If you don't want long hair or believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Enchantmt said:
As I said earlier, I dont have a problem with this thread. I'm trying to prevent it from turning ugly so it doesnt end up getting locked and/or removed. I dont have a problem with you questioning Blosss' opinion, tho I did wonder why you didnt do it in the original thread, tho I figured you were trying not to make it a personal issue with her, there is no way the folx on this board wasnt going to come to the conclusion it was in response to her thread, regardless of whether or not that's true.

I understand and agree that post's like blosssoms can be discouraging, and I will say what I said then when she touched upon this in another thread a while back. Black people (curly haired folx in general) may or may not be destined to have long hair. However, since we have been practicing bad technqiues for so long, (washing once a month, heavy greases and pomades that clog hair and coat hair to prevent proper moisture over time, improper use of heat and chemicals, harsh detergents, fungus from wigs and weaves, poor nutrition, lack of protection, etc)we dont know what the potential or norm for our hair is with proper care, and I'm not speaking of the extremes of growth aids etc. Until we have large numbers of black folx practicing proper hair care, relaxed or natural, we wont know or see the progress. Even in 2007 we have folx that say they wash their hair 1x a month before coming here or have family who tell them their hair will break off if they wash it more than once a month. The knowledge is not well spread and until the 100th monkey gets it, we wont know or see the potential of healthy black hair en masse. (no the 100th monkey isnt a slight at black folx...google it... disclaimer for folx who would see "monkey" and freak out :) )

Just about whenever you post I get the image of some place far away with a trickling stream or a waterfall.

Don't know why I felt the urge to post that but it's true. Most of the time I just think of the color blue and serenity. I don't get that from some of the other mods but from you I do...
Thank you so much for this topic. I do not knock someone else for doing what they want to do for themselves. At the very least it is good to see women pampering themselves and caring for their own wellbeing vs. always worrying and caring for others.

Keep up the great work ladies and just brush off the naysayers. Everything isn't for everyone and yes some people can be "careless" with their tresses and it will continue to grow and retain its length while others have to handle their hair like fine silk (regardless of hair type) so do YOU and listen to your body.
MissMadaam said:
If i only just cared about just keeping my hair healthy and not on length ..there are other boards geared to that...

where are these boards, i searched and couldn't find any, this board was the one that best suited my needs, i didn't know wanting long hair (relative terms, some consider apl long while others consider waist length long) was a prerequisite to membership, i can practice healthy hair techniques and maintain a certain length, the informatin on this board is not limited to how to grow long hair, a person that wants to maintain a short funky cut or a chin length bob can benefit from a protein treatment, regular deep conditioning or purchasing a quality flat iron, this information should not be limited to those with length goals
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LocksOfLuV said:
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.

If someone gets nasty with you, report the post so we can address the issue and/or keep a eye on the thread. I find that a lot of people (this isnt directed toward you) will not report things when they see them getting out of hand be cause they want to watch or participate in the drama, or they will report the post, but its only after they have gotten snippy with someone and that person has gotten the best of them and they are mad because they were embarrassed in public.

We are here to help keep the peace, and if someone is violating rules, regardless of your history here, its our job to step in and keep order. If you feel that any mod is not doing this, pm Bev. I dont think anyone here can say that she isnt fair in her dealings with folx.
*Bre~Bre* said:
Just about whenever you post I get the image of some place far away with a trickling stream or a waterfall.

Don't know why I felt the urge to post that but it's true. Most of the time I just think of the color blue and serenity. I don't get that from some of the other mods but from you I do...

LOL... this made me smile!

Chayl...sorry for taking your post off topic... I just didnt want things to turn nasty. :)
Yup learned about the 100th monkey while studying for my Six Sigma black belt - once we reach critical mass on this here hair thing and improved hair practices we will then see what the "norm" is for our hair. Until then - we can't really draw any definitive conclusions.
destiny616 said:
where are these boards, i searched and couldn't find any, this board was the one that best suited my needs, i didn't know wanting long hair (relative terms, some consider apl long while others consider waist length long) hair was a prerequisite to membership, i can practice healthy hair techniques and maintain a certain length, the informatin on this board is not limited to how to grow long hair, a person that wants to maintain a short funky cut or a chin length bob can't benefit from a protein treatment, regular deep conditioning or purchasing a quality flat iron, this information should not be limited to those with length goals

TOTALLY AGREE! In terms of healthy haircare, no other hairboards compare to the wealth of knowledge right here.

Anyways, I initially came here because I was looking for new styling techniques, good hair products and just learn to take better care of my hair. Attaining long hair eventually became a personal goal; however, that wasn't until later down the line. Everyone has their own personal goals and wanting to have long hair shouldn't be the only requirement to be here. Yeah, it's called long hair care forum but this forum showcases much more than that imo. The hair care practices showcased on this forum are useful to any and everyone that's on the quest for healthy hair irrespective of their personal hair length goals (whether they have them or not). So if someone wants to pay $5 to be here and they don't have hair length goals(nor any desire to have any), they are well within their right to be here. There's nothing in the rules that hinder anyone from doing so.
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*Bre~Bre* said:
Just about whenever you post I get the image of some place far away with a trickling stream or a waterfall.

