If you don't want long hair or believe your hair will grow why are you here?

my post was in response to the current heated thread. Its pointless to even post anything in that thread because any positivity any one tries to throw in gets trashed. Whats the point. Thats not my battle to fight....its hers.

Im good with me!
lisana said:
People grow, change, evolve and sometimes these things take place over a long period of time. Hair is complicated for many or us, maybe even most. So just because someone pays 5 bucks yesterday doesn't mean that today they won't question the relationship they have with their hair and doesn't mean in the future they won't be back where they started in the first place. I was relaxed all my life, then went natural. When I became natural, I was 100% sure I wold be that way forever. However, here I am back relaxed. stuff happens, in your head, that's life. Nobody is forced to stay here but nobody is forced to leave just because they are going through some changes.

well said girlie! :D
LocksOfLuV said:
Well thank you and Nubian for letting me know.

I am grown and I would hope if anyone had an issue with anything that I said they would take it with me in PM as GROWN adults and not try to 'stick it' to me by posting threads like this in hopes to have the entire board gang on me.:look: :lol:

Girl...Im almost positive this thread aint about you :kiss:
StrawberryQueen said:
It's cuz Blossom is an untouchable and can say what she want and folks might as well go along with it. :ohwell: But I think this thread is in response to blossoms and not your old thread. :)

And an Aries Hi-Five goes to SQ...;)

*that ends my posting on this topic....I know how it is....must shut up now...*
LocksOfLuV said:
Well thank you and Nubian for letting me know.

I am grown and I would hope if anyone had an issue with anything that I said they would take it with me in PM as GROWN adults and not try to 'stick it' to me by posting threads like this in hopes to have the entire board gang on me.:look: :lol:

I'm pretty sure that this was in response to the new thread started by Blossom not yours...and I mean, if you don't understand why this thread was started after reading HER thread then I'm kind of confused...because just as much as she has a right to state her opinion (notice I didn't go to her thread starting anything) and for others to argee with her...so do the women on this thread.

ETA: Untouchable...yea...I was actually suprised (and I'll admit, a little disappointed) by some of the women that agreed with her. Totally their right...just surpised. I mean, to tell you the truth, it's threads like hers that make me want to keep my little journey all to myself, that way she the only person that can rain on my parade, is me.
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I agree also. I still consider myself a newbie, but I have been here just long enough to understand about the threads that people are just tired of and think are done to death, and refuse to read/visit. I will probably join their ranks, the next time I'm browsing topics, unless I want to entertain it. I'm all for debate and expression of ideas, but it is wild to see some of the ideas that people subscribe to still in 2007,:confused: and the spirit that comes through in peoples' worlds. Some of the mentalities I haven't encountered since the 80s. Like I read in another post, LCHF is representative of the real world though.

Choklatekiss79 said:
I totally agree! Sometimes it just seems like a quest for attention. It also amuses me how some people voice opinions about touchy subjects and get away with it (people just laugh it off) while other cant without being attacked.

The way I see it, once you are really tired of doing something, you will stop doing it...and there will be no need to start a vicious thread about it to see if other people are willing to jump on your bandwaggon or coax you out of it.

So silly....
I'm glad some agree. I just feel like if others are short of their goal that's none of my business. I see a lot of pics of people who may not be BSL but their hair looks so much HEALTHIER and what's the point of having long hair if it's dry and gnawed off.

I'm here for tips and tricks and to support those who are at their goal or making progress. If they're natural or relaxed 3a or 4z it makes no difference.

For me hair care is kind of a hobby. I enjoy my hair ... washing and trying new products and techniques and maintaining growth. It's a journey and it's a hobby.

Yet, if I ever get to the point where I'm like you know I'm not into this anymore I'd just cut it back and roll on. I wouldn't post some militant thread about other people cause I remember when my stuff was a gnawed of dry hopeless mess as well, and since I've been on the boards it's gotten A LOT better. Yet, this is something that interests me.

