I really really really need help please. :(

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Im looking for something that will not make my hair look "wet" like a jehri curl when it gets longer, but and still hold the curl. would the noodle head do that?

I know exactly what you mean. I don't care for that wet look either.

Maybe try a wash using conditioner mixed with baking soda. It will clarify your hair, which will get rid of the oiliness. Then, try a leave-in with protein like Cantu Shea Butter. I'd stay away from gels and curl products that leave your hair looking wet.
I know exactly what you mean. I don't care for that wet look either.

Maybe try a wash using conditioner mixed with baking soda. It will clarify your hair, which will get rid of the oiliness. Then, try a leave-in with protein like Cantu Shea Butter. I'd stay away from gels and curl products that leave your hair looking wet.

Gooood advice. I didn't know you could put baking soda in your hair. I brush my teeth with it sometimes too (and it keeps my refrigerator fresh). :grin: multiple uses.

Cantu Shea Butter? Where can you buy that?
Gooood advice. I didn't know you could put baking soda in your hair. I brush my teeth with it sometimes too (and it keeps my refrigerator fresh). :grin: multiple uses.

Cantu Shea Butter? Where can you buy that?

You can absolutely use it in your hair:grin:. I use it every time I clarify. It strips everything from the hair and leaves it very clean and well defined. I mix it with V05 or Suave conditioner.

You can get Cantu from any ethnic beauty supply store.
Baking soda is awesome, but be careful not to use too much eh? In large amouts it apparently tends to losen the curl.

P.S. And you ladies better start behaving ya selves. Y'all are gonna get the poor boy's thread locked :lachen::lachen::lachen:
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fruity lol not my style. I refuse to go from BACON mtg to FRUITY something else lol. my nigs would def think something "fruity" up.

I don't know...Cantu smells faintly fishy to me. It's not very strong or distinctive though, and once it's absorbed, it's not even noticeable. You can open it and smell it before you buy.:lol:
I don't know...Cantu smells faintly fishy to me. It's not very strong or distinctive though, and once it's absorbed, it's not even noticeable. You can open it and smell it before you buy.:lol:

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I don't know what's wrong with Cantu. But I tried using it way back when and it smelled fishy both times. Ugh.
BHJ welcome aboard. you have a lot of good info to comb thru. Our LHCF ladies have covered it all. Just have patience and don't be afraid to experiment to see what works (except that curly Afro perm...:nono:), And LADIES, LADIES.. Ya'll have lost your freakin minds over this poor boy. It has been extremely entertaining though. I seldom stay up to read the ENTIRE thread. Ya'll are a riot. Good to see TJ in here. I haven't seen him post in the hair side in a good while. I need some Sleepy Time Tea now. I'm too awake from laughing at the responses. Ciao.
Oh people please.:rolleyes:

Seems like some aren't privy to how the world works.

An attractive person of the opposite sex will ALWAYS get extra attention in the world--that goes for message boards as well. An attractive woman on a male board would have gotten the same response. I know first hand. Goodness people. Who cares if you only got 10 responses? The boy is fine, let members have their fun.:drunk:
My SO is also half black half white. His Father is also dark skinned but he is as light if not lighter than you are. His hair was also very curly and long in his youth but has now thinned out and straightened significantly. As a matter of fact, another one of my boys (same racial background) used to complain of too-stringy hair. He just decided to shave bald for good. I say all that to say that it may just be natural for your hair to straighten like that over time. It may not be anything you or your parents did. I've told my SO that I'd hook him up with some Ovation to thicken his hair (and possibly bring back the curl), but he declined. He's OK with himself the way he is, which I admire.

In any event, my advice to you is to try some Ovation Cell Therapy. It will thicken your hair strands. Also, products containing sulfur will stimulate growth. Try Boundless Tresses. its strong enough to actually work but doesn't smell like bacon. (Both of these have worked for me.) This may result in your curl coming back. But I doubt you'll be able to go full-on nappy again. Good Luck!

PS Yeah you're cute, but that was TMI on the armpit hair LoL!!
If you want to ask a guy about it PM me and I will pass questions on to my SO.
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I'm just peekin' my head in too Je Ne Sais Quoi .... is it my imagination or is everyone quite complimentary, and full of such easy flowin' advice this morning? Lmao!
Just peeking my head in :giggle:

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