I'll know my hair is long when....

1. my hair covers my boobs when straightened
2. it falls past my shoulders when in a curly style
3. I can feel it past my shoulders when wet

I'm guessing I'll be about WL by the time these things happen. Shrinkage is no joke :nono:.
When people are trying to describe me and they say: "U know Sade', she's brown skin with really longgg hair" and they reply "OH YEAHHHH, I know her!"
Wow lets see...
  • My shortest layer which is at SL gets to BSB
  • I am WL
  • I do a braid out and it falls to BSL
  • I can do a massive bun
  • I can do a high ponytail and it falls to my bra strap
  • My low ponytail is MBL
  • My french braid is MBL
  • Doing my hair becomes a chore
  • I get asked hair questions by random strangers
  • Get weave checked
I think that's about it :)
When my hair looks like this in a dry, unstretched, SHRUNKEN state!



You couldn't tell me NUFFIN!!!!! lol
i will Know that my hair is long, when:
- i can justify using a quarter to half the bottle of conditioner on my hair for just one co-wash.
-i can hit someone with my braid like its a rope.
-when I can no longer roll my hair with rollers because they dont make any big enough for my hair length.
- everyone tells me that my hair aint my hair. (weave checked)
-someone else sits on it.
-when it covers my back after a blow out.

there probably is a lot more but dont want to bore ya.
When my twisted hair twists all the way down to my waist ALL AROUND my head.

When I no longer consider shrinkage my frenemie.

When I do not think about how long it will take me to get to WL.

When I come into threads like this and just read them instead of typing a response.
When my twisted hair twists all the way down to my waist ALL AROUND my head.

When I no longer consider shrinkage my frenemie.

When I do not think about how long it will take me to get to WL.

When I come into threads like this and just read them instead of typing a response.[/QUOTE]

Can I get an Amen 4 both of the bolded statements!! :lachen:esp that last 1!!!
I'll know when my hair is long when I sit down on it and it's still overflowing off the seat.

Gotta second that motion! I was thinking the same exact thing!

I'll know it's long when I have to take care to keep from getting it tangled in the seat belt, when I have to braid it then wrap the braid around several times to "get it out of the way," and when I stop even caring about length...then I'll know I have MORE than enough hair!! :grin: When I have to use a 1/2 bottle to CW, when my hair hits mid-thigh length while in a single braid.
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When it touches my top back muscle. For me that's long because I'm so short!

When I can get a decent pony tail. Not a pig tail like I have now!

When it's almost shoulder length in its natural unstretched state. I have a LOT of shrinkage so I'm thinking it will actually be about APL.

When I can feel it on my back

When I think something is crawling on my back and realize it's my hair!

See I'm not hard to please. I just want it off my neck and down my back.

Oh! and I wanna get weave check too! When it's... down my back! :yep:
I see my aspirations weren't lofty enough, so, I'll know my hair is long when:
1) It hangs over my girls in a high pony.
2) I can feel it on my buttocks in the shower
3) People make comments like "Dang your bun is big as HAY-ELL!"
4) I have to wear it up all the time to keep it from getting tangled/stuck in the car door
5) I can use it to keep warm (Yah, that's a good one)

I could go on, but you get my drif.
When people see me and constantly asking me is that yr real hair?:grin:

And when my hair reaches below bra strap! I have a very long torso!
I can't remember if I posted.
BUTTTT: once my hair starts tickling my back, getting stuck in my seat belt, and people start asking me what type of weave I'm wearing. haha. :lachen:
hummmm i felt my hair dangling on the very top of my hips when it was reallly flat ironed, and then i wet my hair all over again cuz i feel bad for having it so staight, but even then i dont feel like its long yet. when i feel hair heavly laying in my butt, then its long.
Wow lets see...
  • My shortest layer which is at SL gets to BSB
  • I am WL
  • I do a braid out and it falls to BSL
  • I can do a massive bun
  • I can do a high ponytail and it falls to my bra strap
  • My low ponytail is MBL
  • My french braid is MBL
  • Doing my hair becomes a chore
  • I get asked hair questions by random strangers
  • Get weave checked
I think that's about it :)

Thanks Kellum, you summed it up really well for me!:yep: