I have had 2 different Korean BSS workers tell me that business is slow...

I concur and I also do a lot of online shopping at other online stores now too.

So do I. For me, if the BSS near me and there are at least 5 within 10 minutes of me, stocked better products I would probably shop at them more. I wouldn't have to pay online shipping and I would also get to see what I'm buying in person. For hair products I like to smell them and just physically hold them in my hand, it's a mental thing.

But since most of these stores are still in the stone age with their Let's Jam and Doo-Gro products they won't be seeing me. And half of that mess has dust on the boxes when you go in there, so who knows how old it is!:nono:

  • Economy
  • Competition from internet stores and Ebay
  • Economy, again
  • The"in" look for black women is changing, it's widening. Hence, less women looking for 3" fake nails and more getting regular manicures and pedicures. The hair trend right now is for swingy soft hair, so I think more black women are probably hitting up Dominican salons. Around here I see more black women sporting weaveless hair, it may not always been in the best of condition, but I notice fewer weaves. I notice a lot of younger women rocking shorter Rihanna-esque styles.
I don't go to the BSS that much. I think I am going to get on this Ayurvedic kick as far as Shikaki/coconut oil washers, and cleansing with brahimi/amla/aritha mixes.
I think people are starting to have epiphanies. The light bulbs are going off. It's a combination of all of your suggestions. I hardly ever go into one of these stores anymore.

People want to be more natural.
People are tired of giving their money to the Koreans.
It's easier sometimes to just grab what you need at the drugstore.
People are learning that there are better products out there.
The revolution of the internet and online shopping.

I'm sure that the Indian grocery stores are wondering why the sudden influx of black women.

This is what I was thinking as well.
I dont go because i wonder how old their products are and i am skeptical of the names brands that are supposed to be sold exclusively in other stores (i.e. Aveda).
But since most of these stores are still in the stone age with their Let's Jam and Doo-Gro products they won't be seeing me. And half of that mess has dust on the boxes when you go in there, so who knows how old it is!:nono:

HAAAAA! You're right though... Let's Jam went out in like, 1994.

I love Ulta for my hair stuff and I'm also heading to the Indian stores more! My BF just used my Vatika shampoo the other day and now he's hooked too!

Oh, and HealthynHappy, there are folks of Indian descent in Trinidad too... that dude at the store might have thought you were one of them!
I take great pleasure in going to my local Korean owned BSS and purchasing exactly 4 "tail" combs for $1 every 3 months or so.:lachen:

Most of the products that are emerging as my staples do double duty in my kitchen or elsewhere in my home; so they're definitely not found in the BSS.

LOL!!! and sooooo true. I go to the BSS for my 'silk' scarves, wide tooth combs [I can't find the type of Mebco comb I like in Sally's anymore so I get the Annie's sea shell combs] and 'costume' 99 cent anklets, earrings and necklaces. My SO hates it but shoot, when avon sells the same stuff for 10 bucks and who knows how much for it in Sears, etc., why not, it all looks the same to me.

So right now, it is drug stores, Trade Secrets, and such for haircare. They look at me suspiciously is BSS. Either they are inspecting my hair to see who made it, not believing it is mine, or being my shadow...
:lol: Girl, there are some REAL 'african' looking indians out there - almost look Morrocan to me.... I think they are North Indians....

Nope - Northern Indians are very light with light eyes. Southern Indians are the darkies:grin: My granny is one of them. Her grandmother is Tamil originally from the S. of India however moved to Trinidad. :yep: Weez black as they come:grin:
I think it's the economy, personally.

Though, it would be lovely if it was people LEARNING about the wonder of their own hair...

Ditto. I highly doubt women are learning more about haircare practices. Just the other day, the BSS next to me was packed with women swarming towards the weave isle. I felt so strange buying hair products. But, i did remember reading an article on the success of brands like Oyin and Qhemet.
I think it's the economy. The women in my city don't know nothing (excuse the poor grammar) about hair health...LOL

I do buy phony ponies and half wigs from the BSS because I like to inspect them and try on if necessary.

My BSS has a unique blend of products not just the bad stuff. I've actually gotten a few good things from there. My most recent find is the Nairobi foam. It was gonna cost me $20 (with shipping) online, so at least I can get it cheaper from the BSS.

I will admit my shopping venues are much more broad now. From health food stores to online to BSS and everything in between.
I'm all about natural products, FNWL and Lotioncrafters is getting my loot these days...so is Vitacost for Jason products and their natural oils / essence oils. All the BSS got for me now is an occasional phony pony and a wig cap / doo rag...That's it, I'm done sorry...No Sale :laugh:
I haven't been into a BSS to buy weave for two and a half years. I found LHCF and that was it. I couldn't justify spending money on hair that wasn't mine anymore. I do go for products though but I think it might be the economy in general with people spending less money on things they really don't need. We'll see what happens when it picks up.
I don't go there much at all..............

Wow. I Go there and maybe spend 5 dollars every 6months... other wise - I buy stuff on line.
I believe it's booming around here. She just moved to a larger buidling. I like her, she's always so helpful and puts things aside for me.

I feel the same way about my local bss D. When I ask him for something he doesn't have, he special orders it for me and has it waiting the next time I stop by.

On another note, I never understood the "don't give the Koreans/Asians your money" plight... meanwhile we line up to give Sally's the same money????:perplexed Last time I checked Sally's wasn't owned by us either. I shop where I get best prices and best customer service... period.

To the OP, I've not seen it slower in my neck of the woods. Quite the contrary actually. I think people choose to save gas around here and stop by what's closest. There are 3 local BSS in a 2 mile radius whereas Sally's is 5-6 miles away and Ulta is too far north. I think it may be simple economics. That's just my guess though.