I love him and hate him


New Member
Okay here it goes!

I have been with my bf for 1 year and 2 months. He is like my soul mate and everything. He is very thoughtful of my feelings, always listening to me about whatever is bothering me and he even cleans up and help with the housework regularly. He is always doing something awesome for me and continues to do so but my problem is... When ever it concerns him trying to move on in his career he is always nervous about it and he is a very smart mad. He finished college and he is thinking about going for his Ph.D with I am so excited for him. Lately he has been very moody and always talking about how he can't take care of me and always doubtful and he is in therapy; which I am very happy about,but he is just so disconnected. He lacks common sense and judgement and he always depressed. Last night I tried to get intimate with him and all of a sudden he is talking about his body and how he hates the way he looks and he started crying about it. Now I am for all of the get in touch with your feelings and all but he is just so emotional at times and its starting to turn me off. We barely have sex and we don't try anything different. I am getting very annoyed about this and btw he asked me to marry him months ago and I haven't gotten a ring and we haven't even talked about the. Wedding at all! I don't know what to do.. I love him so very much but I don't know...
Oh dude has issues. Sorry no real advice.

EDIT: So what do you want to change? I would not consider marrying someone like that.
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Please sort through EVERTHING before you marry him. Please do not go in thinking he will change and everything will be coming up like roses.

I don't have much else to add.
It is good that he is in therapy. If you guys are serious about marriage I think it would be a good idea to have counselling before getting married.
You should probably go into therapy too. Mostly to learn how to deal with his depression and anxiety issues.
The negative aspects of your relationship are very serious and I would address those issues before considering marriage with this guy.