Moreover, I'm not ignorant enough to think that just because you have a certain hair type you can't have long flowing hair. True, silky flowing hair is not our natural hair state, but if that's what you like then grow it flow it and let it swang girlfriend... I aint hating! I've seen too many 4ab black women on the board and in real life with beautiful silky flowing hair to think it's not possible.

I've been relaxed, I've been natural. Silky hair that blows in the breeze is MY CHOICE. I do it because I like it. When I was natural I did it because I liked it. As long as it's what you want then there is nothing wrong with it. If you're doing it for some man or for acceptance that's another thing, but I feel most women here are doing what they want to do and enjoying it. IF you're not then roll on and stop making me weed through your negative threads to get to the stuff I actually come to this site for!

StrawberryQueen said:
It's cuz Blossom is an untouchable and can say what she want and folks might as well go along with it. :ohwell: But I think this thread is in response to blossoms and not your old thread. :)

That is the way I took it as well.
cmw45 said:
I'm pretty sure that this was in response to the new thread started by Blossom not yours...and I mean, if you don't understand why this thread was started after reading HER thread then I'm kind of confused...because just as much as she has a right to state her opinion (notice I didn't go to her thread starting anything) and for others to argee with her...so do the women on this thread.

I agree.

I was sort of confused thinking this was some type of subliminal shout out to me. I didn't read that other thread. I thought it wa a coinkydink how this one was made RIGHT after mines was bumped.

But like you said, everyone has the right to their own opinion.
I'm not sure about your thread...I've read so many tonight that were :mad: I don't remember if I read your's or not. But it's not personal...I've started threads before and people took them negatively when I didn't mean it, but as said there's just putting out food for thought and then there is being flat ignorant. And I'm talking about the ignorant.

LocksOfLuV said:
I knew someone would write a thread like this. Probably in response to the thread I made a while ago that Blossom decided to bump up for whatever reason.

When I made that thread, I totally wasn't thinking and I had no clue that the ladies would take it so personally. I was just thinking aloud and I apologize to all who took offense and believe me when I see I DO believe that black women can grow hair.

All in all, I hope this wasn't a sly shout out to me because I didn't mean for people to think that I thought all black women can't grow hair at all. Just thinking out loud.
destiny616 said:

i found this site by googling roller setting techniques

butt length hair is not my goal and it is not the goal of everyone on this site

i just wanted to have healthy hair and maintain healthy hair without the need for a stylist, the information on this site is not limited to "how to grow your hair to your waist in 5011 steps" (by the way there are people here who have grown their hair without the use of complicated regimen). there is information on how to relax, style, condition, shampoo, roller set, product reviews etc..

i just wanted healthy hair and after lurking for a year i achieved my goal, i continue to lurk because of the wealth of information here, if i want to purchase a hair dryer I check here first because i trust the reviews of the ladies here more than the sales person at the store

Your post summed up my exact thoughts. I was naive and didn't have a clue when it came to black hair maintenance and health. I think the knowledge of how to maintain healthy hair is far more avaliable to me then just growing my hair to any particular length. Don't get me wrong I'll take mid back length any day, but I would also want it to be thick and healthy.
right! EVERYONE has a right to their opinion. But it seems as though that right can only be exercised as long as it is in line with certain peoples (my apostrophe key is broken) lol

That gets REALLY annoying!
lisana said:
People grow, change, evolve and sometimes these things take place over a long period of time. Hair is complicated for many or us, maybe even most. So just because someone pays 5 bucks yesterday doesn't mean that today they won't question the relationship they have with their hair and doesn't mean in the future they won't be back where they started in the first place. I was relaxed all my life, then went natural. When I became natural, I was 100% sure I wold be that way forever. However, here I am back relaxed. stuff happens, in your head, that's life. Nobody is forced to stay here but nobody is forced to leave just because they are going through some changes.

I agree. I joined this board 4 years ago. I have learned a lot since. I've learned that my hair can grow way beyond what I ever dreamed but I've also learned that my hair will never get to midback. I'm more into the OT and ET boards these days, they keep me entertained during work hours.

If people who gets 1/4 inch growth or less a month choose to believe they will ever be midback that's their business. I will not reply to their message to blow their bubbles but I still think that they are in for disapointments. You can call me negative but I've always thought a good friend tell the truth not what the other friend wants to hear. But this is the internet after all so most of the time if I have something to say that I think the other person does not want to hear, I keep it to myself...
Ladies, I dont really have a problem with this thread, however lets be careful not to reduce this to a personal attack regarding someone else's unpopular opinion. :)
chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.


And who pissed you off!??;) I totally agree with you though...very well said
Enchantmt said:
Ladies, I dont really have a problem with this thread, however lets be careful not to reduce this to a personal attack regarding someone else's unpopular opinion. :)

I mean this with the utmost respect ( I really do) but where was all of this in my thread?

When everyone was attacking me when I was MizaniMami (in that thread that was just bumped) and putting words in my posts that weren't there, how come a moderator didn't come to my side and say these words? It would have been very encouraging. If I recall correctly, you were there right along with everyone else agreeing how I was wrong.

I don't mean to start controversy but I have seen 'spin-off threads' time and time again basically hacking down on a poster and a moderator was no where in sight.
Enchantmt said:
Ladies, I dont really have a problem with this thread, however lets be careful not to reduce this to a personal attack regarding someone else's unpopular opinion. :)

Honestly, I think some opinions need to be attacked. When someone gets on the board and very rudely expresses ignorant opinions that are totally against the principles that this board is founded on they need to be called out.

There are people out there lurking on this board who are on the fence as to rather or not they can ever have longer healthier hair. Then they get on and read some mess like that. It's discouraging. This board is all about ENGOURAGING people to love their hair, set goals for themselves, and enjoy the process of achieving their goals.

In the real world we all get negativity about black hair everywhere we go. People checking for tracks and asking us if we're mixed or saying we shouldn't use "white" products on our hair.

We shouldn't have to get on the forum and read those same ignorant ideas. This is a place for fun, love, support, and encouragement. And I'd be more than happy to attack anyone who posts anything different.

Choklatekiss79 said:
I agree. There needs to be a little more consistency across the board.

THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.
LocksOfLuV said:
I mean this with the utmost respect ( I really do) but where was all of this in my thread?

When everyone was attacking me when I was MizaniMami and putting words in my posts that weren't there, how come a moderator didn't come to my side and say these words? It would have been very encouraging.

I don't mean to start controversy but I have seen 'spin-off threads' time and time again basically hacking down on a poster and a moderator was no where in sight.

Had I seen a thread made in reply to a thread of yours that could be said to have been made for no other reason than to be used as a personal attack, or had the potential to be used for members to just gang up on you and bash you for that thread, I would have done the same thing. I will have to reread your thread to recall how that turned out, but if I recall correctly you had held your own and by the time I got to it everything had calmed down. We dont see everything. If you felt you were being attacked you could have easily reported one of the posts that did so. Regardless, if you like I can still remove it from view.
This forum is called Long Hair...Care....forum and the disclosure says...
" Dedicated to helping women of color reach thier hair length goals"...

And thats what i joined this forum for...;)

I mean that is what this board is about every time i click on thats what I see ... why would anyone be here for any other reason thats a bit
in the words of Carlos Mencia ...Di-Di-Di to me

If i only just cared about just keeping my hair healthy and not on length ..there are other boards geared to that...
if off topics and ent were all i cared about there are other boards for that ...

I thought OT and ENT and the others were just something extra for those that want to grow long healthy hair could just dip off to whenever
LocksOfLuV said:
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.

You are not a troublemaker...in fact you are one of the honest sweet ones on the board....;)
Enchantmt said:
Had I seen a thread made in reply to a thread of yours that could be said to have been made for no other reason than to be used as a personal attack, or had the potential to be used for members to just gang up on you and bash you for that thread, I would have done the same thing. I will have to reread your thread to recall how that turned out, but if I recall correctly you had held your own and by the time I got to it everything had calmed down. We dont see everything. If you felt you were being attacked you could have easily reported one of the posts that did so. Regardless, if you like I can still remove it from view.

