I have had 2 different Korean BSS workers tell me that business is slow...


Well-Known Member
Could it be that more of us are realizing that there are other products that we can use - better quality and better for our hair? Could it be that more of us are opting for drug/grocery store brands? Could it be that there are less customers looking for weave and braid hair?

Or it just the economy and when we all get our rebate checks we will be first in line at the nearest Korean BSS? :spinning:

I think it's the former, myself.

Anyway, even when I was in the BSS the other day, I was only getting a sleep cap. Paid my $2 and was out. I was the only one in there. It is always like that lately, anytime I go to a Korean BSS. I do notice more of the shops are carrying salon products like Nexxus, CHI, Wella and others. Maybe they realize the game needs to be stepped up!

What do you guys think?

(side note: It could be the area that I am going to, as well. Even a nail shop near me told me that they don't get as many people in that one getting fake nails (full sets and fill ins) as in their shops in area closer to the city. There are mostly women wanted waxing, manicures, pedicures and treatments instead.)
I don't know. I haven't been going to those much anymore. usually I go to buy one or two things I cant find any where else. If I don't see what I'm looking for, I just don't buy anything.
I think it's the economy, personally.

Though, it would be lovely if it was people LEARNING about the wonder of their own hair...
I think people are starting to have epiphanies. The light bulbs are going off. It's a combination of all of your suggestions. I hardly ever go into one of these stores anymore.

People want to be more natural.
People are tired of giving their money to the Koreans.
It's easier sometimes to just grab what you need at the drugstore.
People are learning that there are better products out there.
The revolution of the internet and online shopping.

I'm sure that the Indian grocery stores are wondering why the sudden influx of black women.
Okay, so maybe it is because we have more options like the megastore and Internet shopping. Even Ebay, I guess.

But, everyone that has posted so far, like me, don't go to them often if at all. Interesting.
I'm sure that the Indian grocery stores are wondering why the sudden influx of black women.

:grin: Very true, indeed. Everytime I go in to the one near me to get my henna, I get the feeling that they are thinking "Why are so many black women coming in buying all of our beauty products?" I swear that's what they look like they are thinking.
:grin: Very true, indeed. Everytime I go in to the one near me to get my henna, I get the feeling that they are thinking "Why are so many black women coming in buying all of our beauty products?" I swear that's what they look like they are thinking.

They look at me very strangely.:yep:

Once, a guy started speaking in another language to me. I stared blankly at him and said "I'm American". He was extremely apologetic. I don't look Indian in the least and have no idea why he would speak another language to me. But he was so embarrassed.

He's my buddy now. :rolleyes:
They look at me very strangely.:yep:

Once, a guy started speaking in another language to me. I stared blankly at him and said "I'm American". He was extremely apologetic. I don't look Indian in the least and have no idea why he would speak another language to me. But he was so embarrassed.

He's my buddy now. :rolleyes:

LOL that's so funny. He just assumed girl. Why else would you be up is there? LOL

I have to say, I have never seen a black women in the one near me, but I know there have been some LHCF'ers and other board's members in there. They NEVER used to keep things in stock. Now they always do and they have products I had not seen before like shampoo soaps and things. I think ladies have been requesting that they order things.

LHCF (and other boards) have become powerful consumer forces, it seems.
I stopped going to Ulta because they never have colors for AA ... I guess they must not be catering to me.

Yeah, for foundations and such I can't really go there for that. I usually go for the hair stuff and stuff like eyeshadow and bath products.
I think people are starting to have epiphanies. The light bulbs are going off. It's a combination of all of your suggestions. I hardly ever go into one of these stores anymore.

People want to be more natural.
People are tired of giving their money to the Koreans.
It's easier sometimes to just grab what you need at the drugstore.
People are learning that there are better products out there.
The revolution of the internet and online shopping.

I'm sure that the Indian grocery stores are wondering why the sudden influx of black women.

I think you nailed it! Plus: I believe we black ladies (all over) are spearheading a BLACK HAIR REVOLUTION!!!!!!!
They look at me very strangely.:yep:

Once, a guy started speaking in another language to me. I stared blankly at him and said "I'm American". He was extremely apologetic. I don't look Indian in the least and have no idea why he would speak another language to me. But he was so embarrassed.

He's my buddy now. :rolleyes:

:lol: Girl, there are some REAL 'african' looking indians out there - almost look Morrocan to me.... I think they are North Indians....
I think people are starting to have epiphanies. The light bulbs are going off. It's a combination of all of your suggestions. I hardly ever go into one of these stores anymore.

People want to be more natural.
People are tired of giving their money to the Koreans.
It's easier sometimes to just grab what you need at the drugstore.
People are learning that there are better products out there.
The revolution of the internet and online shopping.

I'm sure that the Indian grocery stores are wondering why the sudden influx of black women.

Very nice summation...:yep:
I believe it's booming around here. She just moved to a larger buidling. I like her, she's always so helpful and puts things aside for me.
I haven't been in one since right after I joined this board. I have been finding things either in WalMart or Target, or I have been buying from salons, salon suppliers, Sally's, Ulta/Trade Secret, or online. After looking at some of the threads here I decided to take my $$$ where it seemed appreciated and I wouldn't get followed around.
The one near my house was fairly empty the last time I went. The only time I go is if I want a quick weave. I can get what I need at Sally's or CVS. Their prices and return policy are better.
I think it's a combination of both. More women realizing that the bulk of products in Asian BSS are junk and going elsewhere for what they need. Also, I think it's the economy. January and February are very slow for most businesses. People don't spend because they are still recovering from Christmas.
Personally, the regular BSS hasn't seen my money in a LONG time. It all goes to Ulta and Amazon now :lol:

I just came from Ulta. My second time visiting this week, that place is dangerous!:lachen:

I haven't been to Sephora in a long time, maybe I need to pay them a visit.:look:
:grin: Very true, indeed. Everytime I go in to the one near me to get my henna, I get the feeling that they are thinking "Why are so many black women coming in buying all of our beauty products?" I swear that's what they look like they are thinking.
Lol I don't mind giving Indians/Paki's more buisness:yep:

Btw darker Indians are usually from SouthIndia
Yeah, for foundations and such I can't really go there for that. I usually go for the hair stuff and stuff like eyeshadow and bath products.

Me too. I think of Ulta as a fancy drug store. They wouldn't be my first choice for hardcore cosmetics.
I take great pleasure in going to my local Korean owned BSS and purchasing exactly 4 "tail" combs for $1 every 3 months or so.:lachen:

Most of the products that are emerging as my staples do double duty in my kitchen or elsewhere in my home; so they're definitely not found in the BSS.