I hate my (hood) dryer


New Member
For those who rollerset and dry under the hood

In several posts, I have often read sentences such as " I hate sitting under the dryer". And I have probably written such statement myself.
But those dryers are tools made available to help us in our haircare ......and some recent psots have shown that they could improve a lot our life

So I would me interested by sharing your point of view:

- if you hate being under the dryer, could you explain why (for example too long, too hot, too noisy, not enough space to move, .......) ?
- if you do not hate being under the dryer, could you share how you spend the time under the dryer and what makes that you do not consider that time as lost

In both cases, it would be helpful for the analysis if you indicate what size of rollers, what type of dryer you use, how long you need sitting under and at which temperature you dry.
Too hot
Too time consuming
Too boring
Too restricting

I use medium size rollers, I now just roller set and let my hair air dry, that way I have the freedom to do other things whilst my hair is drying rather than being bored stiff sitting under the dryer for 2 hours.

I do find my dryer useful for my deep conditioning treatments though (with plastic cap), as I only have to sit under it for 20 mins so that is more bearable.
I used to complain because it was not hot enough and not fast enough.
My new dryer is not AND it's fast, so I'm cool...even for the long drying time.

I am currently using mostly 2 inch rollers. I am not sitting under the dryer for 1.5 hours, but I think that time will be shaved down when I start using my 2.5 inch rollers. I'm close to shoulder length.
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Too hot
Too long
Too bored with sitting still so long

Sitting under the dryer for 2+ hours is just plain torture sometimes.
Bonjour Albane,

Too restricting

As you know, I've been using an Ionic soft bonnet, with 3" magnetic rollers. I do want to try the mesh rollers which I'm going to order from that website you pm'd me from France. By the way, thank you sooo much.

I just can't sit still that long without getting up or at least being able to move forward and back and around a bit. With the soft bonnet I can get up and walk around, sit cross legged on my couch, surf the internet on my lap top etc...

When I tried sitting under the hood dryer, I always emerged in very foul mood. Even though I would try to find things to read, sleep, write in my journal etc...

Au revoir
albane said:
- if you do not hate being under the dryer, could you share how you spend the time under the dryer and what makes that you do not consider that time as lost

In both cases, it would be helpful for the analysis if you indicate what size of rollers, what type of dryer you use, how long you need sitting under and at which temperature you dry.

When at home, I use a soft bonnet dryer. I play games on my computer (The Sims, Sim City Rush Hour, Mah Jong, Emulator, etc.) and play around in Photoshop 7 and look at stuff online. At home, I'm under the dryer for 1.5-2 hours and it goes by quickly with so many things to do on a computer.

At the salon (hard bonnet dryer), I read my textbooks or watch TV. I'm under the dryer for 45-60 minutes.

In both cases, I use silver and purple rollers. I'm not sure of their size.
Since I recently bought my ION hard bonnet dryer, I love sitting under it to:

Post on LHCF
Read a good book
Watch a great movie on cable or DVD
I plan ahead and it makes drying time a breeze (no pun intended!).

I dry only on the cool setting which works like airdrying. So far, it takes about 3 hours using 3" rollers. I'm still trying this and that to see what works best for me.
Time goes faster now cause I sit under the dryer while I'm on the computer.
Or Watch TV with closed caption.
It doesn't matter.......sitting under the dryer is a pain......In fact, drying hair period is a pain..........2 hours really is not a lot of time but 2 hours sitting still is torture!!!!!! :wallbash:
Gigi, Simcha

Frankly I do not know, because when I am under the dryer I am not able to do anything else

As for me, the definition of Simcha is a perfect one = too restricting
I dream of a much wider dryer which could accomodate very large sets or 3 inches rollers
GiGi said:
How are you ladies positioning the hard bonnet dryers while at the computer? Thanks.
I set mine up on a rolling cart behind my computer chair. It's great.
GiGi said:
How are you ladies positioning the hard bonnet dryers while at the computer? Thanks.
I get a folding dinner tray table and set that up right behind my computer chair and put the dryer on it.
My dryer is:

Not hot ENOUGH! THErefore even though I sit under the dryer for 45 minutes, my hair is STILL a bit damp...in other words, not crispy dry. (haha)

IT's BORING! I can read my books and catch up on school work, but who wants to do that for 45 minutes while you're isolated from everyone else?

I hate that it's so noisy too. I try to watch tv, but I end up putting the volume up so loud because I can't hear it under the dryer. I almost wish I had earphones for the tv! LOL*

It's just sooo boring.... (Snore) Roller setting at the salon is no biggie. BUt something about sitting under the dryer at home is just so boring! PLus, I can think of a million things to do other than sit under the dryer. Yet, I don't want to be walking around the house with curlers in my hair for 2 hours either. *sigh* But, I do realize that my hair looks the BEST when it is roller set under the dryer. Plus, I think it's healthier on my hair than blowdrying, even though blowdrying is faster.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
My dryer is:

Not hot ENOUGH! THErefore even though I sit under the dryer for 45 minutes, my hair is STILL a bit damp...in other words, not crispy dry. (haha)

IT's BORING! I can read my books and catch up on school work, but who wants to do that for 45 minutes while you're isolated from everyone else?

