If you trust in prayer and LOA then what?


Well-Known Member

If you have prayed for GOD to put someone back in your life IF it is HIS will or if not to take away the feelings. And if you believe and do the LOA and have the person on your story board. And then the person calls you and wants to come back into your life, who or what do you trust?

Your past insecurities, betrayals therefore instincts or that maybe your desires were answered? I really want to start off on a clean slate. My eyes are wide open now in terms of what is and is not of importance.

I'm so confused now. I prayed about this man and our relationship, now he's back...sort of. By that I mean I won't get in that cab and take that ride again unless I know where his head is.

But I honestly thought I would never talk to him again. He was so unforgiving. Now it's like he's been in coma. We picked up almost where we left off. Except I don't have any expectations of him so therefore don't call him or email him.

I still date other people. I don't expect to see or hear from him so when I do I'm happily surprised. What do I do now? And yeah I'm still in love with him. Let me just go ahead and put that out there.

All responses positive or negative are appreciated.
What do you actually want? I don't see any actual effort you have made one way or the other. Are you waiting for him to confess his undying love for you, and that no matter what happened in the past, all is forgiven without an explanation? What do you want from him?
What do you actually want? I don't see any actual effort you have made one way or the other. Are you waiting for him to confess his undying love for you, and that no matter what happened in the past, all is forgiven without an explanation? What do you want from him?

Well let me go back a bit. I broke up with him. Then tried to reach out to him to repair "how I broke up with him" and "what he did to take me there". He basically would not talk to me afterwards.

I guess I'm waiting for him to make the first move. After he wouldn't communicate with me I just backed off completely. Six months later out of the blue he calls and we start talking much like old times. Well almost I mean I'm just not as available or as suggestive/receptive of us being together.

I guess I'm just considering it a friendship reconciliation since before we were together practically all the time. I know that we both have serious trust issues, for different reasons.

What do I want from him? To show me that he is back in my life because we are suppose to be together and going to give it an honest try. And by that I mean that I prayed that if this relationship was not to be for GOD to remove my feelings for him so that I could move on. But I never did.
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I remember your past threads and the heartbreak (((HUGS)))

Are you praying for God's Will or for your will?
I remember your past threads and the heartbreak (((HUGS)))

Are you praying for God's Will or for your will?

Thank you. But I have to believe it's God's will I prayed for, even though I was very honest about me wanting it. I prayed that if it was not to be to take away the feelings so that I could move on. Because I knew that God had the power to do that.

I don't contact him and tell myself that if it's meant to be he would somehow come back on his own. Granted most men do after a period of time anyway. Which is why I am waiting to see where his head is, without any prompting or initiation of that topic from me.

Right now, we just basically talk about our businesses which were at one point joined. He acts with me like he did when we first met, just very shy and uncertained of what he can and cannot do.

I guess I feel like I know have the knowledge that I lacked the first time around which was to go very very slooowly.
Sounds like your life is gonna be on hold until you get closure.
Tell him you want to resume the relationship. Be direct.
No sense waiting for the other shoe to drop.
No sense waiting to exhale.
Eliza, I just don't know about continuing a relationship with him at this point. Like you said, all men usually come back. And he is coming back unchanged, it seems (from the outside looking in). You are back at square one, playing games... where is the change? Where is the plan? The man of action? The improved treatment? (I know you cannot assess those things by just randomly talking/e-mailing) but remember the reason(s) why this relationship did not work.

I am no expert. But I would keep this relationship at arms length until he has proven himself and/or met your expectations.
Eliza, I just don't know about continuing a relationship with him at this point. Like you said, all men usually come back. And he is coming back unchanged, it seems (from the outside looking in). You are back at square one, playing games... where is the change? Where is the plan? The man of action? The improved treatment? (I know you cannot assess those things by just randomly talking/e-mailing) but remember the reason(s) why this relationship did not work.

I am no expert. But I would keep this relationship at arms length until he has proven himself and/or met your expectations.

I agree... I remember some of your old threads about this guy, and from what it sounds like here, not much has changed in terms of him addressing what he did and him making an effort to repair the relationship.

From what I'm reading here, all the work that's been done has been on your end only. All he's doing is calling and talking to you, which as you said, is what all men do.

As for your prayer, make sure that you're paying attention to what God is really showing you and not what you want to see. As far as I can tell, this man is showing you nothing at the moment... which is perhaps the answer that God is giving you.

Good luck. :kiss:
Sounds like your life is gonna be on hold until you get closure.
Tell him you want to resume the relationship. Be direct.
No sense waiting for the other shoe to drop.
No sense waiting to exhale.

Thank you Aqualung.

Believe me there is a part of me that wanted to do that. But I didn't and I think that's why he is still calling. When we first began dating he was real slow to believe I really wanted to date him. He does much better on cyberspace and the phone than in person. I think if we are still hanging out as friends in a couple of months I will know much better where I stand. I want him to make the first move this time not me.
Eliza, I just don't know about continuing a relationship with him at this point. Like you said, all men usually come back. And he is coming back unchanged, it seems (from the outside looking in). You are back at square one, playing games... where is the change? Where is the plan? The man of action? The improved treatment? (I know you cannot assess those things by just randomly talking/e-mailing) but remember the reason(s) why this relationship did not work.

I am no expert. But I would keep this relationship at arms length until he has proven himself and/or met your expectations.

Thank you Cupcake, this is why I'm not really moving forward. I almost want to just ask him why did he come back. But just really don't want to be the first to assume it's anything more than he's no longer mad at me and just wants to be friends.

If he is unchanged then I will know that God answered the part of my prayer about softening his heart toward me, but also the part about allowing the feelings to leave. Because that is also happening on a very small level. And by that I mean, while I still love him, the thought of never seeing him again or never talking to him again just doesn't hurt so bad now.

Which makes me think that what was really hurting me was not being in a relationship with him but the pain of feeling like I had violated his trust and hurt him deeply, which I know and admit that I did. Yeah he did what he did but your own trespasses can only be regretted by you.

Now that we can talk I feel better about me. I hope that made sense. I appreciate your candor.
I agree... I remember some of your old threads about this guy, and from what it sounds like here, not much has changed in terms of him addressing what he did and him making an effort to repair the relationship.

From what I'm reading here, all the work that's been done has been on your end only. All he's doing is calling and talking to you, which as you said, is what all men do.

As for your prayer, make sure that you're paying attention to what God is really showing you and not what you want to see. As far as I can tell, this man is showing you nothing at the moment... which is perhaps the answer that God is giving you.

Good luck. :kiss:
Ladies, one of you said exhale. I need to do that and get this off my chest this morning so this might get a little winded.

Hey Bunny, yeah it's the same one. The Allen Payne look alike. I guess I owe you a little more explanation for this to make sense. This man I as you remember I referred to as my soulmate. He had a habit of talking to other women on the internet. I found out and confronted him with it. He didnt deny his actions but denied meeting them in person or ever having cheated on me. I gave him a counseling ultimatum which he declined.

I then basically in a very abrupt and very accusatory manner told him to give me all my stuff from his house. When he didn't seem to comprehend, I went through his house snatching clothes books and other items. Ouch....it still hurts to remember how I acted.

I later tried repeatedly to apologize for the way I acted. I could have ended the relationship in a much more dignified way. Certainly without all the accusations and certainly without demanding books, pictures, coffee pot, etc.

I have been in complete unhappiness thinking that if only I had done things differently this could have been my soulmate. He had just gotten out of a six year relationship 4 months prior and obviously needed time to get back out there and date. I had ended a ten year relationship a year ago that had deep roots in internet dating as the cause for the breakup. We both needed time.

I used to daydream about running into him and his granddaughter in Walmart and that 15 minute long stare between the two of us. I honestly thought I would never hear from him again unless it was just happenstance at a Walmart or a gas station.

Then out of the blue he texts me one day and ask "where are you" I thought it was unreal. I said "why' and he answered "you know why". So okay sex I'm thinking. I was actually joking around with him about him wanting to come over but didn't take him serious. And to be honest I knew he was talking about holding congress. Let me be upfront about that. BUT when he actually knocked on my door I was in complete shock. I thought he was just joking with me.

When he came in he started working out in my gym. Then he went into my office and saw the company that he and I were suppose to be doing on my desk. He began asking me questions about it. We talked for another 2 hours about that. With him finally finally giving me all the missing pieces. This was another hard part of the break up I was still trying to do this company without him and I really needed his expertise. He was so forthcoming with information I was like a second grader being exposed to world history for the first time. Just in absolute awe. We talk and talk. Since I didn't take him seriously I was just me... my usual sweat pants wife beater tee and house shoes. But he really wasn't looking at me sexually at all anyway.

I tell him about the property I bought and he wants to see it, we stay there about an hour with him just making so much sense of this business that I'm trying to do. Then we go look at another one I want to buy. We come back to my house. We talk business for another hour. All the while I'm thinking did he really come over here for sex because that is not going to happen. Please believe me I thought about it especially when he got on the weight bench.

We leave again and go eat and come back to my house. At which point he says I can't believe you got me out at this time of night. It's about 10:30pm. I want to kiss him so bad but I know where that will lead to and I cannot sleep with him. But I did want to. Suffice it to say we dont kiss but he kept hugging me and pecking my neck. It's something he used to do to make me laugh.

I walk him to his car and we talk another 45 minutes. All of which is him just saying funny stuff to make me laugh. Basically about me opening the business and one of my elderly patients running away and the news camera being right there to catch it all. It was funny.

We've talked since then on the phone like old times, but nothing about the initial reason he was coming over. He will call me and we talk business and he says things like "I need to do this because you are going in the wrong direction" (me wanting to spend money) or just things to keep me on track like not getting an SBA loan but just to save my money and do it the non-debt way.

I know he knows what he is talking about because he probably makes at least $50k a month. Maybe what was answered was that God has softened his heart toward me enough to be friends with me and help me with my business. Maybe this is my prayer to if he came back to give the relationship whatever time it needs to grow at a natural pace. Before I was practically living with him after one month. Either way I'm happy he's back in my life and willing to help me out and since I'm not sleeping with him I can't really be concerned or have any expectation with his actions outside of me.

Maybe in time things will change.....why do I write so dang much. Sorry ladies. But I'm so so grateful that I have all of you to listen. Even if you don't post I hope reading my story may help some of you out there think through these new exciting relationships. Just give it time. Don't rush into anything. Okay bye.
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This is B.S.
OP and OP's target need to **** or get off the pot.
None of us are getting any younger.

Don't let a man string you along.
It does NOT take a man months and years to ask you out.
Men (esp'ly men) go for what they want.

There's a cute doctor at my church who has known me since undergrad. CUTE, but hasn't asked me out yet.
I'm not trotting to church all dressed up waiting for Dr. Cute, M.D. anymore.
I'm actively dating someone who is into me. Less cute, but he buys me jewelry AND ACTUALLY ASKS ME OUT.

Go hard or go home.
This is B.S.
OP and OP's target need to **** or get off the pot.
None of us are getting any younger.

Don't let a man string you along.
It does NOT take a man months and years to ask you out.
Men (esp'ly men) go for what they want.

There's a cute doctor at my church who has known me since undergrad. CUTE, but hasn't asked me out yet.
I'm not trotting to church all dressed up waiting for Dr. Cute, M.D. anymore.
I'm actively dating someone who is into me. Less cute, but he buys me jewelry AND ACTUALLY ASKS ME OUT.

Go hard or go home.

Girl you got me rolling. Maybe the good doctor is slow moving because he wants to make a "one-time move" Who knows? Or you could just be in his que and he hasn't pulled to your number yet.

Sometimes I think that's the issue with this one, except I was there at his request and all the time. And I remember when he stammered out that he wanted to kiss me but didn't want to get hit in the throat with an elbow. I actually kissed him first. He is just really shy...or a damn good actor.

I am dating others...sort of. And while they may be more competitive in terms of emotionally available and (1) well off the other (2) steam rolled by divorce but with potential, I just cannot stop thinking that Mr. Payne is the one for me.

So the fact remains that I've met no one that makes me forget about this man. I'm in love with him good or bad right or wrong. But I am also in control of my emotions, otherwise this would have been a very different post.

I just am incapable of giving my heart(body) to more than one man. He has my heart, could have my body if he brought his A-game, but my head is in charge now.

I'm cool with the wait, it's what I should have been doing in the first place. Who knows what I may find out in the interim. My motto now is I'd rather invest in a slow nickel than cash in a fast dime. I gotta know what I'm cosigning to.
Whatever you do, don't sleep with him :perplexed
I just wanted to say that because it's such a loss of power when you're trying to build a relationship on a rocky ground.

I think he's flattered by your attention, but if he wanted to pursue a relationship with you he would be doing just that right now.

Move on to someone better is my advice, I know it's really difficult when you're in love with someone. Trust me, I know...but sometimes it has to be done.
Whatever you do, don't sleep with him :perplexed
I just wanted to say that because it's such a loss of power when you're trying to build a relationship on a rocky ground.

I think he's flattered by your attention, but if he wanted to pursue a relationship with you he would be doing just that right now.

Move on to someone better is my advice, I know it's really difficult when you're in love with someone. Trust me, I know...but sometimes it has to be done.

Yeah I tend to agree. I think for the first time in a long time ( I say that because I think there was a period when I didn't think he was all that) I have begun to find things about him that I wish were different. Not his proclivities but physical wise. Yeah I can see that after spending some time with him again and talking to him I'm just not was tranced as I was after the first time after not seeing him for so long. Thanks honey, preciate ya.