If your hair could talk...

Right now I'm twirling my hair and listening to The Isley Brothers so I know my hair is saying "kiss me dahling" LOL
My hair--> WTH is this? Are you serious? Bone straight. Really? :perplexed Seriously??? OMG whyyyyyyyyyyy Luvs whyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????!?!?!?! I thought you lubdeded me!!! :ohwell:

:look: Thanks for the glycerin and rosewater :grin: .... oh yeah and for making your own poo out of the baby Dr.Bonners, water, and the oils. THAT'S whassup. :yep:

If you're nice to me I might let you do this. :rocker:
It's been so long since you've seen me au natural you don't even know how to look. It's like where strangers meeting for the first time.
I am okay with the Angela Davis look today so you just need to get with program and adjust! I don't care what you think or anyone else who sees this massive cottony wonderfulness on top of yo head girl. Now put on some big earrings and let's go we got some grocery shopping to do.

Love you,

The Beast
If my hair could talk after cornrows..it'll say
"Tell them to let me go!" (tangles):wallbash:
"You're burning me again!":angry2::burning:
"Me like the braid-outs.":lick::kisses:
"Thanks for moisture.":lick::worship2:
"Protein makes us strong.":drunk:
"Cowashes are nice but, pooing feels best":lachen:
"DC'ing makes us eargasmmmm!":yep:

Okay guys I'm having too much fun w/ this!:thatsall:
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Mine would say "I love you for for getting rid of anemia and taking such good care of me!"...LOL!

My hair is in a happy place right now.
"no more trims please...keep those scissors AWAY from me!"
"i can't wait until you reach your goal length...i wanna hang out and swing!"
-Thanks soooo much for the protein....me lieky:trampolin
-I know you cut me to chin length but don't use that as an excuse to use the flat iron/curling iron more than once a week.:bat::badidea: