If You Could Go Back In Time.....

It was so, SO great! The purple cream of nature was a reconstructor. It was the type of preventative maintenance that wouldn’t require anything else if you kept up with it. A little lasted forever too. I only went through 2 bottles a year.
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"Dam!" I want to grab it out of the picture. *balls fists* why do they torture us? Where's my time machine at.....?
The original Motions CPR that came in the container where you had to scoop it out. It was so thick! My hair loved that stuff! I used it even before I became a member here.

Now the so-called liquidy watered down version of Motions CPR comes in a regular squeeze bottle. Nothing like the original.

I should've bought up every jar I could find while it was still available. :(
Was that the one with the pieces of herbs mixed in it and had a heavenly sent? The one that if a tiny bit got in your mouth you'll have to keep licking and wiping? It came in a big tub right. If so, that was a gem traped in time. Silent weeping. :(
It was so, SO great! The purple cream of nature was a reconstructor. It was the type of preventative maintenance that wouldn’t require anything else if you kept up with it. A little lasted forever too. I only went through 2 bottles a year.
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Oh wow! I though you were talking about the "Nourishing Conditioner" that one was purple as well and I only got to buy one small bottle.
I would’ve stocked up on Kinky Kurly Knot Today. My Natural hair loved that stuff. Used one bottle of leave-in and like completely forgot about it. I liked its versatility. Could use it for a leave in one day, light co-wash rinse the next day, mix it with some Almond Oil and have a DC the next day.

No idea what went on in my head.
I just bought some AOWC on eBay. A $5 code popped up too but I used a 15%off code instead because it added up to more.