I wanna marry a man....but he's in prison


New Member
I didn't know what to say.

My best friend came up to me and expressed concern that she was tired of sharing her body with men. She was tired of being used and abused sexually. She had decided she was going to marry her middle school sweetheart....but he doesn't get out for 2 more years. He's in prison for robbery I think.

He's in prison. At the end of the sentence...it will have been 10 years. He gets out in roughly 2 more years. I was in shock. We are bff so I'm surprised she didn't tell me she was talking to a man in prison, but I realize that is because she was unsure of how I may react. But now that I'm older, I'm pretty open minded. There are no yes no answers, I try to think of things thoroughly.

I tried not to be sensitive. I talked to her calmly the first time she brought it up. I told her to think of things on all different points of view. I told her it was unwise and that I would just see how things played out. In actuality I was trying to buy time to find the right words to say to her and not sound like a douchebag.

A week later after having surgery in my mouth, laughing gas, and pain pills I just said what I REALLY wanted to say. She told me she was gonna tell him to sign the papers so they could wed and they could have conjugal visits.

I didn't even shift my eyes...I just kept lookin in some racks of clothes and said, "You crazy as hell." I think it took her aback because I'm kinda passive and she got really offended at my statement. She said she didn't ask for my opinion. She just told me because I was her friend. She didn't ask for me to judge her.

I shifted my eyes and told her that she may have no asked for my opinion but she opened herself up for it when she told me. She told me she did not. Because of this man, she has changed her religion to Muslim. I told her that her entire life she has been a Baptist. Until someone opened her eyes to historical facts and something new, she thought in the same way. If no one would have expressed their opinions on religion....she would still be a Baptist today. The same is in my situation. If I never tell her my POV she will never look at things in another perspective. I wasn't judging her...but I WAS being a friend, because if I wasn't I would just let her do what she wants and just keep it movin.

I told her that it would be a foolish decision to sign conjugal visits to a man in prison. It is foolish to be bonded in a relationship to a man in prison. Especially from my POV. I don't know about her, but I want a boring life. I don't want to wonder where my next paycheck is coming from. I don't want to wonder if my husband will have a job next month. I don't want to wonder if he will ever return to prison. My idea of excitement is figuring out where I'ma take my babies in the summer....Disneyworld or Disneyland.

I told her because he is a convict, life will probably be hard for them. First of all, nobody is going to just willingly give him a job. He will probably end up doing odd and end jobs, and unless he finds a federal job, he might not have a stable one. That means she will possibly be playing mommy and daddy for their future kids financially.

She may have to support him...even if for a little while. And I don't think that's what she needs right now. She supports everyone right now except herself. She half way raises her brother and schools her mother and financially is there for both of them. I couldn't stand to see another burden put on her in the future because she is my friend.

She claims she has it all figured out. She wants to be an entrepreneur anyway. If he doesn't find a job, they will start their own business. I said what about start up costs? And sometimes in the early years entrepreneurship don't put food on the table. They are a mere investment.

She told me he is different. He has plans to change his life when he gets out. His family is going to find him a job. He has a timeline of where he wants to go. He's different.

I guess this is where my insensitivity comes in. I told her, "Just being honest everyone is "different" in prison. Everyone has a supposedly plan to do better when they get out but I must be from Missouri. I'm from that show me state. Without some proof he can keep walking. And everyone seems to be Muslim in prison. Mostly everyone goes in, becomes a makeshift pastor talking about how they've changed and praying to Allah is right and the Bible is full of errors. Blah Blah Blah.

AND Men in prison have no job. They don't work a 8 to 5 like you and me. They don't go to school. All they do is sit and read and workout. They have all the time in the world to plot and figure out how they are going to get young successful women and live off of them. He gains a LOT from being with you...but wtf do you gain.

And I think you're just doing this for sex. You don't wanna keep giving yourself to men. You're living off a dream. You see him in perfection. You last saw and talked to him when you were in your early teens. Things change. Minds change. You may talk to him on the phone, but you don't KNOW him.

She told me I've been sheltered. I probably don't know anyone in jail. I'm insensitive. A lot of men in jail talk about hwo they gonna cut when they get out. They don't even have a religion. They don't have a plan of action. I only know what I watch on tv. :rolleyes:

Maybe she's right. Some prison relationship DO work. But wtf not just wait 2 more years and wait til he gets out. Then she can SEE what he is about. Heck, she waited 8 years...what's two more? I talked her out of it, but I know in the back of her mind she is still considering it.

I asked what if it doesn't work out. She said that's what divorce is for. I told her I don't know wtf God she prays to now, but Christianity holds marriage to be very very sacred. And it ain't ish but a piece of paper until you work on and mold your relationship. It's not like a cell phone plan that you can change whenever u wanna upgrade. It's for sickness and health. Death do us part.

I want a husband he wants to contribute to my life. wtf can he contribute. He can't even pay the water bill. And the water bill ain't nothing more than about $30 in a standard apartment. He can't even pay $15 on that. WTF you need him for? I understand not wanting to be used sexually...but that's what abstinence is for!

I just dunno what to do you guys. I don't even know what to say.
I tried to give an example. My high school sweetheart. Loved him. He was almost my first. He wouldn't let me have sex with him because he wanted to protect my innocence. That just kept me in awe. I was krazy about him. He went to the navy. I went to school. We stopped talking.

He calls me up and tells me let's pick up where we left off. I'm thinking this is the same man I fell in love with. But what I quickly realized is that the things I loved about him....no longer appeal to me. We've grown up. That bubblegum ish he was about he no longer my perrogative.

He has plans. But no initiative. No degree. No job. No motivation. bleh.

That's the same ninja that left me in the park in the ran when my car stopped working. Just a jackarse. But I was gilded by my perception of him. I saw him in perfection. Like he was when I was in high school. Ish changes...how does she know he hasn't changed.

Sometimes u gotta leave the past in the past
Oddly enough, I reacted more to this statement than the rest of your story:
My best friend came up to me and expressed concern that she was tired of sharing her body with men. She was tired of being used and abused sexually.
When did young people start using sex as a means to a relationship, rather than an act between two people engaged in one?! Maybe if her means of connecting with people wasn't through sex she might have had more meaningful relationships with men...:nono:

She sounds emotionally "damaged" in the sense that her self worth is directly tied to the presence of a man in her life and the quality of that man.

Marriage shouldn't be a "process of elimination" alternative. And it shouldn't be "well what I've done in the past hasn't worked in the past so let me try something different" alternative. At this point in her life, her attitude and approach lead me to believe that marriage to anyone is going to lead to more heartache and pain in the long run...
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umm, she sounds like she's given up on finding love. Tell her to find something she loves being involved with cause I can't see this turning out good. This man has been locked up for 8 years and who knows how he's been getting down in prison....let alone when he gets out...he may want to stick and poke anything that walks his way. I'm w/ Keen....don't really know what to say about this one but she better be careful
umm, she sounds like she's given up on finding love. Tell her to find something she loves being involved with cause I can't see this turning out good. This man has been locked up for 8 years and who knows how he's been getting down in prison....let alone when he gets out...he may want to stick and poke anything that walks his way. I'm w/ Keen....don't really know what to say about this one but she better be careful

I just don't know. I'm so scared for her :nono:. But I realize she is an adult.

I will admit that it made me learn a lot. I complain a lot that all my friends are dating, and I'm not. But when I sat back and realized it....these dudes don't want to be in a relationship with her....They wanna have relations. So I'm avoiding a lot of stuff and unnecessary heartache even though I'm not dating at the current moment. My friend I think is starting to realize this, and since he wants to settle down and marry her....she's up for it because he seems to be serious...more serious than the others. And then she can have a monogamous committed relationship.

And now I really understand the importance of knowing you self worth and not thinking that a man that is attached is the only way to be healthy. She says that she doesn't care about not being in a relationship. She dates herself. She's not clingy. She doesn't stay on the phone all times of the night with men. She has boundaries. She has standards. But even then...that's not enough. You have to truly realize what you want on the inside (but be reasonable of course) and not settle for otherwise.

I really wish I was a psychology student so I could understand her more...and know what to say
Homegirl needs a hobby - something that focuses on personal growth and exploration. Bump thinking about men and focus on her own personal development. She is too young to be thinking "sigh, I guess I'll get married".
She needs a friggin puppy, not this dude.

Men in prision know how to work game. There are unofficial classes on how to get women on the outside. She is not special and I am sure he is telling a few woman the same story, because he needs to have an address when he gets out of the pokey. I feel bad for her because she does not have a big sister type or a smart female influence in her life. Heck even an uncle or male cousin could have told her the game. She is not going to listen to you (insert one of many) you jealous, you aint got no man, you aint got no good man, you haven't read his letters, he is different, he has a 10 incher and if I don't get it I don't want no one else to have it, you don't know about his potential bomb sex............................
Lawd, I pray she wakes up soon before she really gets hurt....you hit the nail on the head when you make the statement about knowing your self worth....she needs to find hers. All this time wasted on trying to find a man could be better used towards making herself a more secure person in the future...both financially and mentally.
She needs a friggin puppy, not this dude.