Well most times, I feel I have no choice but to hold my own. I don't feel like the moderators are by my side, but I don't want to throw the thread off of course.

Anyways, thanks for responding (with tact might I add) and addressing my concerns.
LocksOfLuV said:
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.

Believe me! Other's feel like you but no one wants to "make da banned:lol: ". I don't think you are a trouble maker at all. I respect a lot of what you have to say. As long as you come correct without bashing others, then it's okay to say what you feel!;)

It's one thing to speak on your personal experience with YOUR hair, but it's another to speak negatively of other people's hair!
LocksOfLuV said:
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.

Hey Locks,

I feel like you. I started that thread re bone straight relaxers and when I finally got back after almost a week...people were on my case and sent :mad: pms like white on rice. I remember your being really sweet and telling somebody I hadn't said or implied what they said I said. And Sistahslick graciously disagreed with me, to a certain extent.

(((HUGS))) I don't think you are a trouble maker.

ETA: fix typos
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chayil0427 said:
Honestly, I think some opinions need to be attacked. When someone gets on the board and very rudely expresses ignorant opinions that are totally against the principles that this board is founded on they need to be called out.

There are people out there lurking on this board who are on the fence as to rather or not they can ever have longer healthier hair. Then they get on and read some mess like that. It's discouraging. This board is all about ENGOURAGING people to love their hair, set goals for themselves, and enjoy the process of achieving their goals.

In the real world we all get negativity about black hair everywhere we go. People checking for tracks and asking us if we're mixed or saying we shouldn't use "white" products on our hair.

We shouldn't have to get on the forum and read those same ignorant ideas. This is a place for fun, love, support, and encouragement. And I'd be more than happy to attack anyone who posts anything different.


As I said earlier, I dont have a problem with this thread. I'm trying to prevent it from turning ugly so it doesnt end up getting locked and/or removed. I dont have a problem with you questioning Blosss' opinion, tho I did wonder why you didnt do it in the original thread, tho I figured you were trying not to make it a personal issue with her, there is no way the folx on this board wasnt going to come to the conclusion it was in response to her thread, regardless of whether or not that's true.

I understand and agree that post's like blosssoms can be discouraging, and I will say what I said then when she touched upon this in another thread a while back. Black people (curly haired folx in general) may or may not be destined to have long hair. However, since we have been practicing bad technqiues for so long, (washing once a month, heavy greases and pomades that clog hair and coat hair to prevent proper moisture over time, improper use of heat and chemicals, harsh detergents, fungus from wigs and weaves, poor nutrition, lack of protection, etc)we dont know what the potential or norm for our hair is with proper care, and I'm not speaking of the extremes of growth aids etc. Until we have large numbers of black folx practicing proper hair care, relaxed or natural, we wont know or see the progress. Even in 2007 we have folx that say they wash their hair 1x a month before coming here or have family who tell them their hair will break off if they wash it more than once a month. The knowledge is not well spread and until the 100th monkey gets it, we wont know or see the potential of healthy black hair en masse. (no the 100th monkey isnt a slight at black folx...google it... disclaimer for folx who would see "monkey" and freak out :) )
I get your post.

I know how to have healthy hair and I know how to grow hair. I came here for support, because I am scissor happy and to give advise. Not to many want it though...LOL! So I mostly hang out at the off topic forum :D

A lot of people don't want to hear the real deal from someone who is not popular...so it seems.

chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.

Pixel Lady said:
Hey Locks,

I feel like you. I started that thread re bone straight relaxers and when I finally got back after almost a week...people were on my case and sent :mad: pms like white on rice. I remember your being really sweet and telling somebody I hadn't said or implied what they said I said. And Sistahslick graciously disagreed with me, to a certain extent.

(((HUGS))) I don't think you are a trouble maker.

ETA: fix typos

People were sending you PMs about that thread? :eek: I did not realize people took it that seriously.