If you don't want long hair or believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Enchantmt said:
As I said earlier, I dont have a problem with this thread. I'm trying to prevent it from turning ugly so it doesnt end up getting locked and/or removed. I dont have a problem with you questioning Blosss' opinion, tho I did wonder why you didnt do it in the original thread, tho I figured you were trying not to make it a personal issue with her, there is no way the folx on this board wasnt going to come to the conclusion it was in response to her thread, regardless of whether or not that's true.

I understand and agree that post's like blosssoms can be discouraging, and I will say what I said then when she touched upon this in another thread a while back. Black people (curly haired folx in general) may or may not be destined to have long hair. However, since we have been practicing bad technqiues for so long, (washing once a month, heavy greases and pomades that clog hair and coat hair to prevent proper moisture over time, improper use of heat and chemicals, harsh detergents, fungus from wigs and weaves, poor nutrition, lack of protection, etc)we dont know what the potential or norm for our hair is with proper care, and I'm not speaking of the extremes of growth aids etc. Until we have large numbers of black folx practicing proper hair care, relaxed or natural, we wont know or see the progress. Even in 2007 we have folx that say they wash their hair 1x a month before coming here or have family who tell them their hair will break off if they wash it more than once a month. The knowledge is not well spread and until the 100th monkey gets it, we wont know or see the potential of healthy black hair en masse. (no the 100th monkey isnt a slight at black folx...google it... disclaimer for folx who would see "monkey" and freak out :) )

IA...Well said.
Pixel Lady said:
Hey Locks,

I feel like you. I started that thread re bone straight relaxers and when I finally got back after almost a week...people were on my case and sent :mad: pms like white on rice. I remember your being really sweet and telling somebody I hadn't said or implied what they said I said. And Sistahslick graciously disagreed with me, to a certain extent.

(((HUGS))) I don't think you are a trouble maker.

ETA: fix typos

I didn't finish that thread about bone straight relaxers but I got what you were saying. IMO, one sticky that we should have and don't is HOW RELAXERS WORK. I think every newbie should read it and it should be standalone without being bundled in with other information.
chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.


I'd say the bolded is often true for me. I've become very neutral about serious length goals. While I deeply appreciate the hair health info, I've never been truly obsessed by long/big hair on everyone.

Honestly, one woman might look like a beautiful goddess or mermaid with big/long hair, another just looks like Cousin It or too dumpy & just blah. Y'know 'everythang ain't for everybody' but each woman has to learn for herself. I've also grown hair for years only to chop it off on a whim(much to the horror of my family and dh). It's just not that deep but I do like whatevers on my head to be in good condition.

My current goal( i guess) is to grow locks, latchhooking my new growth.... maybe to take them down in some years. This will be my third time doing this. For some reason my hair doesn't matte enough to get what I think of as true locks which sucks in a way but has the plus of relatively easy unlocking, even after years.

Also with the PJ-ism it gets wild here... the miracle products/vagjayjay yeast creams/goat poops, etc..it is really amusing. Personally I'm down to about 3-4 products (diluted shampoo, olive oil, and Ouidad botanical boost..occasionally using some instant or deep condtioner) and my hair is in the best condition ever. Water filters have helped for my skin too. Water is huge in general..drinking, rinsing, spritzing etc but that's one thing I figured out before joining.

I think it's wonderful for women to have a resource for healthy hair and learning to reduce damage. I've always resented the stereotype that we're mostly weave/wig dependent and unable to grow our own so the contrarian part of me absolutely *loves* seeing so many brown and black women with healthy long/big hair & growing it to their heart's desire. G-d only knows about different rates of growth/time required to reach a certain goal.

If someone is cool with their progress/situation then that's the most important thing. There are so many other things to think about I guess..hair growing is kind of a background thing. As I understand, if you're not abusing it or hacking it off, it should just happen.
chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.


I agree with EVERYTHING you are saying. Perhaps these folks have nothing else to do with their lives? Maybe they should use their $5 towards the development of a site that is geared towards the "philosophical" aspects of hair and advocated the reasons why "AA hair can't grow (using themselves and their efforts as an example of course). Does it have to be that serious though? I mean what does the "white man" have anything to do with me just wanting long hair?

