***!!! ~ I'm a Survivor ~ !!! ***

I wish there was a cure or treatment for Scarring Alopecia. Smh

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
** Update**

I had my follow-up appt with my dermatologist on Monday. He stated that my scalp looks EXCELLENT!! He said it was looking very healthy. He initially wanted me to use my ELON shampoo and alternate with Nizoral and wash my hair 4 times a week. I told him that I did start doing this at first, but then it was too much. I slacked off to 3 days a week. I was also using Rogaine, as he suggested to help regrowing the sparse areas. So, I am very encouraged with this appt. He did say that this is a very slow process but I was vastly improved from my last visit.

So, I am continuing with the Nizoral,ELON hair thinning system and Rogaine. Next appt is not until September!
My name is Stepha, and I'm definitely a survivor!

I first noticed a problem in my jr. yr of college, I was wearing a short tapered styles, I developed small bumps smack dab in the middle of my nape, and soon the hair began to fall out. I had no it idea what it was, so for the next few years I would put bump stopper, doo gro oil, dr. miracle's etc. I got some relief but not much. Finally my stylist decided to recommend me to a derm, who gave me cortisone shots throughout the affected spots on my nape, and prescribed Rogaine. I only stayed on the the Rogaine briefly, because it made even more of a hairy monkey, lol. But continued with the shots regularly. I also was prescribed clobex shampoo which I used periodically. One observation that I noticed is that my hair would get better, grow in, but it would all but disappear after I got a relaxer. It took me some time and a few scalp burns to pick up on this trend before I finally gave up the LYE.

Throughout my transition, there was this one particular spot that felt completely different than the rest of my hair. It was dry, broken off, and didn't respond to any product. I thought it was what people refer to as scab hair, I nick named it "the evil patch". Fast forward to wash day on 12/22/10, I noticed there was a bit of a gap , while shampooing that section of my hair. My heart dropped, I ran to the SO to have him look at it and take pics. My evil patch, had turned into an all out bald patch!! I was mortified, but could kick myself for not taking action because I had noticed more hair loss on wash days in the the back of my hair which was already thinner than my otherwise thick hair.

I remembered reading Nonie's thread about progress with the EO, mix, so I searched it and have been using it ever since. Things got worse before getting better, I noticed a smaller patch almost parallel to that a few weeks later, and it seemed that the original patch had gotten bigger. It's been 3 months since I started the eo scalp massages and I"m just now I'm noticing a little fuzz. I am seeing the derm periodically for shots (he doesn't seem to be that concerned with the spot), went back to ayurveda, and am taking vitamins. I will come back in June @ month 6 to report my progress with current reggie. I'm staying positive and hoping that I will finally have victory offer this problem for good!!

Keep on fighting ladies!! Love this thread!

Aww sis this sounds like what happened to me although mine was more due to emotional shock than a physical condition. Long time ago I posted photos on here but some *&^%! reported them to admin as being porn and they took them down. Anywho it was so emotionally devastating to go through - got to the point when I could tell when the next fall was going to happen and holding breath in the shower as I wash my hair and seeing chunks of hair in my hands and on the shower floor - smh.

I remember noticing the patch had gotten bigger and going to my husband and asking him did it look like it getting bigger and him trying his best to lie to me saying it looked the same just to keep me from going off........ugh **shivers**

Have faith, things do get better - they got better for me and the hair regrew and they will for you too. Patience is the key and is probably the hardest thing to have right now.

Hang in there!! In fact, hang in there EVERYone!! Don't loose hope.
Yvette, that is such glorious news!!!!!!!! We are so happy for you. It's great to hear of a good report. Keep doing what works and don't stray from your reggie.

** Update**

I had my follow-up appt with my dermatologist on Monday. He stated that my scalp looks EXCELLENT!! He said it was looking very healthy. He initially wanted me to use my ELON shampoo and alternate with Nizoral and wash my hair 4 times a week. I told him that I did start doing this at first, but then it was too much. I slacked off to 3 days a week. I was also using Rogaine, as he suggested to help regrowing the sparse areas. So, I am very encouraged with this appt. He did say that this is a very slow process but I was vastly improved from my last visit.

So, I am continuing with the Nizoral,ELON hair thinning system and Rogaine. Next appt is not until September!

coyacoy, I haven't tried the Tangleteezer, and after the posts on it causing split ends, I'm so glad I haven't. I think I'll stick to my Jilbere shower comb and tons of Tresemme Moisture Rich conditioner, lol. I really have to restrain myself to not hop on the "hot" ticket items, but if you can hang, sometimes you save yourself a few setbacks.

LynnieB, I went through the same thing, chunks of hair coming out and my husband had to come into the shower to help me because I was so distraught. He had to HELP ME detangle all the clumps out of my hair. I shudder when I think of this. God has truly delivered me and what He made happen for one, He'll do for another. You are so right, faith and patience are key to winning the fight against alopecia. But it is a fight that can be won. Thanks for the encouragement.

Aww sis this sounds like what happened to me although mine was more due to emotional shock than a physical condition. Long time ago I posted photos on here but some *&^%! reported them to admin as being porn and they took them down. Anywho it was so emotionally devastating to go through - got to the point when I could tell when the next fall was going to happen and holding breath in the shower as I wash my hair and seeing chunks of hair in my hands and on the shower floor - smh.

I remember noticing the patch had gotten bigger and going to my husband and asking him did it look like it getting bigger and him trying his best to lie to me saying it looked the same just to keep me from going off........ugh **shivers**

Have faith, things do get better - they got better for me and the hair regrew and they will for you too. Patience is the key and is probably the hardest thing to have right now.

Hang in there!! In fact, hang in there EVERYone!! Don't loose hope.
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sooooooooo...as it turns out; i used the TT once and haven't picked it back up since!! it was just allright re: detangling - not better than my Ouidad, frankly.....what i found was that i just couldn't get over was the ripping sound the TT made when i ran it through my hair (and i do detangle/comb from the bottom up)....my hair wasn't damaged in the slightest, but i just found the sound to be unsettling and ultimately a deterrent from future use. oh well, that's what happens to a PJ from time to time........:ohwell:

BTW, i plan on trying that tresemme...the price is right and i believe that it is both protein and silicone free?

@coyacoy, I haven't tried the Tangleteezer, and after the posts on it causing split ends, I'm so glad I haven't. I think I'll stick to my Jilbere shower comb and tons of Tresemme Moisture Rich conditioner, lol. I really have to restrain myself to not hop on the "hot" ticket items, but if you can hang, sometimes you save yourself a few setbacks.
** Update**

I had my follow-up appt with my dermatologist on Monday. He stated that my scalp looks EXCELLENT!! He said it was looking very healthy. He initially wanted me to use my ELON shampoo and alternate with Nizoral and wash my hair 4 times a week. I told him that I did start doing this at first, but then it was too much. I slacked off to 3 days a week. I was also using Rogaine, as he suggested to help regrowing the sparse areas. So, I am very encouraged with this appt. He did say that this is a very slow process but I was vastly improved from my last visit.

So, I am continuing with the Nizoral,ELON hair thinning system and Rogaine. Next appt is not until September!

What is that in bold? Has it slowed down your shedding? How do you combat the major dryness with Nizoral?
Ladies I wanted to add that I am taking 2000 - 2500 mg of pure MSM Trimedica's version and it has really lessened my shedding by about 50%.

And this is from someone that's tried everything.


I am debating about trying nettle leaf and saw palmetto extract to add to my aloe vera/castor oil mix. I suspect i have dht-related hair issues.

I just pulled out my AMino Acid horse pills. My own version of HF37 - which works, btw, but so pricey...I cut two inches and i want them back - pronto. And, I have to restore my hairline.


Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll How has these Amino Acid pills helped to they reduce your shedding? Or help with growth?

Did the stinging nettle help? With shedding or growth?

Have you been able to restore your hairline?
I am definitely a survivor! I've been surviving scalp trauma since I was 8 years old :yep: When I was ilttle, I used to play around in the dirt (was a tomboy) and mistakenly scratched my head before I washed my hands. A couple of days later, my head broke out in sores and my mom took me took the doctor to find out what was going on. I had given myself a bacterial infection on my scalp and my hair had started falling out in clumps! I was given antibiotics and they went away within a couple of weeks. Thank goodness my hair grew back longer and stronger than before.

Of course that didn't last too long cause around age 12, I started relaxing my hair. I remember this one time I went to a stylist to relax my hair, I told her that my scalp was sensitive and she decided to keep the relaxer on my head for over half an hour to "make sure it came out super straight" :rolleyes: BTW, my mom was with me when she said this but she also believed that the relaxer wasn't working unless your scalp started burning! Anyways, 2 1/2 hours later my hair is looking like an Asian lady's short bob and all the clients are oohing and ahhing over how my hair looked and how it had that swang, my scalp was covered in open "weeping" sores that had me in tears!. It was from then on that I decided not to go back to stylists to do my hair...that I would do my relaxers at home instead. There was one sore that was so bad that it took years for any hair to grow back in that section. I really thought hair would never grow back there again.

After all of that, miraculously, my hair grew back to around shoulder length by the time I was 15. Then RIO happened. If anyone doesn't know about RIO, it was an around the clock infomercial that used to come on back in the mid 90s that talked about an alternative straightening system which claimed to have no chemicals in it that would naturally straighten your hair and give it loads of body and that swang. The infomercial was very convincing with using RIO on clients taken from the audience "live" and parting their hair on television to show they were not wearing wigs when they came from back stage with lucious straight hair swanging!

Well, I bought into the hype and followed the directions of NOT NEEDING TO NEUTRALIZE BECAUSE IT WASN'T A CHEMICAL and not putting any kind of moisturizer on it after I placed the product on my hair...Within a couple of days my thick shoulder length hair was SEE THROUGH and all of the hair in the back had broken off! :wallbash: To this day, I thank the heavens that I didn't damage my scalp to the point that I wouldn't be able to grow back my thick fluffy hair that I adore! Of course that wasn't the last thing I tried....I also tried using permanent color over relaxed hair in my early 20's with ill effects. All of the color treated hair fell out within a couple of months. Finally when I reached my breaking point, I had pretty much had given up on my hair and started experimenting with wigs and sew in weaves. The shortest length was ear length with the nape GONE. people thought I had cut my hair in a Halle Berry hairstyle when the truth was that it broke off that way :rolleyes:

In a way, those events from the past is what made me so hair obsessed! :lachen: Since then, I've been trying to grow my hair back long and strong and to understand what the chemicals actually do to the hair and scalp to either hinder or stimulate growth. That's why I decided to go natural recently as well because my hair (and scalp) was the healthiest when I kept the chemicals OUT! Thanks to LHCF, my hair is the longest it's ever been in my life! That's why I have lots of love for all my LHCF sisters...there are many others who have suffered worse hair and scalp traumas than myself and they keep going!

I can definitely sing that song loud and proud...I AM a survivor!

lovenharmony this is so my story!! I don't know where you came from, but Your hair in your avi is beautiful. So you're definitely giving me hope. It really upsets me and makes me sad sometimes that I was so careless with my hair. But I honestly just did not know how to take care of my hair :-( I just stay prayerful to the Lord that my hair will make a complete 360.
I'm so glad I found this thread.

I was recently diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer (yes at 22 years old) and I'm learning to cope with everything except the fact that I'm about to lose all the hair I worked so hard for. :(

I actually logged on today to start looking for threads on wigs cause I've never worn one before and I need to learn how to take care of my hair under it when it starts to grow back.

