I Have a "THING" For Barbers...


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds totally ridiculous. My last few love interests have been barbers. Barbers are usually sexy and very meticulous about their appearance...I think this is why I am so attracted to them. It's bad though because my off time is their peak time...it never works out or ends up being a matter of convenience.

I don't know if it's coincidence or if I'm drawn to men in that profession. I've noticed that I have friends that tend to stick to men in certain professions...realtors, policemen, businessmen...

My grandaddy was a barber...wonder if there's any correlation...

Are you drawn to men in a certain profession?
I know it sounds totally ridiculous. My last few love interests have been barbers. Barbers are usually sexy and very meticulous about their appearance...I think this is why I am so attracted to them. It's bad though because my off time is their peak time...it never works out or ends up being a matter of convenience.

OOOOOHHH, I am in love :love: with a barber too. They are very meticulous about how they look, except for mine when it comes to the mani/pedi:ohwell:.....but he has the softest feet naturally, so I guess its kinda okay. When he becomes my DH I'm gonna get him into a pedi regimen and read to him page by page the Nail Polish Fanatics Posts:lachen:

Oh, and that work schedule is so tiresome! They are always getting money on Friday and Saturday, all day long! :sad: That is when the best couple events are going on (park festivals, parades, etc) so it can get kinda lonely. I keep a steady group of friends around to hang with, and I'm generally okay with being by myself, so it helps. Also, I get really into my fitness and personal interests, so its working for me right now.
OOOOOHHH, I am in love :love: with a barber too. They are very meticulous about how they look, except for mine when it comes to the mani/pedi:ohwell:.....but he has the softest feet naturally, so I guess its kinda okay. When he becomes my DH I'm gonna get him into a pedi regimen and read to him page by page the Nail Polish Fanatics Posts:lachen:

Oh, and that work schedule is so tiresome! They are always getting money on Friday and Saturday, all day long! :sad: That is when the best couple events are going on (park festivals, parades, etc) so it can get kinda lonely. I keep a steady group of friends around to hang with, and I'm generally okay with being by myself, so it helps. Also, I get really into my fitness and personal interests, so its working for me right now.


:yep: So you totally understand...the times where I wanna be all in his face is when he's practically sleeping standing up. I feel so bad that I always seem to get an attitude about it. I need to be more understanding but it's hard.
In my past life I seemed to get mixed up with a few...street pharmacists...eh hem...I know, SOOO terrible. :nono: I am reformed. :ohwell: They just had that swag that I just...had a hard time resisting at times.

Anywho, I have matured and as of late my last few crushes have been police officers. Whew, something about that uniform and those toned bodies. :lick: I work with them a lot so I see a lot of nice looking ones on a daily basis but I just look. :sekret: I don't cross the professional/personal line, and the one I did date was before I started my current job.
just dropping in to laugh at the one star bandit..... goodness.

lemme shutup b4 my threads get branded.:lachen:
i have a think for firemen
military men:lachen:
something about them turns me on i feel that im safe when im around them they are sooooooo sexy:lick:

i havent dated one though:wallbash:
I have a thing for guys who wear glasses. :look:
There is this one guy I know I get butterflies for, can barely look him in the eye...but he's married with two kids. :ohwell:
just dropping in to laugh at the one star bandit..... goodness.

lemme shutup b4 my threads get branded.:lachen:

your hair has really grown!:yep:

To the OP, no I dont think I'm attracted to men in a particular profession. But I do see how a guy in a uniform can be appealing.
Musicians and singers...I'm also a musician/singer so I guess it's also to do with the fact that I'm always around them :yep:.
In my past life I seemed to get mixed up with a few...street pharmacists...eh hem...I know, SOOO terrible. :nono: I am reformed. :ohwell: They just had that swag that I just...had a hard time resisting at times.

Anywho, I have matured and as of late my last few crushes have been police officers. Whew, something about that uniform and those toned bodies. :lick: I work with them a lot so I see a lot of nice looking ones on a daily basis but I just look. :sekret: I don't cross the professional/personal line, and the one I did date was before I started my current job.

I know what you mean...when I was younger I admired a few myself. I was always too chicken to mess with a street pharmacist for real though. I lived vicariously through my friends...

i have a think for firemen
military men:lachen:
something about them turns me on i feel that im safe when im around them they are sooooooo sexy:lick:

i havent dated one though:wallbash:

Girl, there's tons of men around here in uniform...go get yourself one. You deserve it. :grin:

I have a thing for guys who wear glasses. :look:
There is this one guy I know I get butterflies for, can barely look him in the eye...but he's married with two kids. :ohwell:

:ohwell: that sucks. Don't you hate it when that happens?

Musicians and singers...I'm also a musician/singer so I guess it's also to do with the fact that I'm always around them :yep:.

I had a musician once before...that was awful. :lachen:
I had a musician once before...that was awful. :lachen:

Oh, woops! Sorry to hear that. My first boyfriend owned his own studio, but he turned out to be a complete and utter freakin' psycho :nuts: and last time I heard from him, he said he was going back to Monserrat for good ...I really hope he has. :skitzo: He had ISSUES.

My current partner and I met in the 'crazy guys' studio. Actually, the 'crazy guy' put my SO on a song of mine as a remix without telling me...it was supposed to be a suprise :look:, so I heard his voice before I saw him.

Em, my SO has issues too :rolleyes:.
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Oh, woops! Sorry to hear that. My first boyfriend owned his own studio, but he turned out to be a complete and utter freakin' psycho :nuts: and last time I heard from him, he said he was going back to Monserrat for good ...I really hope he has. :skitzo: He had ISSUES.

My current partner and I met in the 'crazy guys' studio. Actually, the 'crazy guy' put my SO on a song of mine as a remix without telling me...it was supposed to be a suprise :look:, so I heard his voice before I saw him.

Em, my SO has issues too :rolleyes:.

Ohhh, that is soooo romantic! Did he look like he sounded?
Ohhh, that is soooo romantic! Did he look like he sounded?

:lachen:Right... bare in mind I was 18, but to me he sounded like he was in his 40's :look:.
Turned out he was in his late 20's :nono:.
He looked older than this however when I met him, but I've ALWAYS had a thing for older guys anyway.
I didn't intend on starting anything, but he just kept pushing so I gave in.
I work in a bldg between my City's Police Academy, Police Headquarters, Fire Academy and the Fire Dept. Headquarters...I see firemen and policemen all day :lick:...so I know what y'all mean. Even the older ones look yummy sometimes. :lachen:
I work in a bldg between my City's Police Academy, Police Headquarters, Fire Academy and the Fire Dept. Headquarters...I see firemen and policemen all day :lick:...so I know what y'all mean. Even the older ones look yummy sometimes. :lachen:
I'm downtown too!

I talked to a barber once! You ain't NEVER lied about them keeping their cuts FRESH! WHOOO! I have three boys, so I used to STAY in the Barbershop. Usually one of very few females in the shop. The things I would hear! But I stopped going....Those were the days.
I'm downtown too!

I talked to a barber once! You ain't NEVER lied about them keeping their cuts FRESH! WHOOO! I have three boys, so I used to STAY in the Barbershop. Usually one of very few females in the shop. The things I would hear! But I stopped going....Those were the days.

LOL...small world!!! We're bound to meet one of these days!

BTW...barbers do eyebrows you know...
I'm drawn to military men. I mainly like the look and discipline of soldiers and marines. I come from a miliary family so I have grown up seeing them all my life. I like the way that they carry themselves, and most of them seem to have very good manners.
I met a really sexy assistant principal today. You know, brotha from the hood who goes back to the school he grew up in to help the kids in his neighborhood stay on the right track.... His level of caring for those kids and the way he kept them in line was really, REALLY sexy. :lick:
I have a thing for guys who wear glasses. :look:
There is this one guy I know I get butterflies for, can barely look him in the eye...but he's married with two kids. :ohwell:

Cosigning. Glasses and librarians. Throw in an accent and I'm done.