When will you be able to let your hair down?

I'll ease up on the protective styles when I'm.....

  • SL

    Votes: 11 4.5%
  • APL

    Votes: 44 18.0%

    Votes: 77 31.6%
  • MBL

    Votes: 44 18.0%
  • WL

    Votes: 19 7.8%
  • TBL

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I don't think I'll ever be satisfied enough to wear it down often :ohwell:

    Votes: 10 4.1%
  • I already wear my hair down often. It's healthy, I'm flaunting it! :grin:

    Votes: 38 15.6%

  • Total voters
i wouls honestly be soooo happy to just be full shoulderlength that I will start to wear it down more often then.:rolleyes:
When I hit my initial goal of MBL, I will wear my hair down on a more consistent basis. I believe that by PSing as much as I do, I will be able to retain as much length as possible and reach my goal as quickly as possible.

That is my theory and I'm sticking to it!
Great Topic! I always think about this. Im going to say I'll ease up on protective styles and wear it down more when Im APL-BSL.
I'll be able to breathe when I'm full APL, which on my short self is scraping BSL .. It'll be springtime, so I'll be doing nice rollersets and braidouts.. as a lo-mani thing.:yep:
I’ll start to wear it down/out more often when my hair reaches HBL sometime in ‘09, I plan to wear more ponytail roller sets and lots of braid/twist outs. :grin:
I want to be at BAA (Big A$$ed Afro) length so that I can make a killer puff or wear the flyest braidout / twistout or wash and go. Then flat iron it and it be BSL...LOL @ Shrinkage :rolleyes:
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My hair is right to the bottom of my neck, and NO ONE is seeing it until its APL. LOL

Though, I do have people who are asking me to reveal whats under the wig:grin:
Well I'm just grazing SL now. I only wear my hair down if it's curled using flexirods. Won't be quite comfortable with it being down straight until APL (including the sides).
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I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm actually more paranoid now than when my hair was shorter. Even when I do wear it down as soon as I get in the house, it's right back up.

I'll relax about it one of these days I guess.:ohwell:
I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm actually more paranoid now than when my hair was shorter. Even when I do wear it down as soon as I get in the house, it's right back up.

I'll relax about it one of these days I guess.:ohwell:

Yeah me too! When it was nape length I didn't care .. now I'm all superparanoid .. feeling all baldheaded .. lol
since my hair prohibits itself from hanging "down" through shrinkage (stretched, my hair is to the bottom of my ears, yet i still have what looks to be a twa) i think that until i get to about bra strap length stretched it wont hang, or grow down, but up instead. i dont plan on using heat, so i dont really know.
My hair is between SL and APL. I wear braidouts all the time, but I have learned so much about protecting my ends that I strengthen and protect them while I sleep so they will be able to be out during the day. I make sure to keep them moist moist moist(not wet though). I seal them and I keep an eye on them to make sure that I don't have any more splitting and breaking.
I think once I reach full BSL then I'd probably wear it down more often. Right now the sides are just at shoulder length and it just irratates me so see them rubbing on my shoulders all the time.
I voted APL.

Although once I'm full SL I'd like to experiment with styles other than buns.

I'm a little bit afraid though I have a thing about screwing around with my hair too much.
since my hair prohibits itself from hanging "down" through shrinkage (stretched, my hair is to the bottom of my ears, yet i still have what looks to be a twa) i think that until i get to about bra strap length stretched it wont hang, or grow down, but up instead. i dont plan on using heat, so i dont really know.

Hey vlucious, you look so adorable in your siggy.
I'm APL, and not quite comfortable with wearing my hair down yet. In the real world it's considered long, but I just don't feel like it's long enough! I think when I reach BSB, I'll be able to finally let my hair down (literally!) and enjoy it. I'll ease up on the protective styles and flaunt it! :grin:

What about you? When will you be comfy wearing your hair down?

I said the same thing when my goal was APL- now I too am aiming at letting down my hair and my guard at BSL :grin:.
I don't know, but I think I will wear it down once or twice a month when it is WL. I'm very close to full MBL, and I still don't want to wear it down. I plan on wearing it down at the end of this month for the first time since Dec '07. With shrinkage I think WL will be MBL, and that will be acceptable for me.
i dont mean to be rude or anything but for those of you who said MBL (or longer) why so long? i mean is it paranoia, for lack of a better word (except those of you who used that word) or what? i know that cichelle actually came out and said that it is just easier for her to keep it up but i dont think that is the case for all of you. frankly...some of you just seem like major hair anorexics.

thank you for your responses :drunk:
I wear braids and weaves as my protective styles so wearing my hair down to me means without any added hair. I don't really like doing wash and go's because then I have to wash my hair everyday. And my twists are thin and a weird length so I don't really like them.

I have a weave right now that's basically a BSL braidout. I really don't want to start wearing my hair down until I can do the same style but that will take years. So maybe when I can do a full shoulder length braidout. Right now, my hair varies in length from top of ear to past shoulder length so I'll be staying in my weaves for the rest of the year.
i dont mean to be rude or anything but for those of you who said MBL (or longer) why so long? i mean is it paranoia, for lack of a better word (except those of you who used that word) or what? i know that cichelle actually came out and said that it is just easier for her to keep it up but i dont think that is the case for all of you. frankly...some of you just seem like major hair anorexics.

thank you for your responses :drunk:

LOL, I don't think that your question is rude at all. For me the reason is twofold; my goal length, and ease. Although I'm at what I'm calling "can you call this MBL" length, my goal is TBL for certain, and possibly classic. Keeping my hair up will allow me to continue to protect my ends along the journey. As for ease; I really enjoy being able to just rinse the cond. out, put leave-in on, add a dab of oil to the ends, twist it up, put a hair stick in, and go.:yep:
LOL, I don't think that your question is rude at all. For me the reason is twofold; my goal length, and ease. Although I'm at what I'm calling "can you call this MBL" length, my goal is TBL for certain, and possibly classic. Keeping my hair up will allow me to continue to protect my ends along the journey. As for ease; I really enjoy being able to just rinse the cond. out, put leave-in on, add a dab of oil to the ends, twist it up, put a hair stick in, and go.:yep:
ok, i can agree with that most definitely - a simple routine works wonders.

but why is protecting your ends still a concern? i guess dryness is always a concern, huh...but breakage as well? i can understand that at SL, but...i know, i know, i got a lot to learn.
Not until I'm at mid-back length. I'm wearing protective styles as much as possible to ensure that I'm retaining all of my length, I don't want my ends to be rubbing against my clothes and breaking off. I wear it down at special events and special occasions, but not to class or regular old places,lol.
I'm aiming for BSL and when I get there I'll start to wear my hair down.
Like you (Tiffers), I don't feel APL is long enough, even though it is considered long by many people. I'm close to APL stretched.
If my natural, unstretched hair hangs right when i get to MBL stretched then I will wear my hair out. I usually don't wear my hair out because I don't really like the way it shrinks up :nono:
I'm so loving this thread!!:yep:

Right now i don't know what length i'm at because i'm on a 6 mths stretch. I think when i hit BSL that's when i'll wear my hair down. Come to think of it i haven't worn my hair down (straight) to work in over a year. I'm really excited to see what length i'll be at once i relax the end of July. Hoping i'll be well past APL and on my way to BSL, looks like a got a lil way to go.

Keeping ma fingers and toes crossed.:grin:
I'm waiting until i reach MBL to start feeling comfortable about wearing my hair down more often.

I'm BSB and i'm hoping to reach my goal by the end of the year...so i'm protecting it as it grows so that i don't have any setbacks.

Why put in all this work if i'm not gonna see results?:nono: So i'm keeping my hair safe.