Congrats to all of u & ur strength. Very inspiring.
I just want to over come the emotional part of losing my hair...

On the bright side, I dont have to b/c when I go natural lol
My prayers are with u and I commend u on such a positive attitude...i love me some wigs so if u ever need tips or sites to go to just let me know

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Thank you, I appreciate it.

I do need some tips on sites please! I've been googling forever :ohwell:
hi Caychica - thinking good thoughts for you! and glad to hear you are positive and hopeful. i just happen to love wigs...here are a few sites:
- Luxurious Hair boutique (LHB)
- My Wigs and Weaves
- Pink Lace Wigs
- Hair Sisters
- Rocky trading (discounted/wholesale prices)

Some sites cater specifically (or at least have a line of products dedicated specifically) to cancer patients suffering from hair loss due to chemo. a few of them offer discounts on purchases from those lines. hope this helps and take good care.
hello ladies! happy mothers' day to those of you in the motherhood club. posting progress pics for May....still using my sulfur mix faithfully a minimum of 3x per week.

first two pics are for May - the last two pics are from April

i will survive!! :yep:



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I pray that you are healed and you experience a quick recovery from breast cancer. I pray that your symptoms are nonexistent and that you have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.

Ovation Cell Therapy is a product line that is successful in regrowing hair of those who've gone through cancer treatments. You should look into it. It's sister line is Megatek - it's a little more difficult to use, a little stronger, I recommend just using OCT.

I wish I knew about wigs to help you on that matter, but this forum is packed with ladies who are Wig Divas! They can work 'em, Sista, so you are in the right place. Just do a search - but I'll try and think of some names and shoot 'em to ya.

Remain in peace (I admire your aplomb) and visualize yourself healthy, happy and living a long, productive life! You'll win! Blessings to you.

I'm so glad I found this thread.

I was recently diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer (yes at 22 years old) and I'm learning to cope with everything except the fact that I'm about to lose all the hair I worked so hard for. :(

I actually logged on today to start looking for threads on wigs cause I've never worn one before and I need to learn how to take care of my hair under it when it starts to grow back.

Congrats to all of u & ur strength. Very inspiring.
I just want to over come the emotional part of losing my hair...

On the bright side, I dont have to b/c when I go natural lol

Coyacoy, you are doing it! Faithfulness is key! Happy Mother's Day, to you, too, if you and others are in the Motherhood Club!

Your hair is really making progress - My Heavens! GIrl, I can't even see your scalp! Incredible! Have you realized this! Keep it up and do not deviate from your reggie. Awesome! And inspiring. Surviving AND thriving, Girlfriend...yes, you are.

hello ladies! happy mothers' day to those of you in the motherhood club. posting progress pics for May....still using my sulfur mix faithfully a minimum of 3x per week.

first two pics are for May - the last two pics are from April

i will survive!! :yep:

What is that in bold? Has it slowed down your shedding? How do you combat the major dryness with Nizoral?

Here is the link for Elon: http://www.elonhair.com/products/Th...-with-Matrix-5,000-Complete-Multivitamin.html

I had never heard of this system until my derm recommended it. I am always leary of products that say dermatologist recommended because I always think that maybe the derm is getting some sort of kickback from the companies of the products that he/she recommends. However, with the combination of the Nizoral and Rogaine, my hair is doing much better.

I don't have too much shedding. I think that fact that I am no longer relaxed and have been natural for over a year, has helped.

In regards to the Nizoral. When I first used this product, some 15 or 16 years ago, it would make my hair very dry but I was relaxed and continued to do so, even though I was using this product. Since I have been natural, it does not dry my hair out as much. I will usually use a bit of Kinky Curly Natural Leave In, and a bit of coconut oil and a touch of Burdock Root Cream after I wash my hair and let it airdry with these products on my hair. I will then follow-up in a couple of days with a bit more coconut oil. I did run out of my Shescentit deep conditioning, so I need to reorder that product to help keep my hair well conditioned.
I pray that you are healed and you experience a quick recovery from breast cancer. I pray that your symptoms are nonexistent and that you have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding.

Ovation Cell Therapy is a product line that is successful in regrowing hair of those who've gone through cancer treatments. You should look into it. It's sister line is Megatek - it's a little more difficult to use, a little stronger, I recommend just using OCT.

I wish I knew about wigs to help you on that matter, but this forum is packed with ladies who are Wig Divas! They can work 'em, Sista, so you are in the right place. Just do a search - but I'll try and think of some names and shoot 'em to ya.

Remain in peace (I admire your aplomb) and visualize yourself healthy, happy and living a long, productive life! You'll win! Blessings to you.

Coyacoy, you are doing it! Faithfulness is key! Happy Mother's Day, to you, too, if you and others are in the Motherhood Club!

Your hair is really making progress - My Heavens! GIrl, I can't even see your scalp! Incredible! Have you realized this! Keep it up and do not deviate from your reggie. Awesome! And inspiring. Surviving AND thriving, Girlfriend...yes, you are.
Thanks so much @Br*nzeb*mbsh~ll! i loved ur post so much had to read it to my DH who loved it too. funny you ask whether i realized it re: hair progress bcuz i had just posted an update to the sulfur challenge thread where i mentioned that if it weren't for the pics i don't think i would really see and fully appreciate the blessing of my progress. i appreciate your spiritual focus - glory be to God indeed!!
Thank you, I appreciate it.

I do need some tips on sites please! I've been googling forever :ohwell:


Hope all is well with you. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. She had to do radiation treatments for 6 weeks. I know her hair did thin out a bit and she has always worn wigs off and on my whole life. I will ask her for any suggestions in regards to your hair issue.
Hello Ladies,

I too stumbled on this thread while researching something else. I had no idea there was this kind of support here. I had wanted to start a thread, but thought I was alone and that no one would respond, which would make me feel even more alone.

I have a rare lymphoma with severe sarcoid that has damaged my lungs. My bra strap length hair came out in handfulls. From ear to ear in the front of my hair I went bald, except for a fringe of hair line. I finally asked my SO, who is my rock, to bring his clippers to cut the rest. When he did I cried. But they were tears of relief. No more scraping hair off my pillow, or sweeping it up off the bedroom floor, the bathroom floor or basin. I wear a scarf 24/7. However my hair is growing back, with major problems in the front.

When I was diagnosed, my dermatologist called me and told me I had a rare cancer, wished me luck and hung up on me. I did not know what to do or where to turn. I went thru 5 years of hell trying to find a physician to treat me. Those years were filled with utter horror stories. Needless to say I sank into a deep depression.

My eye doctor, during a routine visit ,called a friend of his. His friend turned out to be a physician at Sloan Kittering in Manhattan. Dr. Horwitz and Dr.
Myskowski are my 2 physicians there. They gave me a deep reality check on my condition, but also gave me hope. They specialize in my lymphoma. My care at Sloan is beyond anything I dreamed of.

Some of my realities are:

1. There is no cure for my rare lymphoma.
2. I will not go into remission.
3. The lymphoma will continue to progress.

However, it does progress slowly, and that is on my side. I am learning to accept my realities....slowly.

Am I a Survivor? Maybe. But I know I am Surviving....every day.

ETA-Sorry this is so long.
Hello Ladies,

I too stumbled on this thread while researching something else. I had no idea there was this kind of support here. I had wanted to start a thread, but thought I was alone and that no one would respond, which would make me feel even more alone.

I have a rare lymphoma with severe sarcoid that has damaged my lungs. My bra strap length hair came out in handfulls. From ear to ear in the front of my hair I went bald, except for a fringe of hair line. I finally asked my SO, who is my rock, to bring his clippers to cut the rest. When he did I cried. But they were tears of relief. No more scraping hair off my pillow, or sweeping it up off the bedroom floor, the bathroom floor or basin. I wear a scarf 24/7. However my hair is growing back, with major problems in the front.

