I stole this from another site "First date at friend's house"


I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong.
From yesterday: I needed a good laugh tonight and my girlfriend delivered.
She has been crushing on her coworker for over a year now. He finally asked her on a date. She accepts of course. She goes all out to look super sexy but classy. He picks her up early they stop by his friends house (she's thinking its early its cool) the friends girlfriend was there dressed all cute herself so my girlfriend is like damn a double date ugh. She plays it off, they go into the livingroom, have a seat and BAM!!! Homeboy pops in The Best Man Holiday movie on bootleg and then goes and get a vegetable tray and kool-aid..she just got up and asked to go home....y'all I flat lined!!! DOA!!! We laughed so hard I couldn't breathe, my stomach still hurts. Kool-aid tho? Not even a bottle of wine? *tears*
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Haha yeah that was funny and I would of been like wth. At least he could have warned her of where they were going exc. A first date usually you want a chance to talk and not have ppl all around you. Some ppl are required in case you get a psycho as a date and need to leave asap. Hehe
Lol!!! I would have been so offended. But not too offended to have a glass of Kool-aid first. Only tgen would I have left :)
Lord I relayed the story to my friend for a laugh and she talking about why is she being so bougie, she doesnt know he could have been a good buy :nono:
What's with these cheap men trying to date?

My cousin was invited to a movie this weekend by a guy she's been getting to know for a bit. The guy started texting her around 9 pm since he was at the theater waiting on her. He didn't even attempt to go pick her up. I told her that at least she didn't waste her time since he showed out early on.
What did her tell her was going to be the actual date? He just asked her if she was free on Saturday, she said yes, and that was it? I would not go into someone's home on a first date, even if it's not his home. I especially wouldn't do it if it was a complete surprise.

It sounds like she didn't have any expectations prior to him picking her up so anything was fair game as far as what she got.
First, your friend is better then me because I would have sat there long enough to download the Yellow Cab app on my iPhone and got myself home.

Second, why was the other chick so dressed up for a bootleg house date? It still amazes me how low women's standards are...unless she got up and left too?

Third, if my girl told me this story, I think I would have laughed at her for 2-3 days straight!
Dang.......smh. Guys will try this in a NY minute if you let them....
dang, though crlsweetie912 he sneak attacked her on this this one! :lachen: Dude was triflin! I wonder if the other girl left eventually.

she sorta made the mistake of having high expectations with no actual date plan. i wont hold that against her though. unless the man was 16, he should have known better. :look:
PWAHAHAHAHA! That ish is funny. I'm glad she respected herself enough to leave. Too many women would have just sat there trying to convince themselves that it was okay.
Talkin' about: Should I have left? I didn't want him to think I was high maintenance so I stayed. Maybe the next date will be to a real movie theatre....

PWAHAHAHAHA! That ish is funny. I'm glad she respected herself enough to leave. Too many women would have just sat there trying to convince themselves that it was okay.
You mean he couldn't even take her to the actual movie.... that was just released Friday ....? I'm glad she left, I hope she "used" her cute outfit elsewhere like a club or something.
Yes! And he figured this high maintenance chick would expect popcorn and soda. AND THEN expect dinner after.

He made the smart choice financially by taking her to the friend's house, watching the DVD, AND providing her with beverages already in the establishment.

I'm willing to bet that despite his broke arse ways, he gets plenty of vagina.

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Him and his friend are running game. One of the girls will be willing to go further than the other and so the other girl will try to "keep up" to compete. Straight up childish.
dang, though crlsweetie912 he sneak attacked her on this this one! :lachen: Dude was triflin! I wonder if the other girl left eventually.

she sorta made the mistake of having high expectations with no actual date plan. i wont hold that against her though. unless the man was 16, he should have known better. :look:

Definitely, but she got all dressed up looks like with no definite plan. You gotta be specific!!!:lachen:
How disrespectful to The Best Man Holiday... Hmph!

She's a good one, I would need to know the plans beforehand!!!
Wait. Was it grape kool-aid with slices of lemon ... that makes a difference. It means he went all out.

Although, I'm mad at the bootleg DVD on a first date.
