What's bothering you about your hair?

I got my hair chopped off due to breakage about 2 months ago and i'm still not used to the cut at all. I have no clue what protective styles i can wear and i can't do braids because they destroy my hair. I wrap my hair at night but it just comes out straight the next morning and i have to flat iron it EVERYDAY so it can be presentable. I don't know what i can do to my hair so i don't have to flat iron it every morning. I'm scared it won't grow back because of all the heat i'm using:cry3:
lovely008 said:
I got my hair chopped off due to breakage about 2 months ago and i'm still not used to the cut at all. I have no clue what protective styles i can wear and i can't do braids because they destroy my hair. I wrap my hair at night but it just comes out straight the next morning and i have to flat iron it EVERYDAY so it can be presentable. I don't know what i can do to my hair so i don't have to flat iron it every morning. I'm scared it won't grow back because of all the heat i'm using:cry3:

are you transitioning?

have you tried doing wash and goes? (add a cute scarf of headband) - they require no heat at all.

lovely008, flatironing everyday's gonna kill your hair for sure.

ETA: what sort of style is your cut (forgot to ask)
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I'm still irked at my hair because I have a short section on my left side over my ear, and I can't figure out WHY!!!!!!! *WAHHHHH!*

Okay, I take that back - it's shorter because that's my 4b spot, and while it's strong, the bleach/dye combo just broke my hair down over there....and I know that with patience and love and dusting, the two sides will catch up with each other and my whole head will be kumbayaing together....which most likely won't happen till the summer.

What's bothering me most is that I can't tell whether its growing or not. I went on a 9 month stretch and re-relaxed. I take my vits faithfully and wonder if its changed the texture of my new growth because at a little over 6 weeks post, I feel like I won't need a relaxer any time soon, can't tell the difference between my NG and relaxed ends and I just don't know what to do next.

well, i guess thats better than breakage!
The most troubling thing about my hair is that I have been relaxed so long that I have no clue what my nautral texture is. My sister said that I never had any curl definition pre-relaxer and that is disappointing because I would love to go natural but if I won't have any curls and won't have a luscious wash-and-go then I wont.
My issues are not so much about my hair but with ME and my hair.

1-I don't know how to comb it! I have been pony-tailing/bunning it since the 4th grade. It's boring & stale. I damage my hair just by styling it in the same old bun/s. Although I get many compliments on my hair, I KNOW it's damaged with split ends throughout and am not confident to ever wear it down.

2- My hair is weak. I am rough.

3- My hair grows in very thick. I want thick hair throughout but it always seems that the 1st 4-5 inches are full then it gets normal. The normal hair looks too thin compared to the thick round afro hair at the bottom. Then both my hair dresser and I feel like the (seemingly) thin 5-8 inches needs chopping.
My hair lkes grease or at least it seems like it dose and so dose my scalp
I wonder if Im doing my hair more harm that good by using grease
My hair is really soft beeswax is the only thing I have found to hold my dry twist
The back of my hair is just growing so much slower than the rest and that is really bothering me. I think I might see if I can leave that area unrelaxed for awhile and see if that helps.
My hair is so dry! I wanted to start doing more CO-washing but its getting cold and I'm sick now! But the main issue is dryness, shedding and breakage. I'm so tired of it, I'm doing protective styles throughout the week (bunning)and doing a rollerset for Sundays.
I can't figure out my protein moisture balance! I'm at such a loss! :( I think I have been over moisturizing and over conditioning because my hair has been feeling mushy and limp. I did the Mizani custom blend wheel thing and it said I need 3:1 protein:moisture so I am going to really up my protein game for the next few weeks to see if that makes a difference.
My soon to be fired stylist did more than "trim" my hair last week. My ends are healthy too.
Some sections of my hair are still underprocessed and I know is causing breakange and causing me to have a set back :(
I did do a corrective a while ago and it helped but it also overprocessed some of my ends and now I am too scared to try doing a corrective again :ohwell:
Why is the front of my hair growing so much slower than the rest of my hair? It's not even the whole front, just one area. Thank God for shrinkage, but I want to even it out.
That one side is longer and healthier looking than the other. That I always seem to have loads of shedding, no matterf what I do.
what's bothering me are all these darn knots i keep getting. i have about a half inch new growth and 1-2 inches of underprocessed hair. everynight before bed i seperate and braid it. i keep getting knots with 5-10 strands of hair in them. that's really frustrating cause i'm not understand how the hair can knot if i'm braiding it at night :confused: :cool:
Overall I am happy to see my hair making progress, but I am still trying to find a good oil or product to seal in moisture. I love the Dabur Amla oil, but I find that If I use it more than once a week my hair won't keep any type of style and I'd really rather not wash it more than once a week now that it is relaxed again...sigh:confused: . What's a girl to do. Maybe the Asante oil will be better for my hair.
The middle of my hair is shorter than the sides and the back of my hair is shorter than the front so even though it appears to be shoulder length, I can't pull all my hair into a pony tail. Its basically uneven all around!:mad:
What's bothering me is the fact that my hair is layered so even though I don't want to comb or brush it to much, I don't have a choice if I want to put it in a bun.
ncarter72 said:
My hair is a TWA. What bothers me is that I wake up every morning with bed head. Like you I'm trying not to overwash due to the cold weather. This Saturday I'm going to invest in individual braids. I wish I had the skills to do them myself but I fear that it would be a waste of time. I do have a new product find. Giovanni conditioner for CWs. It made my hair very soft proceeded by an ACV rinse. I will deep condition with the ORS Replenishing Pak Friday night then head over to the African shops bright and early so as to be the first person. Wish I knew how to post pictures to show before and after.:look:
i am in that same boat but i can not afford singles right now. :(
Oh where do I start with the hair troubles? It's been kinda short and does not appear to be growing. I can't even tell if it's getting thicker or anything! The hair at my crown had looser curls and waves, and does not cooperate when I do wash-n-go's. Matter of fact, I can't even do wash-n-go's properly! I wear twists right now, but every week I have to get them re-done b/c they just loosen up and look horrid! The only good thing is that my hair isn't breaking or coming out too much, but darn it, it's not growing!:wallbash: :cry2:
my hair looks dry and matted b/c i have to wear a hat when i am in uniform, so it kinda picks out my curls and pulls the moisture from my hair
Despite all my efforts, sleeping in a satin cap on a satin pillow case and using Profective's Breakfree and Healthy ends, I still have breakage and split ends and my strands are thinner than I would like them to be.