I'll know my hair is long when....


Well-Known Member
Okay Ladies this one's for fun. I did a search, but didn't see one like this already.
After I put my lightly straightened hair in a mid-height pony tonight and braided it down, I could feel it sitting between sl and apl. I could feel it come over my shoulder when I turned my head, but regretfully, it swung back to my back when I turned my head forward again. So I got to thinking, what will be a marker to me that my hair is long.

"I'll know my hair is long when it swings over my shoulder in a high pony tail and STAYS THERE!"
I'll know my hair is long can feel water trickling down my back when I wash :grin:

when coloring my hair covers "the girls" :look:

it gets stuck in my armpit

when I look a HAM people will overlook it and admire my hair
...I stop tugging at it in the mirror every day for a "length check". I know good and well it didn't grow an inch overnight, but I can't help it!
when pushing it back is not enough. I'll HAVE to toss my head while flinging it back, as if annoyed by all the hair falling in front. :giggle:
When my hair gets caught under the armpits and when i can feel it touching the Bootay!! Lol
I knew my hair was long when I looked back at old picture were I thought my hair was long back then. :lol:
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when ppl start commenting on it & asking 4 advice...touching it...staring at it...

i kno sum long-haired ppl get annoyed by this kinda behavior from strangers/others:violin: but i WELCOME IT & can't wait 4 it 2 happen 2 me.

then i will kno i have arrived lol!:grin:
I'm ashamed to say I don't know! I know my hair is a decent length, but it doesn't feel long to me yet. I'm proud of what I have, but I still want more!
I'll know my hair is long can feel water trickling down my back when I wash :grin:

when coloring my hair covers "the girls" :look:

it gets stuck in my armpit

when I look a HAM people will overlook it and admire my hair

Absolutely EVERYTHING BellaLunie said :yep: