A certain 'type'

I just took that quick test..I'm definitely a negotiator. And oddly enough, most of the men I've dated have been Directors (which has conflicted with my other side which likes to rebel against controlling types).

As far as type, there's two who I consistently fall for/and approach me---the athletic, jock types, very manly and traditional,professional....and the artistic,spiritual, intellectual vegan type. I wish I could meet someone who is a combo.

according to the test i'm a explorer-director-negotiator
^^^^d,i thought i was the only one who felt this way, where are the renaissance men:sad: no wonder i have such a hard time dating men.

i just requested for this book to be adapted for kindle on amazon, i hope they do it soon.:yep:
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I like light skinned men with naturally curly 3a/3b type hair - the "alpha" male. I also like outgoing, friendly & charismatic men.
It's an insightful read... I was telling you about it at one of the meetups.
It really helped to shed light on my relationships w/people and help me to understand people's personalities a bit better.
It's an insightful read... I was telling you about it at one of the meetups.
It really helped to shed light on my relationships w/people and help me to understand people's personalities a bit better.

yeah i remember we talked about it:yep:.....i haven't gotten the book yet though cause i haven't had time to date or meet gentleman.
I know what I accept, what I respect, and what I don't.
I don't have any particular look or profession in mind.
I don't do short, fat, underbites, or bald, looks-wise, but that leaves endless combinations available.

In general, I get on with serious, positive people. I don't care for nervous or high-strung personalities.

I'm not just old-fashioned, I'm old-world.
I always think well of polite people, and I admire excellent table-manners. I don't like crude, frat-house humor, but otherwise, I can laugh at just about anything.
I took the more detailed test on Chemistry.com and got Negotiator-Director. That's definitely me to a T and most of the guys I'm drawn to are more Director types with an Explorer streak lol.

Physically as long as he's taller than me (I'm 5'3 1/2), in reasonable shape, is clearly masculine and isn't bald but doesn't have more hair on his head than I do I'm good. Other than that appearance doesn't really matter to me. I have my preferences otherwise but I'm drawn to so many different things I'd feel funny listing them all.
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up until my soph year of college, he was: 5'10ish, brown skin, football player build, outgoing/friendly, funny, and smart (just knowledgable).

now my type is: intelligent, passionate, has a sense of humor, ambitious, hardworking, caring, and has a deep obligation to help and improve his community. physically, not much of a preference, except the he be solid/bigger than me.
i didn't really have a type when I was younger (I sooooo wish I could go back to that)....my type now is tall, dark (skin or hair and eyes), skinny, outgoing, hardworking, and down to earth....
I used to be attracted to macho, blue collar ya-dudes, guys who were a-holes to everyone else, but kinda nice to me. I am just coming to terms with the effedupedness of that now. I met someone who is nice I mean a genuinely good guy. I am not sure what to do with him, but I am realizing that this is what I have needed in my life along. I am very masculine and he has a softer side and we compliment each other.
Most of my men have been white, light or brown-skinned, 5'10 to 6'2, educated and business minded like me. Anything else I usually pat my behind to. lol
My type for a long time used to be light or brown skinned too with curly or wavy hair, light brown eyes. Basically pretty boy type and I still gravitate towards that. I remember telling my mum that and she said, well that's basically your father. When I was growing up, I remember thinking my dad is so good looking. I was a daddy's girl until he started getting on my nerves during my teens. We're good now. I deviated from that type once. I seem to be on that track again but they seem to gravitate towards me too.
Interesting thread, Britt, I almost didn't look in. My type has pretty much always been the same. When I was a little girl in church, there was a a drawing of brown-skinned couple with their kids on the back of the little church fans they gave out, lol. I told my mother, quite confidently iirc, That's what I want my family to look like. So, that's my type: brown-skinned or darker, 5'8"-5'10", somewhat athletic but not overly so, extremely intellectual/ nerdy, traditional family values, spiritual but not religious. Every guy I ever dated, except my 'first' ;) fit that mold, and he only got past my radar cuz he was funny. :lol:

I took the quiz, I'm a Builder and my SO's a Director (I think). This is what it said (and it's absolutely, 100% true :yep:):
Builder-Director. Both types are emotionally contained and value persistence, calm and order. However, both like to be in control, leading to potential conflict. Also, the Director’s boldness and self-reliance may clash with the Builder’s cautious nature.

Advice for Builder-Director pairs: Focus on mutual goals. The Director’s ambition, combined with the Builder’s planning skills and social network, can make for a comfortable home and stature in the community.
I am attracted to guys about 5'11'' - 6'4", athletic (toned. not skinny. not big. ), Broad shoulders. They've ranged from a strawberry blonde brooder to a dark chocolate kiss lol. I like funny, intelligent, caring men.

My father has those traits and build...

I didn't notice that I had a "type" until this year.