French Perm Stabilizer is a God send!!!

Well i'm a natural and I tried to find it a few weeks go and the Sally's close to me was sold out, all the beauty school students had bought it.
Anyone has use this as a leave-in, including for extended period? I'm thinking of experimenting with it as a temporary hair stretcher, in a similar manner to how I understand Curlaway works.
I use this as my Final Step after Relaxing. I use it in the place of Roux PC, because of the Lower Ph Balance.

It is a Staple in my Self-Relaxing Process. And this is the only time I use it. To restrict the cuticle fully and keep that Moisture on Lock.

Otherwise, I'll use either Roux, Nexxus Ensure and more recently Bear Fruit Hair's Shine Rinses.
I'm going to try using this product more during my weekly wash instead of just after relaxing. I was looking for something to help seal in cuticles after rinsing the conditioner out. This may just be it.
I bought this in place of Roux PC and I like this better.

I self relax and this is the steps I took.

light protein con
Cellophane (dark brunette)
deep con

My hair came out lovely I must say. I think I will replace PC with this and it is cheaper and you get more.
I'm bumping this thread because French Perm Stabilizer is all that!!!

I've been have issues with high porosity, detangling and breakage. Nothing, I mean nothing was working. I've spent over $200 :sad: in the last month on products trying to find the magic shampoo and conditioner that would bring back my soft, bouncy hair. :perplexed

Finally, I started using Roux PC and it helped a little, but my hair still didn't look smooth and my new growth was very coarse and brittle. I then tried ACV rinse. It made things somewhat better, but my hair was still a tangled mess after shampooing even if I did every step in the shower and didn't manipulate my hair at all. :sad:

Determined to get my hair back in shape, I searched the board and stumbled upon FPS! :yep:

I went to my nearest BSS and they had the big bottle for $6.49 ($7.09 with tax). I applied after shampooing and then applied my moisture conditioner. My hair instantly felt smoother and softer. It was tangle free.

The proof was during the rollerset. I was able to detangle with ease and I lost no hair during the process :yay: The final result was smooth, soft, easy to comb, bouncy curls!!! I will continue to use this weekly in my regimen. I add a little to my setting lotion, also.

FPS makes my hair feel super soft, I've never got that with PC. It made a big difference. (Relaxed 4a)
klsjackson - Thanks for your review! I'm 11-weeks post and I'm running into tangles/knots. I was going to get the Cowboy Magic leave-in that was mentioned in other threads I searched, but I'll try this instead.
I didn't want to start a new thread but is French Perm Stabilizer just a fancy name for a Neutralizier? I've always wondered this. Anyone?
I have a one question I've never understood. Why is an acidic product used to seal the cuticle before DC-ing? When DC-ing (with heat) you open the cuticle right back up, right?

However, I must say I am amazed and very interested to try this product though for relaxer stretching which I have not yet mastered. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences. I may try it before and after DC-ing just to see if there's a difference.
I used it recently after I neutralized my hair. It was foaming like shampoo and it left my hair manageable. I use to use it after every shampoo years ago and I don't know whether I needed to or not. However, what I might start doing is when I am close to getting a touch-up, I'll begin using it to help tame the new growth.
Bumping!! How many ladies are still using this? Have your results still been constant??

From being - low Po I am now Hi Po because of Hard water! Where I stay they have a well - so they do their own water filtering , so no getting around it :nono:

I've gone from BSL to just above APL in a yr - lost all my progress trying to figure out what I was doing wrong!!!

I've been using PC & it doesnt work that well for me. I need something better!
I am going to try this on my 11 weeks post hair. I have been battling tangles, major shedding and now... breakage! I like that some people used it with success in between relaxers.

I googled the ingredients to see what could be providing the positive results. I don't see anything new. Ive seen all of these ingredients in most of the products I have in my stash. Also, it does have parabens. Im gonna see if I have a product with all of these ingredients listed! I will report back!

ETA: I did a garlic oil prepoo that stopped the but I am curious to see if it will return with my next wash. If so, I will try FPS as a next step in the process
MileHighDiva no. i am not. i havent used this in a long time. If i wanted a porosity control conditioner now, i would buy vitale positive conditioner.

Years ago, i used a Vitale product that was was similar to FPS. It was watery in the bottle but foamy once you start massaging. the only diff was it had protein so I used to use it as a mid-protein step (before I knew what that was). Is this the same thing? Where do you get the Vitale you mentioned?

I thought Vitale went out of business or something :look:

Update: I did go ahead and get the FPS. Used this past weekend after a coconut milk/aloe treatment AND pink clay dc :lick:

So I cant really say how the FPS performed yet. I am texturizing this weekend and will use again
Years ago, i used a Vitale product that was was similar to FPS. It was watery in the bottle but foamy once you start massaging. the only diff was it had protein so I used to use it as a mid-protein step (before I knew what that was). Is this the same thing? Where do you get the Vitale you mentioned?

I thought Vitale went out of business or something :look:

Update: I did go ahead and get the FPS. Used this past weekend after a coconut milk/aloe treatment AND pink clay dc :lick:

So I cant really say how the FPS performed yet. I am texturizing this weekend and will use again

the vitale products i used was very goopy like a liquid gel. you use it in the relaxer process similarto a mid protien step. i bought my vitale products at a regular bss. I hope the FPS works for you:yep:

I have that one. It's the Foaming Protein.

I haven't used it. I was wondering how a "Foaming Protein" would work.:look:

I may pull that out one day when I'm feeling experimental.:brainy:

I have that one. It's the Foaming Protein.

I haven't used it. I was wondering how a "Foaming Protein" would work.:look:

I may pull that out one day when I'm feeling experimental.:brainy:

From what I remember its full of protein so I would put a moisturizing condish right on top. Its designed for just after relaxing.

I plan to "Relax" in about another week. I usually use Affirm 5n1. Maybe I'll pull that one out for my Mid-Step.

Thanks Girlie!

Im texturizing this weekend at 13 weeks post. Its the longest I seem to be able to stretch. I could go longer but I wanna see how much I retained. Im still using up my Aphogee 2-minute. I will look for the Vitale the next time I go to the BSS

That's some Ol' Skool stuff. I remember my old Stylist used it when I was in HS.:lol:

I wonder how else they used it back then?

Probably any time the PH was ridiculously high and cuticles were opened/raised and they wanted to restore the PH Level.

They use to specialize in "Highlights" (Bleach & Ammonia) so I'm sure they probably used FSP after that Service.