If You Can Go Back in Time, Would You Save It For Marriage?

Lady Esquire

New Member
Things worked out for me, but sometimes I think about this. I think about how things would have turned out, had I been a virgin when I married.

For those of you who did wait, would you have done that differently?
No. Way.

I had wonderful experiences that I wouldn't want to go back and erase. In fact, all of my relationships, sexual and otherwise, (and good and bad) have had something valuable to teach me. I'm grateful for them.
Even though things didn't work out, my first was the person I eventually married. I saved "it" for 25 years..that was long enough.:grin:
No. Way.

I had wonderful experiences that I wouldn't want to go back and erase. In fact, all of my relationships, sexual and otherwise, (and good and bad) have had something valuable to teach me. I'm grateful for them.

This is exactly how I feel. But the "shakin" thread had me thinking.

No way. I wouldve selected a more skilled person tho

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Yeah, we were both virgins, and it was very obvious.
Oh, I don't know how to answer that. I wouldn't have married DH if we had not had sex. Both raise is very orthodox religious household, he had been sexually active but not me. I think he felt guilty about my virginity and pressed for marriage--which I didn't want to do...but the "guilt" was pressing.

My father was begging me not to get married, DH wanted to do the "right" thing.
32 years later when asked why we got married so young, I tell the truth....we had sex! Man religion shur can mess up your mind!
If I could go back and do it over, I don't know if I would've saved it for marriage, but I definitely would've saved it for someone I really was in love with.
I have thought about this and personally wish that I had waited.

Oh well, I did not marry until well past the normal age so had I waited, I tell myself that I would have probably married much sooner....and possibly to a jerk.
Yes. Although I don't regret anything and I had a bomb time doing it, I wouldn't mind waiting for marriage. I'm doing it now (kind of). I've been celibate for 2 years now :ohwell:
No, I don't see any reason to. I can't imagine still being that inexperienced young girl that I once was now that I'm in my 30's.

I'm grateful for my experiences.:yep:
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Heck Yes!!!

Hands down...I wish I had saved it...my husband soooo deserved my virginity...it was the hardest thing I had to do...marry my king and not be able to give him the gift that God designed just for him! However, we are the people we are because of our pasts so that im grateful for...im greatful for the man he is and he is greatful for the woman I am!!!