Don't know why I felt the urge to post that but it's true. Most of the time I just think of the color blue and serenity. I don't get that from some of the other mods but from you I do...
:shocked: OH-MY-GOSH... ME TOO!!! :D
Enchantmt said:
If someone gets nasty with you, report the post so we can address the issue and/or keep a eye on the thread. I find that a lot of people (this isnt directed toward you) will not report things when they see them getting out of hand be cause they want to watch or participate in the drama, or they will report the post, but its only after they have gotten snippy with someone and that person has gotten the best of them and they are mad because they were embarrassed in public.

We are here to help keep the peace, and if someone is violating rules, regardless of your history here, its our job to step in and keep order. If you feel that any mod is not doing this, pm Bev. I dont think anyone here can say that she isnt fair in her dealings with folx.

Will do. I admit I don't utilize the report this post as often as I should, but I will def. keep this in consideration.
Pixel Lady said:
Hey Locks,

I feel like you. I started that thread re bone straight relaxers and when I finally got back after almost a week...people were on my case and sent :mad: pms like white on rice. I remember your being really sweet and telling somebody I hadn't said or implied what they said I said. And Sistahslick graciously disagreed with me, to a certain extent.

(((HUGS))) I don't think you are a trouble maker.

ETA: fix typos

Awww I had no idea:(
I hope I didn't offend you too.It's really not THAT serious to me.

Locks you're not a trouble maker... at least not in my eyes.:)
LocksOfLuV said:
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.

I saw the other thread in question - way to much negativity for me to deal. I was out of there.

But Locks - where is your controversial issue? I can't find it.
*Bre~Bre* said:
Just about whenever you post I get the image of some place far away with a trickling stream or a waterfall.

Don't know why I felt the urge to post that but it's true. Most of the time I just think of the color blue and serenity. I don't get that from some of the other mods but from you I do...

Enchantment gives the best mod responses that I have seen. They are very calm and insightful....
kweenameena said:
uh oh! I see a lot of truths in this thread.....but I pray that it doesn't turn ugly! :look:

Humph! Let it storm. I'd rather be whirling in the truth.


eta: I just have to share: My father raised me from 12...13 on. And sometimes things got really ugly when one or both of us dared to "speak our truths". But always, ALWAYS, there was calm after the storm. I've learned to be patient (most of the time) during disagreements. Something good usually develops after folks' rough edges rub against the other. :)
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destiny616 said:
where are these boards, i searched and couldn't find any, this board was the one that best suited my needs, i didn't know wanting long hair (relative terms, some consider apl long while others consider waist length long) hair was a prerequisite to membership, i can practice healthy hair techniques and maintain a certain length, the informatin on this board is not limited to how to grow long hair, a person that wants to maintain a short funky cut or a chin length bob can't benefit from a protein treatment, regular deep conditioning or purchasing a quality flat iron, this information should not be limited to those with length goals

One i know of Black Hair media has a section for hair care..lets talk hair too
i dont know of thier wealth of knowledge since i consider this board to fit My needs
I didnt say there was a prerequisite to be here i said The title of this board says to grow ur hair healthy .. so if i had ear length hair and wanted it longer and healthy hair this would be the place for me... since like i say the title says long hair care forum .. help women of color achieve thier length goals...
Hey the heading of this forum says this I didnt make it up
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Pixel Lady said:
I get your post.

I know how to have healthy hair and I know how to grow hair. I came here for support, because I am scissor happy and to give advise. Not to many want it though...LOL! So I mostly hang out at the off topic forum :D

A lot of people don't want to hear the real deal from someone who is not popular...so it seems.

I dont know I've always been quite expressive and I've never received the backlash from the emails. Maybe because thats just who i am and most may know its not any personal attack on 1 person or disliking certain groups of ppl (not saying u r at all) just me speaking an opinion. Maybe for you, it was a cord struct that really alot of ppl dont like. I dont know
Blackoutzangel05 said:
You are not a troublemaker...in fact you are one of the honest sweet ones on the board....;)

Not a troublemaker at all. Matter of fact, no one can make any trouble for you. Don't even hook yourself up to the puppet strings.

I don't know Locks in real life, but I'd be willing to bet she's a sassy, spunky mama. And that's a good thing! :)

Why am I here:

1. decided to finally grow my hair out as a specific goal and wanted to post on a board with other people with similar goals
2. wanted to learn about new hairstyling trends
3. wanted a resource to get opinions on products and techniques I was considering
4. wanted to fellowship on a hairboard that had participants who were not judgemental and so argumentative over every little thing
5. wanted to post on a board with a bunch of like-minded fun people
6. wanted to learn about healthier hair habits others were doing
7. wanted to see photos of women with long hair to keep me inspired
MissMadaam said:
One i know of Blak Hair media has a section for hair care..lets talk hair too
I didnt say there was a prerequisite to be here i said The title of this board is to grow ur hair healthy .. so if i had ear length hair and wanted it longer and healthy hair this would be the place for me... since like i say the title says long hair care forum .. help women of color achieve thier length goals...
Hey the heading of this forum says this I didnt make it up

the title of this section of the forum is Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion and that's my reason for being here

i've visited those other sites and it's not the same, let's talk hair is not as active and BHM has too many forums, all the information is in one place here, i shouldn't have to justify my reasons for being here, i paid my five dollars just like anyone else
chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.


You make very good points Chayil :)

If I was a lurker trying to decide whether or not I was gonna pay the $5 to post here, I honestly don't think I would as of late. Shoot, after the past few days of the posts here I'm almost wishing I hadn't renewed a couple of weeks ago. I'm all for stating your opinion, but some opinions are just too jagged a pill to swallow at times. There's a thin line sometimes I think b/t stating your opinion and being purposefully harsh, esp. when you cannot read vocal intonations or see a person's expressions and how they may say something. It's hard, esp. if you're new to all of this. I dunno, I think when the OT boards went down, some of us got cabin fever and forgot that we all aren't in the same boat. It's the people in this community that make it what it is, and when folx start acting "tha fool" we lose valuable information and support, and we need to remember why we all came together. So I agree, with what you've said, but with the strong personalities here (being that we all, if not most, are focused, ambitious, driven women ;)), there's bound to be some clashing. What we should do is nip it in the bud and keep it moving. B/c if not, then we lose the very thing we all have dropped our 5 spot for.

That is all...

*Note: I bolded the above statement in regards to more than one thread (and TOPIC) that's being bumped around on the 1st and 2nd pgs...We really need to stop the insanity y'all and get back to what brought us together in the first place*

ETA: I initially joined this board to get healthy hair and grow it down my back, and that's exactly what I'm finna (yes, I said finna) do :lol: Whenever I get it is whenever I get it.
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CurleeDST said:
Why am I here:

1. decided to finally grow my hair out as a specific goal and wanted to post on a board with other people with similar goals
2. wanted to learn about new hairstyling trends
3. wanted a resource to get opinions on products and techniques I was considering
4. wanted to fellowship on a hairboard that had participants who were not judgemental and so argumentative over every little thing
5. wanted to post on a board with a bunch of like-minded fun people
6. wanted to learn about healthier hair habits others were doing
7. wanted to see photos of women with long hair to keep me inspired

:clap: Who knew that LHCF could offer so much?
I am here because I REALLY love the offtopic and entertainment forums!

But for real, the Hair Forums are a big help to me and my hair. I've discovered great products that I probably would've never used if a memeber wouldn't have posted a review about it. I enjoy seeing all of the beautiful hair of all different textures and lengths.

It can be frustrating some days and I'll say, "damn, I'll never make it to APL or Mid back, but my hair is very healthy and it is growing pretty good.
destiny616 said:
the title of this section of the forum is Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion and that's my reason for being here

i've visited those other sites and it's not the same, let's talk hair is not as active and BHM has too many forums, all the information is in one place here, i shouldn't have to justify my reasons for being here, i paid my five dollars just like anyone else

U shouldnt have to justify it cuz hun I didnt ask u to justify anything..I didnt ask u anything.. All due respect I dont care why u r here or not thats not my concern .. I typed why I was here and why I joined based on the heading of this forum in this post ..I stated what the heading of this forum was
CurleeDST said:
Why am I here:

1. decided to finally grow my hair out as a specific goal and wanted to post on a board with other people with similar goals
2. wanted to learn about new hairstyling trends
3. wanted a resource to get opinions on products and techniques I was considering
4. wanted to fellowship on a hairboard that had participants who were not judgemental and so argumentative over every little thing
5. wanted to post on a board with a bunch of like-minded fun people
6. wanted to learn about healthier hair habits others were doing
7. wanted to see photos of women with long hair to keep me inspired

Yeah thats why i joined ..
This thread IS JUST AS divisive as any other "negative" one I've read. I'm just over here shaking my damn head (yes I said it, didn't do this "smdh") at all of this. Every bit. Just shaking my head....
destiny616 said:
the title of this section of the forum is Hair Care Tips and Product Review Discussion and that's my reason for being here

i've visited those other sites and it's not the same, let's talk hair is not as active and BHM has too many forums, all the information is in one place here, i shouldn't have to justify my reasons for being here, i paid my five dollars just like anyone else

You don't have to justify your reasons for being here. It wasn't an actual question sort of rhetorical if you will. However, we are glad to have you here. ;)