But, I'm just a member and this is just a thought! :look:
chayil0427 said:
Honestly, I think some opinions need to be attacked. When someone gets on the board and very rudely expresses ignorant opinions that are totally against the principles that this board is founded on they need to be called out.

There are people out there lurking on this board who are on the fence as to rather or not they can ever have longer healthier hair. Then they get on and read some mess like that. It's discouraging. This board is all about ENGOURAGING people to love their hair, set goals for themselves, and enjoy the process of achieving their goals.

In the real world we all get negativity about black hair everywhere we go. People checking for tracks and asking us if we're mixed or saying we shouldn't use "white" products on our hair.

We shouldn't have to get on the forum and read those same ignorant ideas. This is a place for fun, love, support, and encouragement. And I'd be more than happy to attack anyone who posts anything different.


I was going to say the same thing. The hair board, should be about encouraging people. ENCOURAGING! NOT TEARING people down because of your own personal issues with whatever. Furthermore, it's just hair guys? I mean, this board is not about politics, government issues, social economics, etc. So, we should be able to chill out here, express our views and thoughts diplomatically and tactfully. We can all disagree at times, but you can disagree in tactful way and even walk away with a new understanding of something.

Okay...this is coming from someone who started the thread "Oh Hell Naw" :lol: Which I learned that I could have addressed that in a better way, even though I had to throw dem bows with some of ya'll. I'm not scurred....
MsDee4 said:
I'm here, and I want my hair to grow.


SOME WOMEN here frequent the OT and ENT. boards, and you only see them really on the hair board if the others are down. :look:

Amen, preach...hmm i always totally agree with everything you say!
chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.


In essence the paying of the subscription lasts a year so people have the right to change their minds during that year. However Im not a fan of these types of threads when people wont say something to the person they are slyly talking about but make a thread which is safer :sleeping: .

I cant stand it actually.

Those topics are obviously BAIT!! Like someone who will go to an all black woman board and post something like "I date white women cause black women suck" or going to a hip-hop board and calling hip-hop a bunch of ignorant noise.

It's like..what's your agenda?? Really?? I'm not going to shave off my head and grow it natural because of your 'beliefs'. I'm not going to stop doing everything I do to my hair that has it growing long thick and healthy for your 'beliefs' either. I can't understand why some people who go natural try to make it a movement for all women to do it. I don't go around trying to relax all natural heads, I believe natural heads are beautiful it's just not for me. Bottom line DO YOU!! I'm going to keep doing me.

I TOO don't understand why something like that is allowed to go on with no reprimanding, or banning in a place where there's concentration on PROVEN methods to help everyone to achieve their separate hair goals. I believe we all paid $5 to be encouraged. Not discouraged. Regardless I know where my hair practices have taken me and where it's going to take me but I've acheived and passed one of my goals already. I'd hate for others who have never gotten pass a certain point with their length who WANT to get there to read something like that and feel they want to give up. I hope they can recognize the BAIT for what it is and continue to take from the positives of this board.
Cripes, not this again. :mad:

Venting is allowed, but honestly, this is the kind of thread that shows how divisive this board can be.

I know that's not how it was intended, but obviously, that's what it's turned into. And how could you not expect it to happen? The wording alone made it flammable.

If a thread asking a single question that quite a few people may have asked themselves at one time or another causes you to abandon your hair care quest, then dammit, I guess you really weren't that into it anyway.

And Locks, you are NOT a troublemaker. Neither is the OP of this thread.
I guess it's just that time of the year again. I just don't want to see the mass bannings we were subjected to last year happen all over again. :(
I mean this with all due respect...but where are you in the other thread. How come no one is regulating that thread about not turning into an attack? Her post wasn't just discouraging...it was OFFENSIVE to me as a person of mixed heritage. Why does someone have to get frustrated with their hair and then offend others? And why does no one care that she could have potentially offended a mass number of people? And before anyone says it, I did post my opinion in the other thread...I say KUDOS to the person that started this thread. Thank you.

