I Have A Huge Crush On This Guy


Well-Known Member
That I work with..well we work for the same company in the same building but in different divisions within the organization. So my little dilemma is that he's white and while I've had white men approach me out in social settings, I have very little dating experience with them.

Some things I've figured out about him: he's in his 20s, not married, went to Fordham, drives an Impala (tells me something about his personality, lol).

Anyway i see I'm occasionally in the caf or parking lot (I saw/felt him staring at me the other day) and today I happened to be parked right next to him..I wanna leave a note, lol!

Ugh what to do what to do! For those that are experienced with WM please chime in!
I don't have experience with dating white men but what i have noticed is that they are far less forward than black men. If he were black, he would have gotten your number by now.lol. But yea, maybe you could try striking up a conversation with him one day and maybe that could lead to exchanging phone numbers.
That I work with..well we work for the same company in the same building but in different divisions within the organization. So my little dilemma is that he's white and while I've had white men approach me out in social settings, I have very little dating experience with them.

Some things I've figured out about him: he's in his 20s, not married, went to Fordham, drives an Impala (tells me something about his personality, lol).

Anyway i see I'm occasionally in the caf or parking lot (I saw/felt him staring at me the other day) and today I happened to be parked right next to him..I wanna leave a note, lol!

Ugh what to do what to do! For those that are experienced with WM please chime in!

Don't leave a note! Notes on cars are weird! Just talk to him. Find out more about what he likes. If he opens up to you more and seeks to speak to you he's interested. If he pulls away then perhaps not, but give him opportunities to talk make him want to talk about himself. Few guys can pass that up.
White guys are often usually more flirty than forward. They'll speak in double entendres trying to feel you out. Some of them have been rejected by BW in the past and so can be a bit more hesitant. That and they have a tendency to be less in your face in general.

Does he flirt?
Is his head tilted to the side when he talks to you?
Does he constantly try to make eye contact and smile?

Those things will tell you quite a bit.
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Have you even said hello to him? Good Morning? I agree with one of the previous posters. Start with hello and small talk if you are in close enough proximity. If he isn't close enough and he looks your way just smile and still say good morning even if he can't hear you. Then let it progress from there. You do want to have a general conversation before exchanging numbers.
yea i think you're overthinking this. He's a man, just be friendly and get to know him and if he's interested it should be fairly obvious. I dont think blunt approaches are the best when youre working with someone. It could lead to a lot of trouble and awkwardness. And this may be something he's strongly against (dating in the workplace).
Imagine his face and his features turned really tanned and if you wouldnt find hin attractive as a black man you arent allowed to date him. For the good of global positive Negro images, any potential white man you date has to be atypically good looking. Sorry to have to break the news to you but I think it's best if we were all on the same page about this.
Imagine his face and his features turned really tanned and if you wouldnt find hin attractive as a black man you arent allowed to date him. For the good of global positive Negro images, any potential white man you date has to be atypically good looking. Sorry to have to break the news to you but I think it's best if we were all on the same page about this.

:lachen::dighole::lachen: It's the paper bag test in reverse!

I need a t-shirt that says that. Glad my hubby passed. ROFL
That's funny. I had a black friend tell me that about DH when we started dating (DH is not super good looking but I love him just the same, and we've been married for 16 years). I've had other people look at us,then back at him, then smirk at me. It's a silly thing, I think. If you are attracted to him, painting him GREEN in your mind won't affect what you feel.
Ironically, I'm having the same problem. Advice I've gotten from my friends so far is just to talk to him casually, see how he responds to you. Make sure you look nice when you do talk to him, so you can stand out in a good way. Also confidence is key. When I first talked to my white guy crush I was so shy! And guys don't generally like that. Be confident and most of all be friendly.
Imagine his face and his features turned really tanned and if you wouldnt find hin attractive as a black man you arent allowed to date him. For the good of global positive Negro images, any potential white man you date has to be atypically good looking. Sorry to have to break the news to you but I think it's best if we were all on the same page about this.

Lol..sad but true..he is good looking though, slanted eyes with a gorgoeus head of hair. I noticed his hair first, LHCF would be proud, lol.
Race should not affect how you approach this situation. Tailoring how you act towards him simply because he's white will not be the honest way to go about it. You'd be putting on a front. Good luck and just be yourself.
Don't leave a note, lol.

Make sure you look on point at all times so that he can see the real you. Then talk to him, so that you can see the real him.
Race should not affect how you approach this situation. Tailoring how you act towards him simply because he's white will not be the honest way to go about it. You'd be putting on a front. Good luck and just be yourself.

Well this is a new experience for me as I typically only date black men.. Plus the fact that this is at work makes it a bit more challenging (I work in corporate and my work personality/attire is strictly professional). Now I've had white men approach me, buy me drinks, etc but um that's as far as it has ever gone. Wait, I dated an Italian boy when I was 13..but that doesn't count, lol..
You get him like you would any other man (regardless of race).

Someone commented that WM aren't as forward as BM. I disagree. If a man wants you, and is sure that you want him too, he will approach you.

He might feel the same about you but may not be sure if you're interested. So just give him "the look" from time to time and smile. That always seems to work.
So, yall don't have a cafeteria/social hour or something? I'm sure that you probably know some of his friends if you looked hard enough.