French Perm Stabilizer is a God send!!!


I use it as my Final Rinse. Because after Relaxing, Mid-Step, Neutralizing & DC'ing (with Heat) my Cuticles are still open due to DC'ing with Heat/Steam.

So, I use it as a final rinse as I would an ACV Rinse or PC or Nexxus Ensure or any Acidifying Rinse.

I always DC with Heat. When you DC with Heat your Cuticle is raised, swollen, open, lifted I always do some kind of final rinse.

I use it as my Final Rinse. Because after Relaxing, Mid-Step, Neutralizing & DC'ing (with Heat) my Cuticles are still open due to DC'ing with Heat/Steam.

So, I use it as a final rinse as I would an ACV Rinse or PC or Nexxus Ensure or any Acidifying Rinse.

I always DC with Heat. When you DC with Heat your Cuticle is raised, swollen, open, lifted I always do some kind of final rinse.

Thanks, I've yet to try HV rinse yet, but this is a product I could definitely use after a relaxer. I need some "smoothness" in my life . I think my cuticles are raised as well ( I use heat to DC) and detangling is a hassle.
Oops, just texlaxed yesterday after 14 weeks but I forget to use this!

Too many steps to remember :grumble, grumble:

My hair is soft and smooth right now so maybe Si didnt need it yet. I will use after my first wash later this week, for sure.
I'm getting a touchup on Wednesday.
I doubt she'll be using FBS, but 2-3 days post, I will use it.

Planning on stopping by Sallys tomorrow.
2 sallys and neither carried it.

I guess i'll have to get it at a BSS.
I dont want to though, just in case it needs to be returned.
2 sallys and neither carried it.

I guess i'll have to get it at a BSS.
I dont want to though, just in case it needs to be returned.

yaya24 If you don't like it send it to me - I've been scouring the internet in the hope to find a supplier of FPS that will ship to the UK but not had any luck. Sally's UK do not stock it
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I ordered mine online at Sally's!!! I couldn't find it in the store. Sally had the most reasonable shipping.
Sooooooooo. I finally found it.

In terms of being "good", how would someone like myself (who has never used FPS) know?

I just purchased a bottle from the BSS, and I opened it, and I am not smelling the strong alcohol scent that some LHCFers complained about.

Should I assume my product is bad?
I haven't gone mine yet so not sure about the smell I would just base it on how it makes my hair feel, as the smell might not affect how well it works on your hair, but hopefully naturalmanenyc or someone else can confirm

It dosent smell good. You are right. It's like an alcohol type smell. I don't get the wonderful detangling properties like u have read some other ppl post but the results I get is closed cuticles.

I can definitely tell the difference. When I wash my hair and let it air dry with my leave in, My hair takes longer to dry (which is a good thing). FPS is definitely controlling my porosity levels in my hair.
Thanks for reminding me about this. I have some in my arsenal. I relaxed my hair twice this month and still my hair is not has straight as I like it. I put too much conditioner into my Phytorelaxer index I the first time so I couldn't estimate how long I should leave it in and the second time I just didn't leave it in long enough and smooth in in long enough. My next relaxer will probably be in September/October, then I'll probably leave the relaxer in for 25 minutes instead of the normal 20 minutes.
Mine does not have a strong chemical scent.. :(

Smells like hydrogen peroxide vs rubbing alcohol.
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I went on ahead and washed today.
I prepood overnight with coconut oil. Then neutralized, protein for 10 mins, DC with humecto for about an hour, rinsed and then did my final rinse with FPS.

FPS is a WIN.
This is going to be used after EVERY wash from now on.

Normally after washing & DC, when I'm putting in my leave in and detangling my hair, my strands would literally "stick" together. I'm sure it was because my cuticles where raised.

Not this time though!

I think I might be able to do another 6 month stretch if I keep getting results like I experienced today.

I thought about doing that too, at one time Ms. Ya. :yep:

But an older head advised me against using FSP after every wash.:look:

They explained something about the 2.5 Ph Level. And I forget the thread and the post. (sorry)

It was early in my HHJ. So I just stuck with using this particular product after relaxing and the 1st Wash Post.

But I do use 'something' Acidifying as a final Rinse every wash day especially since I DC x2 per week w/Heat and had overly porous hair at one time.

To close cuticle and restore my PH Balance.

Mostly I use just HV's ACV Rinse.

But FSP is definitely a Staple for me right after relaxing and 1st wash post.

I would be interested in hearing your results if you incorporate this product weekly or bi-weekly.

Thanks for the heads up!!!

I got too excited. My hair never behaves the way it did today!!

I was thinking about doing it 1 or 2xs a week. Right now I am only washing 1x a week but was thinking about increasing to 2.

I'll try it out.. just for the month and I will report back.
It was one of those knowledgeable Scientific types (like Gymfreak or Artemis) and it mighta' been via pm when I mentioned I was going to start using it after each wash.

They told me not to. Maybe because during the relaxing period is when the Ph is at it's highest or maybe because most of the products I use/used (Handmade/Natural) a already properly balanced.
You're welcome! {hugs}

I have used FPSP for about 15-18 years post relaxer. My mom began using it on my hair in the mid-90's after she would relax my hair, and when I began doing my own touch-up about 10 years ago, I just continued using it too. It has never failed me, and I in fact noticed a difference in my hair quality after touch-ups the few times I forgot to use it.