Men in prision know how to work game. There are unofficial classes on how to get women on the outside. She is not special and I am sure he is telling a few woman the same story, because he needs to have an address when he gets out of the pokey. I feel bad for her because she does not have a big sister type or a smart female influence in her life. Heck even an uncle or male cousin could have told her the game. She is not going to listen to you (insert one of many) you jealous, you aint got no man, you aint got no good man, you haven't read his letters, he is different, he has a 10 incher and if I don't get it I don't want no one else to have it, you don't know about his potential bomb sex............................

But she has a lot of Christian mentors. She's really smart intellectually. She thinks things out too. We're prolly on the same level. I think she's just a lil confused right now. I can't judge cuz I'm confused and learning too...but something like this would never cross my mind. I do agree that she must doesn't understand game. When he went to prison he had a girlfriend. She wanted to marry him. He said no because I'm in for a long time. I want you to live life and not to be married to a man you can't even lie next to at night. That was very thoughtful of him to not allow her to get tied down

But if he care for my friend so much....wtf is he willing to tie her down for 2 years before he gets out...but not the other girl. This just makes no sense to me.
^^^^^ Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, intellectually, boo hiss, homegirl aint got no dang common sense. Do you actually think she is telling the church folks about homey in the pokey? I bet she is telling everything about him except him being in the pokey. I know chicks like her, they tell everyone a different story and leave out bits and pieces.

If he is up on his game he is going to have her get rid of everyone close to her so he can get in her mind. Ike (Lawrence Fishboure): I'm in here Anna Mae.
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^^^^^ Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, intellectually, boo hiss, homegirl aint got no dang common sense. Do you actually think she is telling the church folks about homey in the pokey? I bet she is telling everything about him except him being in the pokey. I know chicks like her, they tell everyone a different story and leave out bits and pieces.

If he is up on his game he is going to have her get rid of everyone close to her so he can get in her mind. Ike (Lawrence Fishboure): I'm in here Anna Mae.

So what do I do? Just offer a listening ear. I already told her how I felt so I shouldn't keep telling her over and over? Or should I? I mean she tells me when she doesn't like guys I talk to...why can't I do the same. But then grown men and women are going to do what they wanna do. I just dunno :nono:
So what do I do? Just offer a listening ear. I already told her how I felt so I shouldn't keep telling her over and over? Or should I? I mean she tells me when she doesn't like guys I talk to...why can't I do the same. But then grown men and women are going to do what they wanna do. I just dunno :nono:
Let it go, she can never say no one told her. BUT if you end up being correct, never say "I told you so", no need to add insult to injury. There is nothing you can do. It also doesn't change as you get older. I am 38 and my sister is 51, women her age are doing this type stuff.
SK, you rounded out her future pretty well. You're a good friend not to have kept your mouth closed. Now, there is nothing you can do. She will learn on her own.
My thoughts:

1) One statement that is applicable for so many life situations is this: Grown people do what they want. As a friend, you did your job by stating your opinion. You see that your friend is making a poor life choice and you are trying to alert her to it. As a friend you aren't required to agree with what your friend is doing. However, now that you have stated your opinion, say no more. If your friend is determined to marry this guy, she will regardless of what you have to say about it. Just save yourself the additional effort. Trust, she knows your position on the situation.

2) Your friend isn't thinking in the long term. This man isn't in jail for playing tiddlywinks. He is in jail for robbery!! I'm assuming that your friend doesn't realize how difficult it is for convicted felons to get jobs out of prison and how easy it is for them to fall back into the same circumstances that landed them in prison in the first place. Let's say she does marry him and has kids by this man. Would she want her kids exposed to criminal activity? Would she trust her husband to raise them up properly in the way that they should go? Also, she's talking about how she doesn't mind supporting a grown behind man?! Really? She'll find out quickly that footing the bill for someone who is able bodied and not a child gets old-QUICK!

3) She's marrying for the wrong reasons. She's not in love with this man as he is now. She's in love with the idea of him (and quite possibly in love with the idea of marriage and the seeming stability it brings). She's doing herself a disservice by not allowing herself to spend time with him (outside of prison walls) to get to know him.