Enchantmt said:
As I said earlier, I dont have a problem with this thread. I'm trying to prevent it from turning ugly so it doesnt end up getting locked and/or removed. I dont have a problem with you questioning Blosss' opinion, tho I did wonder why you didnt do it in the original thread, tho I figured you were trying not to make it a personal issue with her, there is no way the folx on this board wasnt going to come to the conclusion it was in response to her thread, regardless of whether or not that's true.

I understand and agree that post's like blosssoms can be discouraging, and I will say what I said then when she touched upon this in another thread a while back. Black people (curly haired folx in general) may or may not be destined to have long hair. However, since we have been practicing bad technqiues for so long, (washing once a month, heavy greases and pomades that clog hair and coat hair to prevent proper moisture over time, improper use of heat and chemicals, harsh detergents, fungus from wigs and weaves, poor nutrition, lack of protection, etc)we dont know what the potential or norm for our hair is with proper care, and I'm not speaking of the extremes of growth aids etc. Until we have large numbers of black folx practicing proper hair care, relaxed or natural, we wont know or see the progress. Even in 2007 we have folx that say they wash their hair 1x a month before coming here or have family who tell them their hair will break off if they wash it more than once a month. The knowledge is not well spread and until the 100th monkey gets it, we wont know or see the potential of healthy black hair en masse. (no the 100th monkey isnt a slight at black folx...google it... disclaimer for folx who would see "monkey" and freak out :) )
I'm way late to this thread, haven't read it, and, judging by its length, am sure that it's gotten OT. I wanted to chime in anyway and say that I found this board years ago after moving to a new city and not being able to fnd a stylist I liked. I went online looking for info on how to maintain the hair I had, not grow it to my ankles. At times I have gotten caught up in the long-hair craze, but at the end of the day, I maintain my membership here and on other hair boards for health and style tips moreso than to have long hair.
shocol said:
I didn't finish that thread about bone straight relaxers but I got what you were saying. IMO, one sticky that we should have and don't is HOW RELAXERS WORK. I think every newbie should read it and it should be standalone without being bundled in with other information.

I'd be interested in reading that.
SvelteVelvet said:

Those topics are obviously BAIT!! Like someone who will go to an all black woman board and post something like "I date white women cause black women suck" or going to a hip-hop board and calling hip-hop a bunch of ignorant noise.

It's like..what's your agenda?? Really?? I'm not going to shave off my head and grow it natural because of your 'beliefs'. I'm not going to stop doing everything I do to my hair that has it growing long thick and healthy for your 'beliefs' either. I can't understand why some people who go natural try to make it a movement for all women to do it. I don't go around trying to relax all natural heads, I believe natural heads are beautiful it's just not for me. Bottom line DO YOU!! I'm going to keep doing me.

I TOO don't understand why something like that is allowed to go on with no reprimanding, or banning in a place where there's concentration on PROVEN methods to help everyone to achieve their separate hair goals. I believe we all paid $5 to be encouraged. Not discouraged. Regardless I know where my hair practices have taken me and where it's going to take me but I've acheived and passed one of my goals already. I'd hate for others who have never gotten pass a certain point with their length who WANT to get there to read something like that and feel they want to give up. I hope they can recognize the BAIT for what it is and continue to take from the positives of this board.

i've never gotten past neck length but believe me I'm not gonna give up. i can see how others might have been discouraged by the other thread but if anything that thread made me more determined to reach my hair goals. I'm not giving up. I came here to learn how to take better care of my hair and to grow it longer than before and that's what I intend to do.:)
chayil0427 said:
Just thumbing through some of these threads I just have to ask: If you don't want long hair, are tired of extensive hair routines and products, and/or you don't believe your hair will grow why are you here?

Why pay your 5 bucks a year and waste your time reading threads if you don't believe in the fundamental concepts that this board is founded upon.

Honestly, with all the beautiful progress picks showing quick and lovely growth and the women on the board with long beautiful hair of ALL types is there really any reason to doubt.

Yet, no one chained you to the key board at this site. If you don't like the concept or don't agree then move along to something else.

No one is paying for the stereotypes and negativity. To me this board has always been about breaking black hair stereotypes. And it's simply about learning about different products and techniques that are working for others.

So if you're not feeling the long hair game or this board then move along. But don't piss on the parade of those of us who are here to learn and share in a positive way.


THANK YOU for saying this! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I was thinking the same thing too. Must be an attention thing:whyme::cry2:
WOW. All of this was an eye full. 14 pages?? I read a lot of truth in this thread. I also read a few posts from haters (you know who you are) basically bashing this post and the person who started it. I know for a FACT that there are people in this world who FEED off of negativity and ALWAYS wanna go against the grain. You will see some people on this very board disagree with this thread but agree with Blossom's thread simply because hers was more negative than this thread.

I agree with the question of WHY some people are here! Like I said earlier, I know $5 ain't a lot of money, but it's still money! There are plenty of FREE boards that offer similar services (a la Black Hair Media) for FREE!!! I think you're wasting your time and other people's time by checking boards everyday just to start an argument or pass on your negativity to others hoping that they would join your negative world. As well all know, MISERY LOVES COMPANY.

Also, there's a phenomenon called SOUR GRAPES in which a person who can't obtain a certain goal basically puts other people down who are obtaining or are still trying to obtain the goal in which they cannot reach themselves.... It is easy to despise what you cannot get.
AMEN!!! The "crabs in a barrel" syndrome comes to mind also.

gabulldawg said:
WOW. All of this was an eye full. 14 pages?? I read a lot of truth in this thread. I also read a few posts from haters (you know who you are) basically bashing this post and the person who started it. I know for a FACT that there are people in this world who FEED off of negativity and ALWAYS wanna go against the grain. You will see some people on this very board disagree with this thread but agree with Blossom's thread simply because hers was more negative than this thread.

I agree with the question of WHY some people are here! Like I said earlier, I know $5 ain't a lot of money, but it's still money! There are plenty of FREE boards that offer similar services (a la Black Hair Media) for FREE!!! I think you're wasting your time and other people's time by checking boards everyday just to start an argument or pass on your negativity to others hoping that they would join your negative world. As well all know, MISERY LOVES COMPANY.

Also, there's a phenomenon called SOUR GRAPES in which a person who can't obtain a certain goal basically puts other people down who are obtaining or are still trying to obtain the goal in which they cannot reach themselves.... It is easy to despise what you cannot get.
I'm just signing on this morning so I havent viewed the other thread since last night, I will check it out in a few. I dont mind answering your question, or anyone elses questions, as I feel the more enlightened people are as to the reasons behind things, the more smoothly things go. However, I do not answer to anyone here but Admin regarding my actions, so I dont OWE anyone but Admin any explanations as to what I do or dont do when it comes to making judgements in regards to how I moderate. This isnt directed toward you in particular, there has just been an increase of these types of questions demanding explanations as to why I or another mod takes a particular action and as the forum rules state, we can move any thread for any reason and that is all the explanation that is required.

To answer your question, I WAS in the other thread, however as blosssom didnt make her thread in response to a PARTICULAR poster or thread, and no forum rules had been broken, either in her posting or the responses to her, there was no need to take any action beyond clarifying some points so as to not have things get heated from a misunderstanding or miscommunication. My presence early in this thread was to help ensure the OP didnt get her thread locked from others taking this thread as a license to attack people and cause more division on the board.

Anyone who has been here any particular amount of time knows how folx love to jump on the bandwagon of mini dramas. The tone of this thread started out completely different than the tone of the other thread and had this thread been allowed to continue unchecked then someone would have said something extremely nasty, and if it was bad enough or continued on long enough to where one or two posts couldnt just be removed or edited then this post would have ended up locked or moved, while blosssoms post remained, and everyone would have been screaming favortism, gone to her thread and tried to make it equally as hostile, (possibly resulting in these folx getting banned as we do keep track of people who intentionally create chaos and drama) or started a number of posts stating their dissatisfaction with LHCF and its mods, crying censorship and claiming that the favored children of LHCF can do anything and not get banned, which is not true.

