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About two weeks ago I washed and DC my hair and began rollersetting but I had no slip. It seemed as though everytime I passed the comb through, my hair was breaking...but dumb me... I proceeded on. Today the same thing happened...I DC for one hour....rinsed then I put the leave in and setting lotion on. Now I find, if it's really cold in the house my hair doesn't feel as soft when it's wet so I stay in the bathroom where it's warmer while I set my hair. Today I was in the bathroom trying to start the set and started getting breakage. My hair had no slip even though I deep conditioned so I rinsed the setting lotion and leave-in out and took my motions neutralizing shampoo and washed one time and rinsed. The AAh Ha moment came when I instantly had slip and passed a comb thru with no breakage. No I know yall thinking okay you clarified... but I think it had something to do with the high ph of my hair and it was brought down by the neutralizing shampoo. Just though I'd share. Oh and it took me no time to set my hair :grin:
About two weeks ago I washed and DC my hair and began rollersetting but I had no slip. It seemed as though everytime I passed the comb through, my hair was breaking...but dumb me... I proceeded on. Today the same thing happened...I DC for one hour....rinsed then I put the leave in and setting lotion on. Now I find, if it's really cold in the house my hair doesn't feel as soft when it's wet so I stay in the bathroom where it's warmer while I set my hair. Today I was in the bathroom trying to start the set and started getting breakage. My hair had no slip even though I deep conditioned so I rinsed the setting lotion and leave-in out and took my motions neutralizing shampoo and washed one time and rinsed. The AAh Ha moment came when I instantly had slip and passed a comb thru with no breakage. No I know yall thinking okay you clarified... but I think it had something to do with the high ph of my hair and it was brought down by the neutralizing shampoo. Just though I'd share. Oh and it took me no time to set my hair :grin:

How can you tell when hair has a high ph? Also can neutalizing poo be used as an clarifying poo? I'm glad you got your hair back on track:)
I had a similar moment when I started doing ACV rinses a few weeks ago. My hair has never been this soft and bouncy!!! I can airdry a rollerset, flat iron the roots and be DONE girl it's great! I barely lost any hair and six days later I still have bounce, sheen, it's incredible.

I think the ACV rinse also neutralizes the hair. I was thinking about it this morning and I think that when we relax our hair it really alters the ph and we, as relaxed black haired women, probably need to neutralize a lot more than we do to keep the hair happy on a chemical level.
I had a similar moment when I started doing ACV rinses a few weeks ago. My hair has never been this soft and bouncy!!! I can airdry a rollerset, flat iron the roots and be DONE girl it's great! I barely lost any hair and six days later I still have bounce, sheen, it's incredible.

I think the ACV rinse also neutralizes the hair. I was thinking about it this morning and I think that when we relax our hair it really alters the ph and we, as relaxed black haired women, probably need to neutralize a lot more than we do to keep the hair happy on a chemical level.

ITA. And ACV is much more gentle way to low pH than the neutralizing poo, IMO. I use litmus strips to test my ACV to make sure it is a 4.5 pH.
I had this same problem I clearified today and my hair is back to normal. I'm going to do it gain next wash.