Why do folks hate Asian BSS owners?

you will do just fine

This was the notion I was speaking on, Hating Koreans, and Not Hating on Koreans. My personal view is Not to hate a group of people based on personal feeling for a few people of that race that you've come encounter with.

Honestly, I am not going to be mad about Asian BSS, because I have plans of having my own business in the future. In the realm where I don't see alot of Black people or African Americans being successful at, I plan to change that. I feel like if people have a dislike for what they see, they should change it. Personally lol, that's what I'm spending 44,000 a year on in school to do, and I hope I make it cause that's alot of money!! x 5.
I just got upset one day when I realized that they always seemed to pop up in black neighborhoods with cheap products and hoochie clothes, like that's all we prefer.

When it hit me, I got really mad, but I don't hate them. I just had to do some research to figure out why they sell us cheap products. <<-- adding, cheap but not quality things>>

I dunno, it seems like they search for the black neighborhoods and land there to sell crazy stuff. Someone please explain that to me.
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you know what? I don't hate them either, however, have seen some nasty attitudes coming from these store owners. I know of a black bss here in coastal georgia and the owners complain about the prices they have to pay which drives their prices up higher. I believe her and I think that it would be a good idea for African Americans to open up more stores. I do not wish to drive asians out of business but I do wish to see more black owned businesses. Do you know that they as well as other nationalities come to this country and sell to us and live well. They make statements like (you been here all your life and you don't have nothing, me I have been here three years and I have a business, home, and car. I have witnessed this several times. They are not looking down their noses at us but they are wondering why it is this way. I apologize if I have offended anyone.

You are right, this is often said, even by some of my family from abroad. Thing is, unless they don a Black face, AA heritage and actually go to the bank as an African American from that specific area where they want to put the business, they will never know just how the banks deny them. I dunno, it's like Italians, the young people don't want a grocery store, they also want to be doctors and lawyers etc.
I think if you are in a ghetto area vs. a more moderate income black area it makes a huge difference in the stores. The Korean-owned BSS around me are spotless, the service friendly, prices are competitive. That's why I never had a problem shopping there.

That's funny the guy tried to hit on you Winnettag.... :lachen: I get that too sometimes... the Korean greengrocer saw DH and figured that since I liked Asian guys he should try me.... :rolleyes: Nah, bruh. You look like 10 miles of bad road, PLUS I'm married! But even if I wasn't, if you look like the Crypt Keeper's Korean cuzzin it aint happening! :barf:

:lachen::lachen:(highlighted) That is some kind of ugly- never heard that before!!! (still :lachen::lachen:) On another note - I have never seen a Asian BSS in the more urban middle class areas...only in the hood.
I live in ny and every bss i go to, there's are always black people working in there. And I agree about the reason some of them are rude. Most good BSS's are in the hood or close to it, and people don't know how to act around there. I get ashamed when i go into a bss and some ignorant a$$ B is cursing the asians out for not giving her a discount or letting her buy a half of pack of hair...I get treated nice because they remember me and I am always kind...
roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!! But man it's the truth. In addition I haven't had asians follow me around since I was in my teens. I get sooooooo embarassed when I see someone acting like a hyena in any business. Talking loud as hell on their cell phone, screaming at the workers, and just plain uncooth.
After which I say
"no wonder they think we are all thieves and criminals". I know its unfair to generalize, but I know this is how the framework begins for those stereo types.
I honestly like Korean owned BSS and prefer them.:look:

Honestly the ones around me are the nicest people! They can give great advice on products. A Korean woman who owns a store by me can pick the right weave for anybody..it might sound weird but it is true.

