French Perm Stabilizer is a God send!!!

FPS is a WIN.
This is going to be used after EVERY wash from now on.

I thought about doing that too, at one time Ms. Ya. :yep:

But an older head advised me against using FSP after every wash.:look:

They explained something about the 2.5 Ph Level. And I forget the thread and the post. (sorry)

It was early in my HHJ. So I just stuck with using this particular product after relaxing and the 1st Wash Post.

It was one of those knowledgeable Scientific types (like Gymfreak or Artemis) and it mighta' been via pm when I mentioned I was going to start using it after each wash.

They told me not to. Maybe because during the relaxing period is when the Ph is at it's highest or maybe because most of the products I use/used (Handmade/Natural) a already properly balanced.

I have only ever used FPS after my neutralizing shampoo, post relaxer rinse. I do ACV rinses as needed

@Amarilles Can you please elaborate in a more detailed scientific manner on this? This product has a PH Balance of either 2.0 or 2.5:yep: For @yaya24 @Beamodel and others who are 'new' at using this Product.

Thank you,
Read the entire thread and I am really interested in using this product. I don't need it every wash, maybe once a month and also during the last step of my relaxer. I'm not sure about my hair's porosity; however, I do know that I could really use a cuticle closer. ACV rinses leave my hair brittle. On my way to Sally's/BSS. a pH of 2 the structure of hair would greatly change because our density will change. The acid reacts with the hair and changes the structure of the cortex's fibers, making them so much more compact. I don't think this would encourage long term strength or health, but that's just my opinion.

A point to consider is how rollercoasting our hair's pH deteriorates the cuticles faster. So for example, going from a 10 to a 2 is such an extreme shift, even an 7 to 2 is extreme. Water is always involved in our wash day so it's safer to work with a pH ranging from 4.5-5 to 7, anything less than or over is unnecessary shifting, in my opinion. I personally wouldn't use this product regularly.
I just used this after washing my one week post relaxer hair - difficult to tell what effect it's had because my hair is usually very easy to detangle at 1 week post, so will use it again at 4 weeks post and report back
For people that still use this after wash, if you rinse it out do the effects of a 'Closed cuticle' still remain? Is it ok to just leave it in the hair and proceed with styling? or would that damage the hair?
This stuff did a number on my hair. It made my hair so tangled that the comb could barely go through my hair. I used it after doing a relaxer. For me, the pH was too low for my hair.
So I just read thru the entire thread. It seems that almost everyone responding are relaxed. Are there any Naturals using this product?. I would love to hear your experiences.
Hmm, I think this would be perfect to use after a demi-permanent hair color. My hair always feel a bit rough following my coloring it so this might smooth my cuticles a little. I need to try and find one though. I'll check the BSS here first before looking online.
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So I just read thru the entire thread. It seems that almost everyone responding are relaxed. Are there any Naturals using this product?. I would love to hear your experiences.
I still use it but not as much. I was relaxed when I was using this for years. Now that I'm natural I just use it when I feel my porosity is getting too annoying
I couldn't find it in any of the BSSs I checked here in the Bahamas so I went ahead and ordered it from Sally's tonight. I Sure hope this works to calm the roughness of my hair after a henna or demi-permanent color.