Mz.MoMo is BALD!!! Pic heavy

MzMoMo, I can honestly say that you look amazingly with short hair. As others have said, your gift to your friend and whoever receives your hair is a tremendous blessing. Like many on this board I have been through bc with a family member. I'll never forget the pain of having to shave my mom's head when her hair began to fall out. When she finally got a wig, one that she liked, it made such a difference in her self esteem. I was just sitting here frustrated about my hair, reading this has once again put things in perspective for me. For that I thank you.
God bless you. Your story brought tears to my eyes before I saw the first picture. You are a God send and a wonderful friend. The world needs more people like you! Oh I forgot to tell you, you look amazing!
Your post emotionally broke me down. What a wonderful woman you are. It's rare in life to have a true friend like you. Your friend is blessed. You are beautiful inside and out. I pray that your friend beats BC and I pray that more women will be blessed with a friend the likes of you. You are a rare and beautiful gem. May you always be blessed!

Mz.MoMo5235 - you do not look crazy without makeup. You look just fine! :yep:

Wonderful gesture you did for your friend.
You are such an inspiration. And, QUIT PLAYIN- You are beautiful without makeup! This is what real friendships are made of. God has something special in store for you. I have done something similar years ago, and it is rewarding. God Bless you, and I pray your friend whips cancer's butt! The cut looks good on you!
What a wonderful friend you are.

People, even some women, just do not understand how tramatic it is to
deal with cancer's woes and lose our hair. It's like this thing (cancer) has invaded our bodies from the inside and taken away who we are on the outside by taking our hair.

You are truly a friend. Bless you both.
I can't believe I missed this thread. Wow you are the greatest friend a girl could have, really! You look great with that cut too, it suits you!
I know tha this has already been said many times in this thread, but I think what you did was so great. I know your friend is very greatful and it probably means a whole lot to her. :yep: Cancer is a very scary thing and most people feel so alone when going through, but shaving your head probably helped normalize it a bit for her. What a great gift.
It looks like I will for sure have to cut again before I got home so I can be bald with my friend. Now I know why men go to the barber so much, cause hair grows fast!!! I know when you're at a long length its not so noticable and you feel like your hair is growing in at a snail pace. But it really isnt. I cut my hair 10days ago and have already seen a difference. When we first cut it, you could not pinch my hair. Now its all pinchable lol

The day I shaved it

and today



I truly am enjoying the short life and cant wait to see my friend in 45days!

I still dont know if I will grow it out or maintain it. I mean the org plan was to grow it all back again. but I'm thinking I may want to just keep it in a pixie (a tad longer than what it is now). Its so easy! But maintaining the shortness will probably be around the same hassle as retaining length lol. So I havent decided.

I will do what my heart tells me, which means my hair will grow out if I forget to get it done regularly... The same way I went natural lmao :lol:

Again thank you all for your support and keep my friend in your prayers. When she beats this cancer (cause I know she will I just feel it!) I will be getting her a paid sub here to get her on her way to growing her own hair back!!!
By the way, the 3:16pm is AZ time... In India it was actually 3am. Waiting for the bus to go to class. Cant wait for America where I can drive again!!!