I HATE my hair!!


Hello Everyone,
I washed my hair this afternoon and decided to try doing a rollerset, HATED IT!! I am around 5 weeks post, have newgrowth and just feel like my hair is so damaged that I should just cut it off. Have you ever felt like this? If so, what did you do?
Aww I'm sorry you feel like that:sad:....but no I have never wanted or gotten mad enough to cut my hair off!!....I say just hang in there it will get better!:yep:...It has beeen plenty of styles that I've tried hoping it would of came out like the other girls ( esp..PS..some just dont look right on my hair)...FRUSTRATED AS WHAT!!:wallbash:..But I didnt give up......once you learn what styles work on your hair then it all comes together...promise!!:yep:

BTW...Rollersets takes TIME to master...give it a go again and again before throwing in the towel.


Yes I have gotten so frustrated with my hair that I chopped half of it off. I was in high freshman at the time with some seriously overprocessed and damaged hair. I had home done motions relaxer that my aunt put over previously relxed hair, bleach blond bangs my best friend did that were falling out when the wind blew. You don't have to cut all of your hair now(although I did). I would do a deep condition, trim and get some braided extensions. This way if you get the urge to chop off a bunch of hair you'll think twice because of the cost. You'll give your hair time to rest and meanwhile you can treat your new growth right. Good luck!
Thanks for reading.

Aww I'm sorry you feel like that:sad:....but no I have never wanted or gotten mad enough to cut my hair off!!....I say just hang in there it will get better!:yep:...It has beeen plenty of styles that I've tried hoping it would of came out like the other girls ( esp..PS..some just dont look right on my hair)...FRUSTRATED AS WHAT!!:wallbash:..But I didnt give up......once you learn what styles work on your hair then it all comes together...promise!!:yep:

BTW...Rollersets takes TIME to master...give it a go again and again before throwing in the towel.


Thanks for responding. That is a thought, maybe I should do braids or something. I will just have to make sure they don't braid too tight. Thanks for reading.

Yes I have gotten so frustrated with my hair that I chopped half of it off. I was in high freshman at the time with some seriously overprocessed and damaged hair. I had home done motions relaxer that my aunt put over previously relxed hair, bleach blond bangs my best friend did that were falling out when the wind blew. You don't have to cut all of your hair now(although I did). I would do a deep condition, trim and get some braided extensions. This way if you get the urge to chop off a bunch of hair you'll think twice because of the cost. You'll give your hair time to rest and meanwhile you can treat your new growth right. Good luck!
Dont Do It Girl! I regret cutting my hair everyday, I know that by now I will have been at a length that I would be happy with if I had of just took time to figure out what my hair really needed. Rollersets dont have to be perfect but you do need products that are going to make your hair look good once finished but you will get it I promise and one thing that I did to keep me on track is, even when my head looked a mess I made time to come home everyday a try again until I got it right and now so many people compliment my rollersets and I am so happy because I know it looks good before I leave home
I feel like this often (not the cutting thing but not being in love with my hair). Especially now that I'm almost 14 weeks post and my ends don't seem to be getting any thicker and with all the shrinkage it seems like I haven't made any progress at all. At times like those I just have to remind myself that's not true, that I've made great progress I just can't see it yet, then I pull my hair back in a phony pony and go about my day (looking forward to my next relaxer though).
I don't know what your budget is, but Macherieamour's rollersetting DVD was a lifesaver - (www.healthytextures.com). It was worth every penny. I also got my hair done @ the dom salon & mimicked their technique.

Don't cut it though - I regret cutting my "damaged" hair several inches before I found LHCF. Good luck, it'll get better!
Hello Everyone,
I washed my hair this afternoon and decided to try doing a rollerset, HATED IT!! I am around 5 weeks post, have newgrowth and just feel like my hair is so damaged that I should just cut it off. Have you ever felt like this? If so, what did you do?

Yes i do...After my rollers sometimes the hair looks and feels crazy...is not!!! just flat iron it
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the kind words, I really needed it. I am just rocking a phony pony now. I will do that this week and try again at another time.