. It was the worse experience in my life and I remember being ecstatic when my mother finally left.

:bighug: seems like you will do just fine.

What can I say to you. I am just thinking back thru when I was going to my ish with my ex and I reached out to you little did I know that you were going through things with your ex-DH. You were there for me and I appreciated every single encouragement you gave.

I so needed to read this I will talk with you soon.

Much Love to you and the little ones
Ladybelle, I dont remember your thread but I will say that I wish nothing but favor and blessing from God for you and your children. This is the absolute best thread I've EVER read on LHCF and now I can say that this forum is something more than what I have been thinking and experiencing. I am in awe at your sincerity, HONESTY, and comradery you expressed on here. I'm so happy for you as if I've meet you irl. I am loving it. Thanks for the update and for making a smart life choice that may not look good on the outside to others but gave you and your children life; inside and out. Congrats Lady.