Anyone who has been here any particular period of time ALSO should know I dont have favorites, that I try to keep the peace, and that even if a post is controversial, as long as people are expressing themselves (respectfully) and/or knowledge is flowing, and time allows, that I will try to maintain a presence so things DONT escalate to the point that it needs to get locked or have folx banned. I dont have a problem locking threads at all.

If you have any further questions please take them to PM. We have take the OP's thread off topic long enough. :)
tickledpinkies said:
In essence the paying of the subscription lasts a year so people have the right to change their minds during that year. However Im not a fan of these types of threads when people wont say something to the person they are slyly talking about but make a thread which is safer :sleeping: .

I cant stand it actually.

I can't stand it when ppl interupt a thread just to say they can't stand it! :lol:
There were a couple threads about the subject, and instead of "calling folks out" and starting a whole mess of unnecessary drama, why not make a thread that people (like newbies) and actually benefit from?
And if you wanna get technical, couldn't one of those "you'll never make your goal" threads be slyly talking about some ppl? Since Mid back and beyond are so impossible for un-mixed people, I guess everyone with that goal could take those threads personal.
gabulldawg said:
Also, there's a phenomenon called SOUR GRAPES in which a person who can't obtain a certain goal basically puts other people down who are obtaining or are still trying to obtain the goal in which they cannot reach themselves.... It is easy to despise what you cannot get.

I totally agree!
I can't stand it when ppl interupt a thread just to say they can't stand it! :lol:
There were a couple threads about the subject, and instead of "calling folks out" and starting a whole mess of unnecessary drama, why not make a thread that people (like newbies) and actually benefit from?
And if you wanna get technical, couldn't one of those "you'll never make your goal" threads be slyly talking about some ppl? Since Mid back and beyond are so impossible for un-mixed people, I guess everyone with that goal could take those threads personal.

Well I cant thats just the way it is. Blosssoms thread is her own doing and this thread is just the same as hers you get me.

I didnt interrupt this thread to say I couldnt stand it, I made a comment about how peoples opinions can change after making a subscription because it has happened to me.

This topic affects me because I made an honest (non trollist) topic on another forum which was not attacking anyone but people thought it was controvesial and a new thread popped up talking about dramatic newbies and I was wondering whether it was about me. Not into that ish;)

Another I remember quite recently when a 20 year old girl made a topic about feeling lonely and hating being single and someone wrote a reply topic saying "Some people need to get a life" obviously directed at the other person. This girl was pretty upset about it and I PMd her. I never interrupt topics and personally this is my debut but I hate this bull, Blosssom seems strong enough but I saw that one other member thought this was directed at their thread at first. :ohwell:
Last edited:
I rarely post. But read almost everyday. I love and enjoy the diversity of this forum. It reminds me of my active duty days. All types of folks, on the same ship, due to different motivations, with one mission. Even when we agreed to disagree. We are here together. You all help me with your questions, & answers, provide the kick in my butt when I get lazy, help me shop (whats not to love about that), and where else can I find this kind of beauty 'think tank' for five dollars? Most importantly reading your posts takes my mind off the serious issues of life for a few minutes and so that I can decompress. Ladies please don't ever loose sight of what we get from camaraderie. Take it from a old head - ;) Its priceless.
ITA. :look: I mean, I'd never go on a morbidly obesed weight loss forum with my trim little self and tell people that they aren't meant to be thinner so give up the shennanigans because they have genetics working against them. How would it look if I said "Yeah, look at all these trim folks around you-- they aren't eating healthy, running laps, and doing crunches all day long and they still weigh less than you! But look at you! Struggling just tryin' to lose a couple of pounds. Half of y'all have been on the forum trying to lose weight for years and you STILL FAT! :nono: Some of those people are going to have to work harder than the average Joe for what they want, and while some may never see a size 6 from where they are-- in the process they've still grown healthier and have made progress above what they had before. The same thing with our hair. It may never touch the floor, but it may have improved by leaps and bounds above what it was before.

