Definitely spent the last hour or so drooling over her fotki and learning her regimen. Thanks for awakening my inner stan.

Makes me wanna trash my stash and go prancing in the meadow somewhere picking herbs for my herbal tea and hair rinse.
@Conterria 1)thanks for posting this (i haven't seen her hair in a year or two either) but i'm hurt you talkin' bout 'Naathin' lmao
@WantNatural Your hair is so pretty (looks like mine but it's thicker).
@qchelle I was going to say the same thing (thats one ugly...)
Cot dayum. Got me over here hyperventilating over some jumbo twists! This is the type of hair that simultaneously inspires you and makes you feel somekindaway. :lachen:

I'm going to need smelling salts first CelinaStarr updates with CL hair now this lovely with gorgeous thick Hair HL you all are killing me over here
Breathe in breathe out I'm OK
We are surrounded by hair porn! I agree with Lucia. First CelinaStarr then this!!!LOL Where is the smelling salt? Whew!!!!

Zhara's hair is beyond GORGEOUS!!!! I am going to have to make a point of visiting her fotki more often. Thanks for sharing. :)
We are surrounded by hair porn! I agree with Lucia. First CelinaStarr then this!!!LOL Where is the smelling salt? Whew!!!!

Zhara's hair is beyond GORGEOUS!!!! I am going to have to make a point of visiting her fotki more often. Thanks for sharing. :)

I forgot Empressri also updated
Looks like this year is ging to be he year for long hick healthy beautiful hair.
Lucia, maybe some of that long hair :fairy: will rub off on my tresses!!!!

Acually your doing good to have those blond highlights in just keep expecting your dream length and be grateful for what you have work your regimen and protect those ends and you'll get there.
God, I'm claiming and having FAITH, in Jesus name that my hair will be that length within 2 years from today. I'll be back with my update in 2013 (if not before).

I want that hair but I can't her reggie!

-I am currently keeping my hair in protective styles during the week ( I'm down to co-washing 2x and detangling 1x!!!! ) while I'm working and exercising. Letting the hair styled out on the weekends...
***UPDATE 11/8/08 This has been a lifesaver routine for me!
-My shampoo routine is located in my February 2008 album and I do this entire routine once every 4-5 weeks :) I may go to every 3 weeks for the summertime?
***UPDATE 11/8/08 I decided to shampoo every 6 weeks...during the Summer. Beacuse I use 100% Natural Products I have virtually no Build up and the scalp is in great condition.

-I am absolutley loving the natural product world and have become quite the product critic, I've learned to read & understand labels and ingredients really well and I keep product use to a minimum.
-Looking forward to getting back into using more of my favourite Shea Butter as the weather is warming up now, its a great natural sunscreen for the hair and skin!
-100% natural/organic products will give you amazing results but keep in mind its all or nothing if you use half natural and half commercial products you will only see 1/2 the results!!!!
-The organic herbal rinse with two tbsp of organic apple cidar vinegar is a great way to clarify and detox the hair from the use of commercial product build up in preparing the hair to start using pure natural products.
***UPDATE I'll be uploading a Detox 101 album this September!
-If you do choose the natural product route, allow the hair a few weeks to adjust and detox while introducing 100% natural/organic products into your hair care regime.
-Give your hair a few weeks to a month to adjust and destress before you gain the results your looking for! Patience is a virtue when it comes to caring for natural hair-for real!

- I still want to try a roller set, Bantu Knots and pin curls ( my mother set her hair like this every night when I was growing up! )
***UPDATE 11/8/08 I'm way to lazy and inpatient to attemp a roller set so I decided to treat myself one of these days and get it done at the Salon...if a special occasion warrants it :) Lol!
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Wow, I remember her. I haven't been to her fotki in a couple of years, though. Her hair was always beautiful, and now it's super long. TBL, amazing! Thanks for sharing the link!
Am I the only one who can't see the rest of her album? I've seen the pics in the April update folder but everywhere else says "Folder empty." Them pics were such a tease! I need more!