I Have A Huge Crush On This Guy

Why not "happen" to swing by his department every so often. :yep:


When I have a crush, I show up lots of places by accident...

  • got lost and can't find my way.....
  • thought my friend worked on this floor....
  • was daydreaming and accidentally took the elevator up there....
  • was curious to know about the companies/orgs on that floor...
  • just curious what was up there because I'd never been before...

When I have a crush, I show up lots of places by accident...

  • got lost and can't find my way.....
  • thought my friend worked on this floor....
  • was daydreaming and accidentally took the elevator up there....
  • was curious to know about the companies/orgs on that floor...
  • just curious what was up there because I'd never been before...

Good ones!

Play it off with a little...

"What, this is 16? I thought the layout was strange, I meant to go to 17. Must have pressed the wrong button. Sooooo How about those Mets?" :lol:
Do not leave a note girl! I am on team ""LEAVE no evidence" lol. Don't give him anything that he can show his friends at work or have them listen to LOL
Note = stalker. Imagine the situation in reverse.

Just talk to him. Ask him about his basketball bracket or something.
White guys are often usually more flirty than forward. They'll speak in double entendres trying to feel you out. Some of them have been rejected by BW in the past and so can be a bit more hesitant. That and they have a tendency to be less in your face in general.

Does he flirt?
Is his head tilted to the side when he talks to you?
Does he constantly try to make eye contact and smile?

Those things will tell you quite a bit.

nysister this is like the white man whisperer. :lol: y'all are on it!
op since you've already got advice i wanted to mention that you reminded me of the suriprise follower thread with the note on the car idea.
So, yall don't have a cafeteria/social hour or something? I'm sure that you probably know some of his friends if you looked hard enough.

Yes we do have a cafeteria but no social hour, and people take lunch at different hrs throughout the day.

We work in separate divisions so I really don't know any of his friends or colleagues. I'd rather talk to him myself though, not getting any extra people involved, lol.

When I have a crush, I show up lots of places by accident...

  • got lost and can't find my way.....
  • thought my friend worked on this floor....
  • was daydreaming and accidentally took the elevator up there....
  • was curious to know about the companies/orgs on that floor...
  • just curious what was up there because I'd never been before...

Lol! Barbie you just gave me an idea!!:lol: