I have been butchered


New Member
I am a newbie here, but I have been lurking since last June. Okay so here is the deal. I am growing my hair out, it is a little past shoulder length but very thick, so I decided to go to great clips to get a trim and some layers cut into it. I have been going there for the last 2 years with no problems at all. Well today this chick (new girl) sat me down in her chair and jacked me up. She is like what type of shampoo and conditioner do you use. So I told her and she was like you have a lot of breakage, that's not good enough you need some salon quality products ( whatever, she should see my closet) and way she get to cutting and cutting and cutting. I told her to stop because it was way too much hair on the floor. I told her before she started to cut I had washed my hair last night so it was frizzy. Not to be mistaken for bad ends. I just wanted some layers and she jacked me up. Then she had the nerve to get a attitude with me when I complained. So know I have to start all over again. DAMN her.

FYI: I am going back up there when I get off to talk to her salon manager.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Just think of it as your new start, take care of it, and you'll reach your goals. never let anyone near your hair with scissors again,do a search on the threads about dusting your ends
I'm sorry you had to go through that, but join the club :lol:
We really learn from our mistakes and that stylist was a mistake!;)
Welcome! It's all part of the initiation process (getting a jacked up hair cut). There will be happier hair days to follow! :)
Yeah I know that but if I catch her on the street....well she better not let me catch her. I just got into a regimen that I could follow and here she comes a chop chop chop. Hater.
OP I'm sorry that this happended to you

so1913 love the new pic it's gorgeous!!!what's up with the goodbye??
Please say it ain't so :(
That's right tell on her. Put her issh on blast. Tell her to get some "salon quality training".
That's happened to me too in the past. What a bummer!
You'll get past this, just like the other ladies said. Just think of the even greater condition your hair will be in when it grows back. :-)
Sorry to hear that....Just think how gorgeous those layers will be the longer they get.:-)

I got my hair layer yesterday. I went from bra strap to my longest layer lining up with my chin, I like the movement and how it looks when I curl it. I have the back a little above my shoulder line. I don't regret doing it. I wanted a change, I started to feel like my long hair was just long hair. It wasn't as thick as I would have liked it and I really never had a style. I would wrap it or wear a bun or ponytail but that's it.

I made up my mind to do it after being with my GF who has long hair. She hates even getting her ends clipped. Everything it about her hair. She always claims the women and men always ask if her hair is real. Her hair is close to bra strap but very thin. I think it's due to her constantly putting those jet black rinses in her hair and getting tracks glued in. Yes, although her hair is liek 3 inches awys from brastrap, she gets tracks put in so it is longer.

I guess I started to see, that she felt her hair made her. I feel bad for her, but she is not the only one out there. I was never one of those women who hid behind my hair. I'm beautiful inside and out but my hair doesn't make me. I don't make it the measurign scale for whether I'm pretty or not. Shoot...my beauty is even more obvious, since my hair isn't pulling my face down. :-0)

When I cut my hair she could not believe it. She couldn't understand how I could cut my hair. It's as if it will never grow back. Don't get me wrong, long hair is beautiful (only if it's healthy). I get so tired of seeing women with long, thin unhealthy hair. It's like, cut it already. Anyway Good luck!
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thank you all so much, i feel much better today. I will just start over, I mean some of the extra hair needed to come off, I just need to play with the style a little more, its not like I havent been here before. So I am off to by a new fall. I will fake it until I make it.
Oh...**hugs** I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm so scared to go to a stylist for a cut...but sooner or later I'm gonna have to. Keep you head up.