When I was diagnosed, my dermatologist called me and told me I had a rare cancer, wished me luck and hung up on me. I did not know what to do or where to turn. I went thru 5 years of hell trying to find a physician to treat me. Those years were filled with utter horror stories. Needless to say I sank into a deep depression.

My eye doctor, during a routine visit ,called a friend of his. His friend turned out to be a physician at Sloan Kittering in Manhattan. Dr. Horwitz and Dr.
Myskowski are my 2 physicians there. They gave me a deep reality check on my condition, but also gave me hope. They specialize in my lymphoma. My care at Sloan is beyond anything I dreamed of.

Some of my realities are:

1. There is no cure for my rare lymphoma.
2. I will not go into remission.
3. The lymphoma will continue to progress.

However, it does progress slowly, and that is on my side. I am learning to accept my realities....slowly.

Am I a Survivor? Maybe. But I know I am Surviving....every day.

ETA-Sorry this is so long.

fletgee, I'm sorry for your illness and pray for you and your family. thanks for sharing!
just checking in......:grin:

took a break from using sulfur for about a month - i was seeing some breakage and wasn't sure what it was from.....think that i have since gotten it under control (knock wood) so starting back today with the sulfur. hope everyone is doing well :yep:


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fletgee I wish you all the healing that only Jesus can give. I've spoken a prayer for you. Prayer is worth more than gold and riches. Continue to pray and seek God.

Hello Ladies,

I too stumbled on this thread while researching something else. I had no idea there was this kind of support here. I had wanted to start a thread, but thought I was alone and that no one would respond, which would make me feel even more alone.

I have a rare lymphoma with severe sarcoid that has damaged my lungs. My bra strap length hair came out in handfulls. From ear to ear in the front of my hair I went bald, except for a fringe of hair line. I finally asked my SO, who is my rock, to bring his clippers to cut the rest. When he did I cried. But they were tears of relief. No more scraping hair off my pillow, or sweeping it up off the bedroom floor, the bathroom floor or basin. I wear a scarf 24/7. However my hair is growing back, with major problems in the front.

When I was diagnosed, my dermatologist called me and told me I had a rare cancer, wished me luck and hung up on me. I did not know what to do or where to turn. I went thru 5 years of hell trying to find a physician to treat me. Those years were filled with utter horror stories. Needless to say I sank into a deep depression.

My eye doctor, during a routine visit ,called a friend of his. His friend turned out to be a physician at Sloan Kittering in Manhattan. Dr. Horwitz and Dr.
Myskowski are my 2 physicians there. They gave me a deep reality check on my condition, but also gave me hope. They specialize in my lymphoma. My care at Sloan is beyond anything I dreamed of.

Some of my realities are:

1. There is no cure for my rare lymphoma.
2. I will not go into remission.
3. The lymphoma will continue to progress.

However, it does progress slowly, and that is on my side. I am learning to accept my realities....slowly.

Am I a Survivor? Maybe. But I know I am Surviving....every day.

ETA-Sorry this is so long.
just checking in......:grin:

took a break from using sulfur for about a month - i was seeing some breakage and wasn't sure what it was from.....think that i have since gotten it under control (knock wood) so starting back today with the sulfur. hope everyone is doing well :yep:

You scalp looks like mines. Especially the 1st pic at the middle of the hairline where it is thinning and looks see through. Also the balding spots in the other areas of the scalp. I have those. They are just not as apparent since you are natural.

I've reduced my shedding dramatically! Thank my sweet Jesus for that because I was losing hair at an alarming rate. Wish Id found my help years earlier I'd be alot less bald.

Now Im seeking something that will regrow my hair or activate the follicles in those bald spots. I'm trying Nioxin and I thought it was doing this but no the bald spots are still bald or thin.

Let me know if you find something that works for this.