I hate that it's so noisy too. I try to watch tv, but I end up putting the volume up so loud because I can't hear it under the dryer. I almost wish I had earphones for the tv! LOL*

It's just sooo boring.... (Snore) Roller setting at the salon is no biggie. BUt something about sitting under the dryer at home is just so boring! PLus, I can think of a million things to do other than sit under the dryer. Yet, I don't want to be walking around the house with curlers in my hair for 2 hours either. *sigh* But, I do realize that my hair looks the BEST when it is roller set under the dryer. Plus, I think it's healthier on my hair than blowdrying, even though blowdrying is faster.
I look for ways to have fun while sitting under the dryer, like reading books, watching a movie (one can usually get headphones for the TV) and posting on LHCF. Time will go by so fast.
I usually don't mind sitting under the dryer. In the past, I have used that time to give myself a manicure, read a book, go through my organizer or write in my journal.
I love my hooded dryer! I have the Jilbere 1875 watt one, and I use purple rollers (I like my rollersets curly, so I can wear it like that, then wrap it to be straight a few days later). I'm like balletbun...I usually do my nails or read a book. Playing on the computer passes time quickly, too. I have a laptop so it's not that difficult :)

I don't mind sitting under the dryer at all. I have an Ion and I set it up on my kitchen table or couch and just watch tv or read. The time goes by quickly, and if necessary I take little breaks. I use large, gray rollers and I usually sit under there for about an hour and a half.
It is not that I hate sitting under my dryer, it is just that my Mom's dryer dries faster and more evenly than mine. She has a Lady Dazey that is at least 10 years old and my Hot Tools is only 1 year 1 month old. When I go home, I am going to trade out.
I actually love sitting under my dryer (you know I never once thought about watching my TV on the close captioned setting! What a great idea!) because it's the only time in my house (I live with TWO men :rolleyes: ) that no one is harassing me. If they do, I pretend I can't hear them! :lol:
I have wireless internet on my laptop, so I can sit for 2 plus hours with no cords and surf the web. I love it! I also catch up on pleasure reading, pay bills and organize my life (make to do lists and stuff)....something about doing my hair makes me very productive for some reason...LOL! I'm always in the mood to do adminstrative housekeeping when I'm under the dryer.... :)

And it's guaranteed "me time" because my boys don't like the noise of the dryer, or how hot it makes the room, so they give me three feet. :D

I use a Lady Dazy (?) hard bonnet and large grey rollers. I'm considering getting the black ones. I'm about 4 inches past shoulder length (now that I have my handy T-shirt from DSD, I know exactly how long it is! :) )...

The ONLY thing I DON'T like, is that I'm never truly comfortable under my hard bonnet. I don't have the optimal situation for it - there are no tables in my house really - and so I have to use my ironing board, which takes some maneuvering to get into position. It's just kind of a production to get it set up, and that's annoying. :ohwell: I want to get a Pibbs kind (or something like it) that has it's own stand, so that I can just fire that sucker up when I'm ready! :)
I think the worst thing I hate about doing my OWN hair in a roller set, is actually ROLLER setting my hair. I think I've come to the realization that it's not so much the DRYER I don't like (although I WISH it were a bit hotter), but more so the LONG process of roller setting my hair in rollers that I HATE with a passion.

My arms always get SOOO tired and fatigued. :-/ It takes SOOO long. Plus, my hair dries out in the back while I'm rolling the front, so I have to continue spritzing it with water and setting lotion. ughghgh!!! I hate it! I'd MUCH rather have my hair roller set at the salon. :-(
Crystalicequeen123 said:
I think the worst thing I hate about doing my OWN hair in a roller set, is actually ROLLER setting my hair. I think I've come to the realization that it's not so much the DRYER I don't like (although I WISH it were a bit hotter), but more so the LONG process of roller setting my hair in rollers that I HATE with a passion.

My arms always get SOOO tired and fatigued. :-/ It takes SOOO long. Plus, my hair dries out in the back while I'm rolling the front, so I have to continue spritzing it with water and setting lotion. ughghgh!!! I hate it! I'd MUCH rather have my hair roller set at the salon. :-(

I agree, don't mind the dryer so much as the actual ROLLING of my own hair, especially as my new growth comes and the time required to detangle -- I don't mind so much during the first 4 weeks after touchup, but beyond that, it does get a bit tedious. AND, now that my hair is growing my arms get tireder and tireder what with stretching way out each time to put the rollers on (I know this is good complaint!).

As for the dryer, I usually don't have a problem being a consumate "lazy" who would rather read a book than do almost anything else (almost!) I usually have books lined up for days and my 3 hours under goes by really fast. I sometimes setup at the computer to do work if needed, but I usually just read. I also put an extra cushion on my chair to help with the stiff behind syndome. . .
my only issue is the length of time i have to spend under the dryer. i have a salon-style dryer on casters. but i set it up in the basement and who wants to hang out down there? it's fine when i have a book to read, but i also have a 3 year old,so i'm constantly getting out from under the dryer to deal with him....which, of course, lengthens my drying time.
Neroli said:
I agree, don't mind the dryer so much as the actual ROLLING of my own hair, especially as my new growth comes and the time required to detangle -- I don't mind so much during the first 4 weeks after touchup, but beyond that, it does get a bit tedious. AND, now that my hair is growing my arms get tireder and tireder what with stretching way out each time to put the rollers on (I know this is good complaint!).

As for the dryer, I usually don't have a problem being a consumate "lazy" who would rather read a book than do almost anything else (almost!) I usually have books lined up for days and my 3 hours under goes by really fast. I sometimes setup at the computer to do work if needed, but I usually just read. I also put an extra cushion on my chair to help with the stiff behind syndome. . .
Yeah, the stiff behind syndrome. :lol: I use an extra pillow or cushion too, I make sure I'm very comfortable!