Hair Relaxing disaster update

CheerBear, i haven't read throught the whole thread fully but don't over wash your hair because your stripping your natural oils and it will become super dry. Are you colored by any chance? But overall, my best advice to you is to give yourself a ACV rinse incase there is any relaxer residue left. The vinegar will neutralize and bring the pH of your hair back to normal. BUT if your scalp is sore and red don't do the ACV rinse because it might burn. Focus on moisturizing your hair and leavin it alone until your scalp heals. Also, my neutralizing shampooo never turns pink either when I remove the relaxer although it says it will but I know it's gone. I hope you stay on the board. We all need each other. Don't allow one rotten apple to spoil the rest. Relaxing is a personal choice and everyone whether relaxed or natural has to respect that. Hope you fell better CheerBear
Keep us posted.
Hey ladies, thanks everyone for all the support! My scalp is feeling much better, the sores are healing and coming off, my hair is back to being soft, not as it was but we're getting there..It feels like the hair I just relaxed has reverted, but oh well. Also, I have no color in my hair and I think the rough feeling came mostly from the harsh neutralizer repeatedly. I've had time to calm down and I'm not going to leave, this is when I need the board the most, regardless of anyones opinions...Thank you all! I'll keep everyone posted on what happens
I'm so glad that you haven't left! Some pure aloe vera gel on the sores might help the healing.

Sorry to hear about your relaxer mishap.

To help with the scalp sore use cream E45, its for dry skin and eczema , it will clear up the sores in a day.

Try not to do to much to your hair right now, keep it simple.

All will be well and hang in there.

CheerBear said:
Hey ladies, thanks everyone for all the support! My scalp is feeling much better, the sores are healing and coming off, my hair is back to being soft, not as it was but we're getting there..It feels like the hair I just relaxed has reverted, but oh well. Also, I have no color in my hair and I think the rough feeling came mostly from the harsh neutralizer repeatedly. I've had time to calm down and I'm not going to leave, this is when I need the board the most, regardless of anyones opinions...Thank you all! I'll keep everyone posted on what happens

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Glad you decided not to leave. There really are some good and useful tips given on this site. I really didn't mean to piss you off but I do get frustrated with you at times even though it is YOUR hair. You do things that don't make sense to me at times. But that's my issue, not yours.

I'm glad your scalp is healing. You may want to use an Aloe Vera spritz (aloe gel/juice and water) for a while until your scalp heals completely. You should also probably stay away from products with alcohol in them if you don't already. Hope you feel better.

Have a great day/week!
Tai said:
I'm so glad that you haven't left! Some pure aloe vera gel on the sores might help the healing.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. This happened to me a few years ago. My last relaxer burned a couple of bald spots onto my scalp. One of those bald spots took 6 years to grow back. You need to be very careful with that damaged skin. Leave it alone to allow it to heal.
Tai said:
I'm so glad that you haven't left! Some pure aloe vera gel on the sores might help the healing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, aloe gel is excellent for healing a sore/irritated scalp.. It is also good for hair growth as well....You may want to try mixing some aloe gel in your shampoo and conditioner...
It works wonders...
I'm very glad things are looking on the postive side for you, Cheerbear! I really hope they continue to do so, as well.

I personally, DON'T think you do things that don't make sense. I think it wouldn't make sense if you kept them to yourself and didn't ask questions. This is how everyone on this board learns from one another. Either from asking questions pertaining to their bad experiences or from someone else's.

Good luck and keep us posted!