Newbies are impressionable. I certainly was. If I saw a post by a member who'd been around the block a bit-- I was all ears. Their words were gold. If I'd seen a thread by a seasoned member who said the equivalent of Face it folks why are we even trying? All this and we still aren't keeping up with Becky and Samantha 'nem. I would feel discouraged. If she's been here all this time and believes this and have 50-leven cosigners, I have friends and family who spew out the same, then what is the point of me even bothering here?:look: :ohwell:
ITA WITH THIS WHOLE POST AND i ESPECIALLY agree with the analogy given. Sorry about the caps but I'm too lazy to go back and correct it! :lol:
I'm just signing on this morning so I havent viewed the other thread since last night, I will check it out in a few. I dont mind answering your question, or anyone elses questions, as I feel the more enlightened people are as to the reasons behind things, the more smoothly things go. However, I do not answer to anyone here but Admin regarding my actions, so I dont OWE anyone but Admin any explanations as to what I do or dont do when it comes to making judgements in regards to how I moderate. This isnt directed toward you in particular, there has just been an increase of these types of questions demanding explanations as to why I or another mod takes a particular action and as the forum rules state, we can move any thread for any reason and that is all the explanation that is required.

To answer your question, I WAS in the other thread, however as blosssom didnt make her thread in response to a PARTICULAR poster or thread, and no forum rules had been broken, either in her posting or the responses to her, there was no need to take any action beyond clarifying some points so as to not have things get heated from a misunderstanding or miscommunication. My presence early in this thread was to help ensure the OP didnt get her thread locked from others taking this thread as a license to attack people and cause more division on the board.

Anyone who has been here any particular amount of time knows how folx love to jump on the bandwagon of mini dramas. The tone of this thread started out completely different than the tone of the other thread and had this thread been allowed to continue unchecked then someone would have said something extremely nasty, and if it was bad enough or continued on long enough to where one or two posts couldnt just be removed or edited then this post would have ended up locked or moved, while blosssoms post remained, and everyone would have been screaming favortism, gone to her thread and tried to make it equally as hostile, (possibly resulting in these folx getting banned as we do keep track of people who intentionally create chaos and drama) or started a number of posts stating their dissatisfaction with LHCF and its mods, crying censorship and claiming that the favored children of LHCF can do anything and not get banned, which is not true.

Anyone who has been here any particular period of time ALSO should know I dont have favorites, that I try to keep the peace, and that even if a post is controversial, as long as people are expressing themselves (respectfully) and/or knowledge is flowing, and time allows, that I will try to maintain a presence so things DONT escalate to the point that it needs to get locked or have folx banned. I dont have a problem locking threads at all.

If you have any further questions please take them to PM. We have take the OP's thread off topic long enough. :)
Thanks so much for posting this, especially since you dont really have to! :D
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for saying this. My voice may be drowned out by the fact that some consider me a "trouble maker." But I am glad to see other members feel the same.

i hear you, Locks!:)

i have been observing the going ons as well and am angry for you too:mad:
Well I cant thats just the way it is. Blosssoms thread is her own doing and this thread is just the same as hers you get me.
Actually it's not. This thread is in response to a couple of very discouraging threads. Really, just because someone is having a bad hair day or is frustrated with their hair, doesnt mean they should try and make everyone feel depressed too.

This topic affects me because I made an honest (non trollist) topic on another forum which was not attacking anyone but people thought it was controvesial and a new thread popped up talking about dramatic newbies and I was wondering whether it was about me. Not into that ish;)
I don't see what this has to do with this thread/topic at all. I'm sorry you had a bad experience posting on a forum, but no one should be surprised that there is a little backlash following such a :eek: comment. That was probably the intent of the thread anyways. :ohwell:
Really, just because someone is having a bad hair day or is frustrated with their hair, doesnt mean they should try and make everyone feel depressed too.

or bad hair YEAR:lol:

But honestly, I was surprised at the responses in THAT thread. I guess we can take certain posts when we have come to EXPECT it from a certain type.