If your hair could speak...

I think my hair is rude to me sometimes. :rolleyes: "I'm thirsty as hell, if you don't give me something to drink, I'mma snap off! :whip:"
No, you can't make that flat iron job last two weeks, I'll get greasy and limp

You need to put me back in a PS For the spring.
"You spoil me, your so gentle, caring and loving and when December 2014 I have a present for you" (major length)
You can use all the expensive products you want, DC as much as you want, until you start cleaning your diet, drink more water, put the soda away, and get on a vitamin regimen, i will keep growing brittle and snap at the slightest touch.
You want me to be APL huh? How about you protective style for a month a few times in the year, and i will think about it.
"Girl if you don't stop using products that have protein in it! 'Bout to kill me! I know I'm fine but I need moisture not protein!
I don't like that. What is that? Why are you doing that? What is that supposed to do? That's not going to work. Leave me alone. Stop bothering me. I don't want to do that.
Mom, I know you want to color me. But, I'm sensitive to all that mess. So, stop thinking about it. Henna is treating us just fine.

Oh, and it's okay to use wigs to give me a break. I'll love you more for it. Get a red one!!!
"I know you have a lot going on right now. Take care of everyone else. I'm fine, I'm chilling under this wig. You are eating your daily salads, drinking tons of water, never missing your hair vitamins. Can't wait to surprise you with my length when you decide to FINALLY get me professionally done. Now once you see my length, don't be getting any ideas!! Put me right back up under this wig until I am MBL."
"Stop trying to cut me yourself. You're doing a bad job with the scissors and you need to give it up. Once I get to a nice length Imma need you to go get a professional trim to get rid of this crazy cut you gave me."
"Thanks for sticking with your staple products and not being a PJ. I feel much healthier, but I'd feel even better if you threw in a co-wash 1x a week". ...ungrateful arse lol
"Girl, thanks. Thanks for not trying to alter me anymore. Now I can grow freely. Thanks for knowing I'm not a fan of heat. Thanks for all the moisture, girl, you keep doing this, and I'm going to retain and grow to the longest lengths you've ever seen in your life."