Ultimately, there are a number of things that I can point out about this situation (and you can too) but if she isn't gonna listen, there isn't much you can do. The only thing you can do at this point is allow her to make her mistake and be there for her when things don't turn out the way she expected them to. :yep:
I read this entire story and it's quite interesting. I don't have much to say but what might work for your friend, definitely doesn't work for you. Prisons/jails/correction facilities do not work fo rme. I don't do any of them so this type of relationship I wouldn't even consider. You can't change her mind but just be there when the chips start to fall.
I started a thread years ago about a woman I know marrying a man in prison for trying to kill her. She had one child at the time of that post, she has since had another child. I CAN NOT EVEN IMAGINE THE THOUGHT PROCESS BEHIND SOMEHTING THIS STUPID!
there are, in my opinion, two kinds of people in prison. Ones who git phucked and da ones who da phuckin.

ask her which one is he......

she grown, so let her do her. phuck it n cry two tears in a buckit n keep it movin chile.
there are, in my opinion, two kinds of people in prison. Ones who git phucked and da ones who da phuckin.

ask her which one is he......

she grown, so let her do her. phuck it n cry two tears in a buckit n keep it movin chile.
TJG, simple one for you, so you saved that square????? :)
Will you continue your friendship with her if she marries this man?

:yep::yep: I would continue being there for her. She is still my friend no matter what. I can't say that I will be able to help her financially or anything. But I will be there for support and someone to listen to. I would give limited advice because...I told her once.

If I made a bad decision, I would want my friends to still stick by my side.
But I must admit, the options are limited when a friend consistently makes bad decisions....
Why is it that everyone in prison always finds Religion I guess it has to do with being a very captive audience. They are always taking class in order to better themselves. These classes include such perennial favorites that are offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels: (1) I've suddenly found religion 101 (2) Conning unsuspecting women into putting money on your books. (3) Keeping and maintaining prison wife/husband from conned woman. (4) Why I can't find/keep employment because I'm being victimised by the system. (5) How to effortlessly lay on her couch, eat her food, watching cable, and play video games. (6) Fostering loyalty so that she'll blindly stand by your side once you're reincarnated again. (7) The golden ticket which essentially is impregnating her as quickly as possible. The Lab part of the golden ticket class is remembering to insert sob story about childhood and wanting to be a good father.

Your friend needs to run away from this situation before it becomes a nightmare. I'm sure that the situation might have a few perks such as always knowing exactly where your man is at all hours of the day, and yeah it's great that he's always very attentive but what else is there for him to do. Most importantly would she want her future daughter to date let alone marry a man like the one she's desperately willing to settling for I think not.
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Why is it that everyone in prison always finds Religion I guess it has to do with being a very captive audience. They are always taking class in order to better themselves. These classes include such perennial favorites that are offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels: (1) I've suddenly found religion 101 (2) Conning unsuspecting women into putting money on your books. (3) Keeping and maintaining prison wife/husband from conned woman. (4) Why I can't find/keep employment because I'm being victimised by the system. (5) How to effortlessly lay on her couch, eat her food, watching cable, and play video games. (6) Fostering loyalty so that she'll blindly stand by your side once you're reincarnated again. (7) The golden ticket which essentially is impregnating her as quickly as possible. The Lab part of the golden ticket class is remembering to insert sob story about childhood and wanting to be a good father.
I see you are aware of those who matriculated, we all know of them. LMBO


What square chile,.......
Cigarette = square
This almost always ends up with him leaving her anyway, or worse. I've had two ex-friends that was in this situation.

Friend #1 married the guy in prison, put money on his books etc.

When he got out, he lived with her cause he had to have some place to live so that his probation officer could contact him. When that was all over, and he didn't need to be there anymore, he found another girlfriend and left his wife.

Friend #2 married the guy in prison, put money on his books etc.

When he got out he lived with her.........
When that was over and he didn't need to be there anymore, his true evil self came out. She had been with him for years, on and off, but didn't KNOW him.

He terrorized her whole house! terrorized her and her 5 children! These were not his children. Those children were a mess. It was so sad.

He started doing drugs and really going crazy on them! Then he went and found a girlfriend, but wouldn't move out!

After torturing them for a couple of years, along with his new girlfriend, he left........but it wasn't over! He then tortured her through phone calls, stood outside her house and waited til he could catch her outside to mess with her.After doing this so long, and doing drugs, he hit rock-bottom.

He started acting like he was sorry begging and pleading for her to just come and talk to him. After him doing this for MONTHS, she was getting ready to go and see him.

But she didn't go. She said something told her not to go.

Days later, she found that he shot the girlfriend in the head, and was waiting for her!
When she didn't show up, he shot and killed himself!

I tried to warn them, but they wouldn't listen.