I am from NJ and I don't need to go more than 10 minutes before I find a Korean owned beauty supply. I have grown accustomed to them. When I went away for school the only beauty supply around here is black owned. Its a shame. Their shelves are not adequately stocked and they don't have much variety. Everyone talks about how they miss the Koreans:ohwell:...I just wait until I can go back home to get any products I may need from the BSS (although I shop for most stuff online now)

One trend I see emerging is a relationship between Asians and Africans. Most of the BSSs I go to have a few African men and women working there. There are more African vendors popping up in Chinatown in NYC

and while we are looking at BSS we need to look at:
Blacknese food (chinese food stores in black neighborhoods)
nail salons
Laundry mats
dollar stores

all making money off of black people:nono:
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I don't get all the hate either. Like every one else...they see where the money is. We don't have any asian owned bss here (only a chinese store that sells chinese type stuff and knock off purses lol) but i have been to bss owned by them in other countries...i didn't have any problems with them at all, in fact they were very, very nice and extremely helpful. I also go into some black owned bss and get the same treatment. However there was one bss that was was really terrible...they were 2 nigerian women and one was behind the counter yelling one the phone and another sitting on the floor on a blanket eating KFC and watching a movie!!

As for the asians not hiring non-asians, the ones i know usually only hire family, since it is pretty much a family owned store.

So i don't get it at all. If you don't like asian bss....just go to a black owned one. Simple.

@ the bolded. omg. I can't stop laughing...........lololololol
I dont really blame the Asians/Koreans for owning BSS's in the black community.

We dropped the ball on that one. Plain and simple. We dropped it, they picked it up and ran with it.

They saw a need that wasnt being fulfilled, and they supplied the need.

The issue that I have with some of them is the blatant disrespect and contempt they show toward black people, who are the very ones lining their pockets.

That also stands true for any other merchant who takes your money and then spits in your face.

I don't think this is necessarily true. I will only point two contributing factors (there may be more additional factors):

1) African Americans have been producing hair care products as early as the late 19th century. Like really, there were black women who walked up and out of chains and into the hair care/beauty business. However, unlike now, where newly immigrated Americans have access to small business loans and other forms off government aid that are designed to help with the construction of communities, these resources were not available back then.

2) Many of the products are now being produced over seas. Lax labor and production laws making producing products in foreign countries like Korea much easier than in the United States. Exacerbating this situation is the fact that many Asian manufacturing companies will only sell to Asian importers. Which makes it harder for African American BSSs to compete.

I have a paper due and don't really have time to get pull up some of the articles but I will be happy to provide sources later.
I never knew there was so much animosity toward the Korean shop owners until I joined this group.

I have never had a negative experience with the Korean owned BSS in my area. They are HUGE and have everything. To call it a store is an understatement it’s like a warehouse! I could spend hours there. It’s clean, well lit, the items are well displayed and I am always treated nicely. The owners and employees ask about my family (who haven’t set foot in the store in YEARS). The prices are GREAT and the selection divine. I’ve never seen a knock of brand or been followed. They put Ulta and Sally’s to shame.
I love the Asian man who runs the BSS by my house. He is very knowledgeable about hair (he told me everything that we discuss here), he's nice and sells product a great price.
I just have one simple comment:
It's almost for the same reason people hate monopolies , and huge take over corporations such as walmart.

There are many others reasons, unfortunately I get heated on topics like this, and I find this question ....unquestionable.
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you are so right. that is how i feel because while it is great to be able to have the same rights and to go to schools and diners with w.people, we lost our way. we need more black private schools, bss, grocery stores, and country clubs. self preservation was not based on blacks marrying blacks and blah blah but being able to keep jobs in the black community and not worry about (oh they are treating badly because i am black0. we all should start making stuff and sell only to bss. someone needs to learn how to make weave, another hair products, and etc.

As I get older I realize that self-preservation and having equal footing in American society really is a matter of economics and education. I'm revisiting the African American thinkers of the past and realizing that this is what Booker T. Washington was talking about. He is unfairly branded as an "Uncle Tom" when all he was trying to get us to see was that protest would only get us so far, becoming self-sufficient and demonstrating our ability to be equal to others rather than just yelling about it would yield better results.

I'm not saying that protest didn't have a place but it doesn't take the place of actual achievement. I think we're realizing that too late. Hence, as a group, we are still struggling with a negative image of ourselves and the negative perceptions of others. Everyone may not like Asians, but they can't deny the success that many of them have carved out for themselves in this country and the fact that by and large their kids whoop even whites academically. Success speaks for itself and you no longer have to go around yelling.
Personally, I like to support Black businesses. If there is an area where I can give my money to somebody that looks like me, I'm totally in. Money stays within the Black community that way. When I am in Harlem, I am at Carol's Daughter. I give them my money, and they hire African Americans to run the store. Every time I am there, I am happy that a Black woman has provided an opportunity for employment to other African Americans. I rarely see Asian BSS with African American workers. And, when I do see an African American person working in an Asian BSS, he is the security guard.
My problem with Asian BSS is that they do not contribute to the community that they make money from. Therefore, when the opportunity for me to spend my money in a Black owned store presents itself, I take it. And, at the end of the day, you must remember that it is my money.
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I've seen lots of comments on here about driving those Asians out of business, and how they are preying on our community by running a BSS. I don't get the anger. :confused:

While, I haven't read the 103 posts before mine, I agree with you... although I know none of the reasons you listed is why LHCF (the majority) don't care for Asian BSS.

I don't have a problem with my local Asian BSS nor do I have a problem with the one and only nail salon I CHOOSE to go to.

Personally, I go where the service and quality I prefer are. My Asian BSS does hire local teens (blacks) to work in their store, but that wouldn't make a difference to me. They treat me well and are always willing to order what I need if they don't have it there.

I don't get why ppl make so much noise about the Asians and rave about Sally's. :perplexed I'm perplexed at the thought that Sally's is supposedly this fair and equal way for black folk to get ahead or something. I have no clue what it's all about. I have not personally seen any black beauty supply stores in my immediate area... the only one I know of is Urbanella, which is a distance from me, and I did try to support them, but it's WAY out of my recession budget :look:. Bottom line, I am not a person who would like to be judged based on my race and I don't do it to others. Black, white, Asian, Latina, whatever... if you're a business owner with products/ services that I like and can afford I'm using you. AND if you offer superior customer service in a day and time when more and more people offer customer-no-service, then I'm STICKING with you.

ETA: Both the Asian guy (Korean) who runs my BSS AND the Nail salon folks (Vietnamese) live and work in my community. The nail salon owners and I always run into each other when they have their kids local resturants and their kids go to a school near by. And I do live in a predominately black side of town.
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I dont care that they have a black business. They have to make a living too. I just have a problem with them watching me and following me while i'm trying to shop.
IDk I live in Killen (korean city) and they are overly nice towards me.

One doing my alterations told my son to call her grandma and was just loving on him

And the BSS I walked in and everything I asked her for she knew alot and knew if it was in stock when it came in or offered to order it for me. Her husband (korean) is a pastor at a predominately black church and she even went in the back and she didn't even know me and I was the only person in the front. She gave me 8 silk headbands free. She said they would make excellent stocking stuffers.

The black BSS I went to on Willow Springs was horrible. The aisle were full of stuff overflowing, he was bumping chopped and screwed and selling it too, he had no idea what I was talking about (a color applicator bottle?) and he was trying to rush me when he came in 30 minutes late and constantly eyed me when I don't in any fashion look like a ghetto bunny, and I was trying real hard (jewelry, head scarf, something) to buy something from him. Well, if you don't appreciate my business I can move on and I did just that.

I got paid, I'm eagar to shop, I need you to treat me a little better. I just saying there are spectrums to anything. But I tend to order online more, than I have in the past. I feel that is not a good thing, because we are missing out on human interaction but, hell, things seem cheap and better.

A wig I saw for 34.99 at the BSS, same one was $17.99 plus $6.00 shipping.
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I got beer for this! :beer: J/K Seriously, I don't have a problem with the Asian stores. If there were more black owned stores in my area, I would patronize them because I believe in supporting Black business. My favorite BSS in my neighborhood is run by an Arab man. He gets a kick out of saying me pull up to his store in an 18 wheeler so he's always friendly and gives me discounts.
1. Many times you get followed around as if you are stealing.
2. They lock AA business owners out of the market because suppliers will only supply to Asian BSS owners. All the business manuals and materials are printed in Chinese & Korean.
3. They imitate black products and stop selling the original products
4. They know absolutely nothing about black hair care and care absolutely nothing about black hair care - they are only in it for the money
5. I do believe that they KNOW that most of those products are crap and yet they still sell them anyway

I usually find one or two BSS stores where they don't make me feel like a thief & they carry a wide variety of products (natural, lots of tools, etc) and I stick with them. I have no respect for the tiny BSS stores they throw up on the corner with no quality products and call that a business. That's preying on the black community the same way Korean liquor store owners are. It's not all Asian store owners - I can usually find one in the city that I am living in and support them, but I prefer to buy at other places.

ETA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msY2S3wdFVY Documentary on the Korean takeover of the Black Hair Care Industry.
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Personally, I like to support Black businesses. If there is an area where I can give my money to somebody that looks like me, I'm totally in. Money stays within the Black community that way. When I am in Harlem, I am at Carol's Daughter. I give them my money, and they hire African Americans to run the store. Every time I am there, I am happy that a Black woman has provided an opportunity for employment to other African Americans. I rarely see Asian BSS with African American workers. And, when I do see an African American person working in an Asian BSS, he is the security guard.
My problem with Asian BSS is that they do not contribute to the community that they make money from. Therefore, when the opportunity for me to spend my money in a Black owned store presents itself, I take it. And, at the end of the day, you must remember that it is my money.

i don't agree with this at all. i remember when i used to shop at the asian BSS stores on the regular (i live in iowa now, so NO ONE owns a BSS in my town, we only have sally's) and they have always been friendly. i have only had ONE bad experience, but it was one person, so i didn't allow that to ruin my impression overall. i have seen african americans working at three asian owned BSS in different states and thought it was cool.

you have to remember, their culture is very family oriented, so it's not about NOT hiring blacks, it's more about ONLY hiring family. think about it, how many times have you seen a caucasian person, hispanic person, or even a different asian ethnicity working in the same asian owned stores? probably not too often. what makes them successful is getting their families involved and taking care of each other.

i also see these same store owners shopping at stores in the neighborhood, eating in restaurants, etc. so they are supporting their communities. what would they have to do to emphasize this to those that feel they don't contribute? they know that their reputation and how they treat their neighbors and customers inside and outside of their store contribute to their success.

i find it funny that people trumpet supporting black owned businesses who DON'T hire non african american workers, and some who don't even support their own communities to the same extent, just because it's black owned. we impose a double standard on other minority communities. we want them to hire us, cater to us, but run around saying, 'black owned', 'black employees', 'black power', 'black wealth.' and berate the other folks. it's backwards. how about all of us minorities just support each other?
well, i can't stand going to black beauty supply stores. they don't open on time, products are old and dusty. they are always on the phone and just plain rude. i don't have those type of issues with asian bss.
I don't like some Asian BSSes for certain hair products (esp. upscale like Mizani) because I don't trust the validity of the product, but I don't hate the owners.

If you want to be disrespected, try going to the large African owned BSS on my route home. Some of it is a byproduct of the neighborhood where they sell their wares. They experience more shoplifting and robberies so they follow you around. The African owners do not play. They take shots of people stealing from their cameras and post them on their front door.
No I haven't seen the doc, but I'm not saying everyone who doesnt like Asian BSS are hating, I'm making a direct comment about those who say they don't like how "THEY" have a disrespect for black people and this is why they don't like them blah blah blah, and etc. That was my reply, how can you not like a group of people based on your encounters with SOME people of that race or group or culture, I guess I should of used a quote with a reply.

I should have been more clear too. The "hating" part had to do with another reply, not yours. I definitely get your point.


I don't hate all. Only the ones that follow me around the store. To solve that problem, I simply put my products back and leave. I will not do business with anyone of any race that does not value my money. There is a beauty supply store that I have fallen in love with because it has a huge selection. It is owned by Asians, but they have black people working for them and they are very friendly. I found one black owned BSS, and I really wanted to support her, but she had no selection whatsoever. I agree with the poster that said we dropped the ball on this one, so they saw a need and filled it. I do nothing but congratulate ANYONE who can own a thriving business.
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Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

It appears that people's opinions about Korean BSS owners depends a lot upon the experiences they have had shopping. When you are treated like a criminal or the owners act like they are doing you a favor, that can give a negative impression of a whole giant group of people. Even though most of us don't want to paint everyone with the same brush, if you keep having the same negative experiences over and over it can really impact your feelings.
I don't hate the Korean BSS owners. Hate is a word best reserved for those who deserve it, like R. Kelly and child rapists, and murders, and OJ, and W. I resent the BSS owners of any color who don't value their customers, peddle garbarge, and have no concept of what these products do and don't. I used to go to a BSS in South Jersey owned by I think Chinese or Korean. Wasn't sure. At least they tried to not be as destructive as the others and hired black employees, and could explain about half the products in the store. I couldn't jibe with the purple hair and the contact lense being sold in the place, but there is clearly a market (rolling eyes).
I have been to BSS owned by people of every color of the rainbow, and got ripped out equally. I don't go to the BSS anymore, I just buy stuff cheaper online, or make my own. So, it may not be a hate thing. Just a resentment for anyone trying to make a buck and not giving a shyt about the target audience. It just so happens most of the owners are, as my brother says, the Korean syndicate...
I didn't even know there was an animosity toward them. I like the Manassas BSS. The dude that owns it or works there has been more helpful to me than the black girls I've seen at Sally's. I have never ever gotten any guidance when shopping at Sally's from the girls that work there. I remember one girl not even knowing common brand names like Luster's or LeKair...and then months after Curlformers were out, they told me they didn't have anything of the sort I was looking for...until I found the things myself. :nono: The Korean dude at the BSS in Manassas has not only pointed me to where products are when I give him their names but even helped me pick my soft bonnet dryer by giving me pros and cons of the others. Even he was behind my choosing my ceramic iron. I like good customer service and people who actually take the time to familiarize themselves with the places they work and goods they sell. So I have no problems whatsoever with Korean owned BSSs.

That has happened to you too! There is this Sally's around me and everytime I go there, the black ladies there just give me attitude!
The weaves / wigs black women are wearing that are made from REAL human hair (i.e. not the synthetic ones) is Asian hair, hundreds of women in Asia are cutting their hair off to sell to us, so when it comes to the HAIR we buy from them, they are acutally selling their own product!

I won't deny however that it does bother me to see Asians owning shops where the main hair care products they are selling is for Black people. As a few people have said in their posts you would expect a particular race to run a certain type of business for example you wouldnt expect to go for a meal at a chinease restaurant and the chef and all the waiters were all Black people!

That said I cannot blame the Asians for doing this, (seems like they are running these stores all over the world!) they saw a gap in the market and if Black people could not got themselves together to run the businesses and sell hair products for their own people then its nobody elses fault but our own. I can't blame the Asians at all if they didn't run the shops it would probably be White people running them which to me would be worse - or maybe we just wouldn't have anywhere to buy our products if nobody sold them then what would we do??
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Never had a problem with an Asian BSS and the couple that are in my city have had black women employees. There is also 1 black owned BSS in the city, I've gone to that one too, sometimes by choice of distance and other times because they are open later. As for making it a cultural issue/competition..don't hate the players, hate the game.